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What do you say to your girlfriend when she is getting fat?

[Aug 16,2012 10:34am - Uh_nli  ""]
so I've been with my girl for a while now and we are living together. Over the past couple months she has been gaining a lot of weight though, I mean A LOT. totally not cool. what should I say to her to get her to shed off some porker pounds?
[Aug 16,2012 10:36am - arilliusbm ""]
This can't be the real Uh.
[Aug 16,2012 10:40am - Burnsy ""]
Start spiking her mocha frappacino's with hydroxycut.
[Aug 16,2012 10:41am - trioxin_245 ""]
I find the easiest way to give your gf orders is to use your open palm. A lot of dudes are using the backhand these days but I don't like it, it doesn't give you that satisfying 'SMACK' sound that the palm delivers.
[Aug 16,2012 10:44am - posbleak ""]

Uh_nli said:what should I say to her to get her to shed off some porker pounds?

"Hey, let's go for a run!"
[Aug 16,2012 10:44am - AndrewBastard ""]
just be like..."bitch. u b fat."
[Aug 16,2012 10:45am - xmikex ""]

posbleak said:
Uh_nli said:what should I say to her to get her to shed off some porker pounds?

"Hey, let's go for a run!"

[Aug 16,2012 10:46am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
go on a diet together and be more active by going for walks and hikes etc.
[Aug 16,2012 10:46am - trioxin_245 ""]
Honestly I would just find another gf. Not a fan of the fatties.
[Aug 16,2012 10:53am - eyeroller  ""]
Look at another girl and say, "Ooo, SHE'S skinny..." Then duck.
[Aug 16,2012 12:02pm - the_reverend ""]

xmikex said:
posbleak said:
Uh_nli said:what should I say to her to get her to shed off some porker pounds?

"Hey, let's go for a run!"


this isn't the real uh. but the "let's go for a run" works once.
Once will not make a girl skinny.
[Aug 16,2012 12:12pm - CurlyRed ""]
You should exercise with her.
[Aug 16,2012 12:12pm - Chernobyl ""]
"keep eating" - BobNOMAAMrooney
[Aug 16,2012 12:14pm - ark  ""]
if you don't wanna put in the time to change your diet and be active with her then just dump her and move on to the next one until she gets fat too.
[Aug 16,2012 12:14pm - posbleak ""]

the_reverend said:
this isn't the real uh. but the "let's go for a run" works once.
Once will not make a girl skinny.

People who won't keep up with it are doomed to be fat forever, just give up at that point
[Aug 16,2012 12:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Chernobyl said:"keep eating" - BobNOMAAMrooney

the_reverend said:ctrl+f, types "BobNOMAAMrooney"
closes thread.

[Aug 16,2012 12:49pm - xmikex ""]
The reality of any situation like this is that nobody is going to lose weight until they want to. And even then, everyone wants to be different but no one wants to change.

I dated a girl who was gaining weight because she was lazy and ate like shit. She would goto the gym and run her ass off on a treadmill for an hour and never see any results. I had a friend of mine, who works for a supplement company and as a personal trainer, draft up a multiple day workout program for her (for free). It was very specific in that you do the weights first THEN the cardio so you can have the energy to lift more. I went over the program with her and then headed to the gym where of course she makes a bee-line for the elliptical. Wrong. 90 minutes later she meets me at the free weights and complains about every single weight lifting and body weight exercise on the list deeming them all stupid, pointless, or too hard.

Fast forward to a couple years later. We're broken up. She's hanging out with cokeheads and the weight magically disappears. Her once a week appearance at a beginner yoga class is the reason given to me for the results.
[Aug 16,2012 12:54pm - AndrewBastard ""]

xmikex said:She's hanging out with cokeheads and the weight magically disappears.

i wish that happened to me :(

honestly if she was doing an hour on a treadmill (running not walking) a few days a week and wasnt dropping at least a little weight, that's weird. 'cause running is HOW YOU LOSE WEIGHT. at least it is when combined with not eating like a total shithead.
[Aug 16,2012 12:58pm - Burnsy ""]
Doing twenty minutes of cardio is a great warmup before lifting. 60-90 is way too much. Should be dedicating that kind of time for a strictly cardio workout.
[Aug 16,2012 1:23pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Post before and after pictures of her so I can evaluate her girth.
[Aug 16,2012 1:28pm - trioxin_245 ""]

xmikex said:The reality of any situation like this is that nobody is going to lose weight until they want to. And even then, everyone wants to be different but no one wants to change.

