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Lake of Tears appreciation

[Aug 15,2012 12:05pm - trioxin_245 ""]
been a while since I listened to this band but I re-busted out Headstones and Forever Autumn this morning. 'Hold on Tight' is my fuckin JAM son.



[Aug 15,2012 12:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
old news.
[Aug 15,2012 12:20pm - arilliusbm ""]
Also, headstones sucks. Forever Autumn is great.
[Aug 15,2012 12:24pm - trioxin_245 ""]
The first two albums have a lot of good songs.

and I almost just called the thread ''in b4 aril 'old news''
[Aug 15,2012 5:23pm - quintessence ""]
Shit i forgot about this band. Old hippy girlfriend got me into them long ago haha.
[Aug 16,2012 1:36am - BSV  ""]
I got A Crimson Cosmos which is alright, totally unique approach to writing. post some links to download the good stuff!
[Aug 16,2012 9:57am - MikeOv  ""]
Actually threw on A Crimson Cosmos a few months ago after going through my CD collection that I stashed at my parents house.
[Aug 16,2012 10:01am - dreadkill ""]
Forever Autumn is a great album. I love a lot of songs by these guys, but most of the albums have a lot of filler. The new one had a few good songs.
[Aug 16,2012 10:02am - dreadkill ""]
I'm surprised anyone on this forum likes this band.
[Aug 16,2012 10:04am - dreadkill ""]


one of my favorites
[Aug 16,2012 10:04am - quintessence ""]
I thought the new one sounded horrible.
[Aug 16,2012 10:20am - trioxin_245 ""]

dreadkill said:I love a lot of songs by these guys, but most of the albums have a lot of filler. .

This is pretty much how I feel. The first few albums all have a few good tracks to offer but the rest is meh. I still felt like appreeshing them because I was high as balls.
[Aug 16,2012 10:22am - arilliusbm ""]
I also agree with that. Headstones has a lot of meeeehhhhh tracks, though.
[Aug 16,2012 10:26am - trioxin_245 ""]
the title track on 'headstones' is pretty awesome, but yea, there's really o nly like 3 or 4 tracks I like on that album.

also, I always lol when people say 'im surprised you like this' about a band. Like when Frank was surprised I listen to Boards of Canada who I've liked since middle school. I have never been a full blown metal head, just a music fan who leans towards the extreme. Anything has the potential to be good, from pop punk to rap to whatever, it just has to be done right.
[Aug 16,2012 10:28am - arilliusbm ""]

unless you like dubstep.
[Aug 16,2012 10:31am - MikeOv  ""]
This thread just reminds me that Black Mark Prod. released some real hidden gems. Anyone remember Scum from Finland? That album "Purple Dreams and Magic Poems"? So weird, so good.
[Aug 16,2012 10:32am - trioxin