I dated a girl who was gaining weight because she was lazy and ate like shit. She would goto the gym and run her ass off on a treadmill for an hour and never see any results. I had a friend of mine, who works for a supplement company and as a personal trainer, draft up a multiple day workout program for her (for free). It was very specific in that you do the weights first THEN the cardio so you can have the energy to lift more. I went over the program with her and then headed to the gym where of course she makes a bee-line for the elliptical. Wrong. 90 minutes later she meets me at the free weights and complains about every single weight lifting and body weight exercise on the list deeming them all stupid, pointless, or too hard.

Fast forward to a couple years later. We're broken up. She's hanging out with cokeheads and the weight magically disappears. Her once a week appearance at a beginner yoga class is the reason given to me for the results.

are you talking about Peggy Bundy? bitch wuz CRAYZEE about you haha
[Aug 16,2012 1:48pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Aug 16,2012 2:00pm - Samantha ""]

Uh_nli said:so I've been with my girl for a while now and we are living together. Over the past couple months she has been gaining a lot of weight though, I mean A LOT. totally not cool. what should I say to her to get her to shed off some porker pounds?

Partake in intimate relations on a regular basis. It will be an excellent exercise program for both of you.
[Aug 16,2012 2:08pm - Burnsy ""]

Samantha said:
Partake in intimate relations on a regular basis. It will be an excellent exercise program for both of you.

[Aug 16,2012 2:16pm - the_reverend ""]
no, trust me on this, you can bang 5 times a day for like 9 months and the girl will just keep getting fatter and fatter. I think you are mistaken cause just like Olympic Gymnasts, she will stop getting her period.
[Aug 16,2012 2:18pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Burnsy said:
Samantha said:
Partake in intimate relations on a regular basis. It will be an excellent exercise program for both of you.


[Aug 16,2012 2:19pm - Burnsy ""]

Good calorie burning for the girl to ride the beef bugle.
[Aug 16,2012 2:31pm - posbleak ""]
Girl-on-top is awesome for your quads, though
[Aug 16,2012 2:37pm - chernobyl ""]
my ex from a few years ago used to say that sex is great exercise. I would have to agree to an extent depending on how aggressive it is.
[Aug 16,2012 2:39pm - AndrewBastard ""]
its good for your heart cause it really gets your blood flowing and heart pumping but unless youre fucking for like 25+ minutes its prob not really burning that many calories.
[Aug 16,2012 2:40pm - Eurolymius  ""]
The Sex Diet is the latest Hollywood craze. Just buy her some tabloids and watch her self esteem disintegrate. It worked for me.
[Aug 16,2012 2:40pm - posbleak ""]

AndrewBastard said:unless youre fucking for like 25+ minutes

[Aug 16,2012 2:42pm - Spence ""]
Have sex with her more, burns a shitload of calories.
[Aug 16,2012 2:43pm - Burnsy ""]
Is that in response to me? Cuz I know that, that's what I was saying haha.
[Aug 16,2012 2:44pm - AndrewBastard ""]
"Having Sex: 144+ calories per half-hour"

source: http://www.womansday.com/sex-relationships...8-sexy-ways-to-burn-calories-110923
[Aug 16,2012 2:44pm - AndrewBastard ""]
most people realistically probably fuck for like 10-15 mins so thats 72 calories give or take... which aint shit.
[Aug 16,2012 2:45pm - AndrewBastard ""]
granted you usually do it 2 or 3 times in a night...
[Aug 16,2012 2:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 16,2012 2:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
Having sex for 15 minutes is a quickie. I prefer long sessions, although thats not necessarily the case all the time.
Also, Becky is this shit. It's ashame anyone would troll her like this if thats the case.
[Aug 16,2012 2:55pm - trioxin245 ""]
this thread got gross fast.
[Aug 16,2012 3:09pm - the_reverend ""]

AndrewBastard said:granted you usually do it 2 or 3 times in a night...
poor slar's butthole is poor.
[Aug 16,2012 3:41pm - xmikex ""]

AndrewBastard said:
honestly if she was doing an hour on a treadmill (running not walking) a few days a week and wasnt dropping at least a little weight, that's weird. 'cause running is HOW YOU LOSE WEIGHT. at least it is when combined with not eating like a total shithead.

Without getting into a srs discussion on metabolics if something doesn't work, you try something else. If 90 minutes on the treadmill gets you zero pounds lost why are you blowing 90 minutes on a treadmill? And if you're not willing to get out of your comfort zone you deserve to toil in shitty results.
[Aug 16,2012 3:42pm - Samantha ""]

AndrewBastard said:"Having Sex: 144+ calories per half-hour"

source: http://www.womansday.com/sex-relationships/sex-tips/8-sexy-ways-to-burn-calories-110923

So, for every hour of sexercise, one can eat half a pint of Ben & Jerry's without gaining any weight... seems legit.
[Aug 16,2012 3:43pm - chernobyl ""]
The idea of a woman being penetrated by a cock (or my cock) just gives me an erection. Plain and simple.
[Aug 16,2012 3:52pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

Samantha said:
AndrewBastard said:"Having Sex: 144+ calories per half-hour"

source: http://www.womansday.com/sex-relationships/sex-tips/8-sexy-ways-to-burn-calories-110923

So, for every hour of sexercise, one can eat half a pint of Ben & Jerry's without gaining any weight... seems legit.

Alternately, during every hour of fucking a woman should consume a pint of Ben & Jerry's.
[Aug 16,2012 3:53pm - chernobyl ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:
Samantha said:
AndrewBastard said:"Having Sex: 144+ calories per half-hour"

source: http://www.womansday.com/sex-relationships/sex-tips/8-sexy-ways-to-burn-calories-110923

So, for every hour of sexercise, one can eat half a pint of Ben & Jerry's without gaining any weight... seems legit.

Alternately, during every hour of fucking a woman should consume a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

You're a sick fuck.
[Aug 16,2012 4:11pm - Alx_Casket ""]

chernobyl said:
BobNOMAAMRooney%20nli said:
Alternately, during every hour of fucking a woman should consume a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

You're a sick fuck.

[Aug 16,2012 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]

chernobyl said:The idea of a woman being penetrated by a cock (or my cock) just gives me an erection. Plain and simple.
So then you gain a little weight.. right?
[Aug 16,2012 4:56pm - quintessence ""]
I play basketball at the rec center against dudes 10 years younger than me for sometimes 2 hours twice a week. It seems to keep the pounds off. Also I eat like total shit and rarely do drugs anymore.
[Aug 16,2012 4:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
Jealous. I want to ball again. LOVE playing.
[Aug 16,2012 5:57pm - chernobyl ""]

arilliusbm said:Jealous. I want to ball again. LOVE playing.

[Aug 16,2012 5:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, <3 playing bball.
You think I talk trash on rttp? Nigga you should hear me on the court
[Aug 16,2012 6:00pm - chernobyl ""]
I like soccer.
[Aug 16,2012 6:03pm - connisseur of questionable taste  ""]
I prefer a rousing game of polo followed by a cool down session of backgammon
[Aug 16,2012 8:53pm - Uh ""]
lol. Not me, but I'm honored someone would actually troll me.
[Aug 16,2012 8:55pm - chernobyl ""]

connisseur%20of%20questionable%20taste said:I prefer a rousing game of polo followed by a cool down session of backgammon

[Aug 16,2012 10:25pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

AndrewBastard said:
xmikex said:She's hanging out with cokeheads and the weight magically disappears.

i wish that happened to me :(

honestly if she was doing an hour on a treadmill (running not walking) a few days a week and wasnt dropping at least a little weight, that's weird. 'cause running is HOW YOU LOSE WEIGHT. at least it is when combined with not eating like a total shithead.

back when I was on the white line diet, I lost about 20 pounds. But i was also shitting blood, puking up this awful smelling chunky gray matter and...well, slowly rotting it seems.

God damn, I hate cocaine
[Aug 17,2012 3:20am - Hoser ""]
How about this:

"Hey babe, you're getting fat."

Stop beating 'round the bush, you pansy.
[Aug 17,2012 8:30am - the_reverend ""]
"Is it getting fat in here or is it just you?"
[Aug 17,2012 9:08am - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:Yea, <3 playing bball.
You think I talk trash on rttp? Nigga you should hear me on the court

RTTP 2 on 2 tournament before the end of the summer
[Aug 17,2012 9:20am - largefreakatzero ""]
I started adding cardio (treadmill) a few times a week prior to my weight training. Verdict: cardio suuuuuucks.
[Aug 17,2012 9:24am - MikeOv  ""]

xmikex said:
arilliusbm said:Yea, <3 playing bball.
You think I talk trash on rttp? Nigga you should hear me on the court

RTTP 2 on 2 tournament before the end of the summer

Count me in.
[Aug 17,2012 10:05am - trioxin245 ""]
I actually used to be pretty sick at basketball. I guarantee I'm absolutely horrible nowadays though.

Let's get a soccer game going fo' realziez
[Aug 17,2012 10:14am - Burnsy ""]
Fuck off nowadays Ross on the bball court.
[Aug 17,2012 10:15am - trioxin245 ""]

Burnsy said:Fuck off nowadays Ross on the bball court.

[Aug 17,2012 10:15am - arilliusbm ""]
Ross only plays Jetski polo now.
[Aug 17,2012 10:16am - the_reverend ""]

largefreakatzero said:I started adding cardio (treadmill) a few times a week prior to my weight training. Verdict: cardio suuuuuucks.
I get hella bored with it. I tried using and elliptical. I couldn't do it for more than 10 minutes. Killed me.
[Aug 17,2012 10:17am - Burnsy ""]
I'm like Muggsy Bogues if he didn't play basketball and was white.
[Aug 17,2012 10:18am - trioxin245 ""]
I tore a muscle in my shoulder about a week ago so the only excercise I'm getting these days is physical therapy.

[Aug 17,2012 10:22am - largefreakatzero ""]

the_reverend said:
largefreakatzero said:I started adding cardio (treadmill) a few times a week prior to my weight training. Verdict: cardio suuuuuucks.
I get hella bored with it. I tried using and elliptical. I couldn't do it for more than 10 minutes. Killed me.

I only do 15 to 20 minutes on the treadmill (running and walking), but it makes me sweat like a fucking pig, then I start my weight workout. I also look foolish on a treadmill because I'm 6'4" and currently weighing in at 250.

I dunno, maybe it's helping, I just beat my personal bench press record, and I'm a year and a half from 40 (old fart).
[Aug 17,2012 10:32am - ark  ""]
i'll play soccer or bball anytime. you guys are nuts for lifting and not doing cardio too. seems counterproductive to, you know, your heart muscle.
[Aug 17,2012 10:35am - Burnsy ""]

ark said:you guys are nuts for lifting and not doing cardio too. seems counterproductive to, you know, your heart muscle.

Yup. That ole thing.
[Aug 17,2012 10:38am - arilliusbm ""]
Rttp people don't have hearts.
[Aug 17,2012 10:39am - arilliusbm ""]
If anyone is willing to travel to Milford, I have courts right next to my place
[Aug 17,2012 10:40am - Microsoft Office 2003  ""]

arilliusbm said:Rttp people don't have hearts.

I do. More so than 2010.
[Aug 17,2012 10:41am - xmikex ""]
This thread is steering away from a RTTP basketball tournament. Let's stay on topic plz.
[Aug 17,2012 10:42am - posbleak ""]
You don't even have to do a ton of distance to get a lot out of a run. Speedwork, intervals, hill repeats, carrying some hand weights, etc. can bring a lot more to a short 5k. If you want to use a machine then a stationary bike with the resistance cranked up or a rowing machine is a good way to get in a lot of work too (fuck treadmills)
[Aug 17,2012 10:45am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:Jealous. I want to ball again.

Preferably "long sessions". :D
[Aug 17,2012 10:45am - Arillix the lovechild 2012  ""]

xmikex said:This thread is steering away from an NBA JAM tournament. Let's stay on topic plz.

[Aug 17,2012 10:46am - xmikex ""]

arilliusbm said:If anyone is willing to travel to Milford, I have courts right next to my place

Whiteboy friendly courts. Into it.
[Aug 17,2012 10:47am - Microsoft Office 2003  ""]
Mike Jones...Ballin' in the mix.
[Aug 17,2012 11:03am - xmikex ""]
ITT: I challenge RTTP to pair me with anyone on the court... ANYONE as Wren strategically gets off the bus at just the right time and we run the court.
[Aug 17,2012 11:04am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
it's a trap, xmikex has Bova waiting in the wings
[Aug 17,2012 11:06am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm not in the best shape at the moment so would have to do a half court game. But I can still ball. Dunked it last summer, but it took me a few tries. A young aril used to be able to dunk with ease. WTF
[Aug 17,2012 11:10am - arilliusbm ""]
Air-illiusBM or GTFO
[Aug 17,2012 11:11am - chernobyl ""]
[Aug 17,2012 11:13am - xmikex ""]

chernobyl said:arilbud

[Aug 17,2012 11:14am - Alx_Casket ""]

xmikex said:ITT: I challenge RTTP to pair me with anyone on the court... ANYONE as Wren strategically gets off the bus at just the right time and we run the court.

That is a pretty great mental image.
[Aug 17,2012 11:22am - Samantha ""]

xmikex said:This thread is steering away from partaking in intimate relations as a means of weight loss. Let's stay on topic plz.

[Aug 17,2012 11:23am - arilliusbm ""]

Samantha said:
xmikex said:This thread should be about aliens. Let's stay on topic plz.


[Aug 17,2012 11:23am - Burnsy ""]

Samantha said:
xmikex said:This thread is steering away from hatefucking as a means of weight loss. Let's stay on topic plz.


[Aug 17,2012 11:24am - arilliusbm ""]
Is there a band called Hatefuck?
[Aug 17,2012 11:25am - trioxin245 ""]
[Aug 17,2012 11:26am - arilliusbm ""]
Wisconsin Hardcore? Only Old Skull is real.
[Aug 17,2012 11:26am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Samantha said:
xmikex said:This thread is steering away from partaking in intimate relations as a means of weight loss. Let's stay on topic plz.


[Aug 17,2012 11:27am - trioxin245 ""]
if sex is such a calorie burner than why is YO MAMMA SO FAT

edit: ugh, *then
[Aug 17,2012 11:33am - MichelleW  ""]
Don't forget, for all fat girlfriends we carry XXL baby doll shirts!
[Aug 17,2012 11:52am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 17,2012 1:30pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

trioxin_245 said:Not a fan of the fatties.

don't be so hard on yourself ross, you still have a handsome face and a charming personality
[Aug 17,2012 1:42pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Aug 17,2012 2:00pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
this thread said:turns into a BNMR BBW thread

And no one was shocked at all.
[Aug 17,2012 2:04pm - chernobyl ""]
There is nothing remotely attractive about those pictures...It's actually quick sickening that you do honestly find those pictures worthwhile.
[Aug 17,2012 2:06pm - Alx_Casket ""]
cher, you scared of a full bodied woman!?
[Aug 17,2012 2:08pm - Burnsy ""]
It's one thing for a girl to have meat on her bones. Obesity of that nature should not be encouraged. To each their own though. I don't think it makes someone a "sick" individual.
[Aug 17,2012 2:17pm - chernobyl ""]

Burnsy said:It's one thing for a girl to have meat on her bones. Obesity of that nature should not be encouraged. To each their own though. I don't think it makes someone a "sick" individual.

Cmon, are we not humans anymore in 2012?

Now as you said, NOTHING wrong with a little extra but the obesity of those women is disgusting and morbid. Yes, something is wrong with you if you enjoy those.
[Aug 17,2012 2:18pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Aug 17,2012 2:22pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Aug 17,2012 2:24pm - trioxin245 ""]
the black chick with the stars tattooed all over her ass is the best thing I've ever seen.
[Aug 17,2012 2:24pm - chernobyl ""]
Nope. No one is impressed, Janssen. Definitely something deeply disturbing going on.
[Aug 17,2012 2:25pm - Burnsy ""]

chernobyl said:
Cmon, are we not humans anymore in 2012?

Now as you said, NOTHING wrong with a little extra but the obesity of those women is disgusting and morbid. Yes, something is wrong with you if you enjoy those.

Being into 8 year olds is sick. Liking really big girls doesn't constitute some mental illness (not that I'm a fucking psychiatrist at all). I could do without the pictures though. Fortunately, Rev has graced us with the gift of text mode. THANK YOU REV!
[Aug 17,2012 2:26pm - Lamp ""]
I actually see nothing wrong with women of all types being comfortable with displaying their bodies as they see fit, but as for me, I am totally flaccid right now.
[Aug 17,2012 2:26pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Aug 17,2012 2:27pm - chernobyl ""]

Burnsy said:
chernobyl said:
Cmon, are we not humans anymore in 2012?

Now as you said, NOTHING wrong with a little extra but the obesity of those women is disgusting and morbid. Yes, something is wrong with you if you enjoy those.

Being into 8 year olds is sick. Liking really big girls doesn't constitute some mental illness (not that I'm a fucking psychiatrist at all). I could do without the pictures though. Fortunately, Rev has graced us with the gift of text mode. THANK YOU REV!

As I said before, nothing is wrong with liking "fat" chicks....but being sexually attracted to morbidly obese women is pretty disturbing/sick.
[Aug 17,2012 2:29pm - Lamp ""]

chernobyl said:
Burnsy said:
chernobyl said:
Cmon, are we not humans anymore in 2012?

Now as you said, NOTHING wrong with a little extra but the obesity of those women is disgusting and morbid. Yes, something is wrong with you if you enjoy those.

Being into 8 year olds is sick. Liking really big girls doesn't constitute some mental illness (not that I'm a fucking psychiatrist at all). I could do without the pictures though. Fortunately, Rev has graced us with the gift of text mode. THANK YOU REV!

As I said before, nothing is wrong with liking "fat" chicks....but being sexually attracted to morbidly obese women is pretty disturbing/sick.

Where do you define the line?
[Aug 17,2012 2:33pm - Andrew Dice Clay  ""]
simple.......... "EAT A CARROT YOU FAT TUB O SHIT !!!"
[Aug 17,2012 2:34pm - Burnsy ""]
Cher, you just don't understand the attraction. Nor do I but that doesn't make someone sick or disturbed. By what definition are they "sick?"
[Aug 17,2012 2:38pm - Garth Algar  ""]
I agree with Cher, if only super morbid obese bitches are attracive you then there is something wrong.
[Aug 17,2012 2:40pm - Garth Algar  ""]
attractive to you is what I meant
[Aug 17,2012 2:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You guys are right, this is sick.

Now here's a perfectly healthy image of dragons double-teaming a car.

[Aug 17,2012 2:43pm - trioxin245 ""]
Who gives a shit what women other guys are into? If anything, it means less competition for the skinny bitches.
[Aug 17,2012 2:44pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

Burnsy said:Cher, you just don't understand the attraction. Nor do I but that doesn't make someone sick or disturbed. By what definition are they "sick?"

seriously, since when is creepy mike so concerned with others mental health?
[Aug 17,2012 2:45pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

trioxin245 said:Who gives a shit what women other guys are into? If anything, it means less competition for the skinny bitches.

[Aug 17,2012 2:47pm - Garth Algar  ""]

Who would you rather, guys?
[Aug 17,2012 2:48pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
He's just cultivating mass.
[Aug 17,2012 2:49pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Aug 17,2012 2:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
I find it awesome that Jansoon likes big women. They need more guys like him. Walking around all depressed, wallowing in their misery of never finding a man that wants to lift up lard before penetration.

Also fuck super skinny chicks.
[Aug 17,2012 2:55pm - Burnsy ""]

arilliusbm said:
Also fuck super skinny chicks.

[Aug 17,2012 2:57pm - trioxin245 ""]
[Aug 17,2012 3:13pm - nekronaut ""]
This broad used to come into one of my old jobs all the time. She was such a bitch. Also, one time I was behind her in line at 711 at 2 in the morning and she bought all the taqiutos and six brownies.

[Aug 17,2012 3:14pm - posbleak ""]
Skinny chicks are fuckin' hot but I can also be kind of a chubby chaser, it doesn't have to be one or the other, get greedy, bang whoever

If there wasn't so much shaming and shit against people who are into fat chicks/guys then maybe more people would be able to be open about it - seems like every time a guy gets with a fat chick everybody loses their shit at him. One of my buddies is a chubs chaser and ended up marrying the girl that everybody made fun of. Who gives a shit, he's the only one fucking her
[Aug 17,2012 3:16pm - nekronaut ""]
Burnsy, I found a curvy chick for you!

[Aug 17,2012 3:17pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

nekronaut said:This broad used to come into one of my old jobs all the time. She was such a bitch. Also, one time I was behind her in line at 711 at 2 in the morning and she bought all the taqiutos and six brownies.


lol I know her too
[Aug 17,2012 3:18pm - Burnsy ""]

nekronaut said:Burnsy, I found a curvy chick for you!


And on that day, text mode was not my protector.
[Aug 17,2012 3:18pm - nekronaut ""]
She also fought a gay dude outside of a bar in JP with a double ended dildo.
[Aug 17,2012 3:19pm - chernobyl ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:
Burnsy said:Cher, you just don't understand the attraction. Nor do I but that doesn't make someone sick or disturbed. By what definition are they "sick?"

seriously, since when is creepy mike so concerned with others mental health?

what're you offended now marcus? *tear drop
[Aug 17,2012 3:21pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
im chill bro,
[Aug 17,2012 3:25pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
OP's gf: [img]
[Aug 17,2012 3:29pm - chernobyl ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:im chill bro,

word son
[Aug 17,2012 7:36pm - LucidCurse ""]
this thread makes me want to vomparty everywhere
[Aug 17,2012 9:02pm - josh_hates_you ""]
I told my ex girlfriend she was getting fat. She is now dating progmetal drummer. Problem solved.
[Aug 17,2012 9:06pm - arilliusbm ""]

josh_hates_you said:I told my ex girlfriend she was getting fat. She is now dating progmetal drummer. Problem solved.

[Aug 17,2012 9:08pm - LucidCurse ""]
[Aug 18,2012 2:24am - slar you morbid?  ""]
the way i see it there are hot girls of various different sizes/body types. whatever happens to float your boat personally, pursue that, and don't worry too much about what everyone else thinks is acceptable. i mean, i think big noses look stupid but some chicks (and notshaver) seem to dig it which is great cuz otherwise i wouldn't get laid. i guess what i'm saying is the idea that we can homogenize what is supposed to be "hot" and have everyone agree on one singular standard for that is dumb as hell.
[Aug 18,2012 2:27am - Garth Algar  ""]
Truth...but exclusively wanting to bang super morbidlly obese women is a little mental.
[Aug 18,2012 2:28am - Garth Algar  ""]
Although I could just be very wrong.
[Aug 18,2012 2:41am - slar you morbid?  ""]
but why exactly? im just playing devils advocate here, but how is BNMR's taste in women any more mental than those who are attracted to girls on the other end of the spectrum, like fashion models who purposely starve themselves to be super skinny? either extreme is arguably unhealthy, but i somehow feel like if some dude posted a bunch of pictures of kate moss, noone would get quite as up-at-arms as they do when BNMR posts fat chicks.
[Aug 18,2012 2:48am - slar you morbid?  ""]
and for the record, i prefer girls of the curvy voluptuous type, big tits, round ass, a little bit of a belly, all in proper proportion. but somehow i don't feel the need to question the posters mental health when something that is outside of my preference is posted on this board. weird.
[Aug 18,2012 3:07am - slar you morbid?  ""]
and one more thing, i would love to know how many of those of you who think bnmr's fat chick thing is mentally "wrong" or whatever are also homophobes, i mean, wanting to fuck dudes is kinda unnatural by the same token right? its also something that seems to inspire a similar kind of reptile brain vitriol that i just don't quite get. If you like fucking a scrawny a-cupped track runner, that doesnt bother me, nor does it bother me if you want to fuck a 500 pound bbw, nor does it bother me if you want to fuck another man. none of these things interfere with my own personal sexuality in any way i can surmise. seriously, i just can't understand why anyone would be so offended that someone found something sexually arousing that they themselves did not 100% share in.
[Aug 18,2012 3:11am - the_reverend ""]
and just cause you blow dudes in 212, doesn't make you gay. period.
[Aug 18,2012 3:20am - slar you morbid?  ""]
a wise man once told me, "if you're in a band together, it's not gay."
[Aug 18,2012 3:22am - slar you morbid?  ""]
that man was bobby, can you post the damn pics from tonight rev? i want to see how hottt i looked with that explorer bass. :((((
[Aug 18,2012 3:27am - A HAPPY MEDIUM  ""]
[Aug 18,2012 4:21am - Alx_Casket ""]

arilliusbm said: Jansoon.
[Aug 18,2012 4:25am - Garth Algar  ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:and one more thing, i would love to know how many of those of you who think bnmr's fat chick thing is mentally "wrong" or whatever are also homophobes, i mean, wanting to fuck dudes is kinda unnatural by the same token right? its also something that seems to inspire a similar kind of reptile brain vitriol that i just don't quite get. If you like fucking a scrawny a-cupped track runner, that doesnt bother me, nor does it bother me if you want to fuck a 500 pound bbw, nor does it bother me if you want to fuck another man. none of these things interfere with my own personal sexuality in any way i can surmise. seriously, i just can't understand why anyone would be so offended that someone found something sexually arousing that they themselves did not 100% share in.

I think that's an insanely compelling argument. I think my opinion was short sighted and I suppose just flat out wrong. Personal sexuality is what's real.
[Aug 18,2012 9:24am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:a wise man once told me, "if you're in a band together, it's not gay."

I have long compared being in a band to having 3-4 girlfriends.
[Aug 18,2012 9:30am - arilliusbm ""]
Me too. Herugrim is an abusive relationship.
[Aug 18,2012 10:00am - josh_hates_you ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
I have long compared being in a band to having 3-4 girlfriends.

arilliusbm said:Me too. Herugrim is an abusive relationship.

Shut up and go make me some sammiches.
[Aug 18,2012 1:13pm - Herugrim Dungeon Master  ""]

josh_hates_you said:
DestroyYouAlot said:
I have long compared being in a band to having 3-4 girlfriends.

arilliusbm said:Me too. Herugrim is an abusive relationship.

Shut up and go roll me some decahedron dice.

[Aug 18,2012 1:24pm - Clergyman of the Velvet Cake  ""]
For on this day, God proclaimed "Thou shalt have thy cake and feast upon it in the company of wonderful friends and family."

And so we marched on, devouring cakes by the dozen that evening, our stomach lining stretching, our bellies widening and portruding forward, developing upper thigh and arm cellulite, and of course our monstrous asses threatening to collapse the foundations we have sat upon, each new cake entering the digestive system causing a creak in our wooden chairs and almost assuring us that our safety was at risk.

The next day, we all met in the dining room just as we had the previous evening, crimson crumbs littering the table, but this time it was a more somber occasion, as we were to dispose of our newfound girth ritualistically as our Bible and God had commanded us to do. Silently, we all faced away from the table in unison, dropped trou, and used our meaty fingers to pry apart our ass cheeks in unison to create a vile defecation. Only on this occasion, the defecation was not vile whatsoever; for crimson dolphins leapt from our colons. Live dolphins! They let out their echolocation of joy and swam off into the distance, fins flapping on a sea of dish soap. Then we all watched a week long marathon of Friends, affixed into position without blinking to achieve immortality.
[Aug 18,2012 2:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Herugrim%20Dungeon%20Master said:
josh_hates_you said:
DestroyYouAlot said:
I have long compared being in a band to having 3-4 girlfriends.

arilliusbm said:Me too. Herugrim is an abusive relationship.

Shut up and go roll me some decahedron dice.


[Aug 18,2012 3:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Aug 21,2012 10:57pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

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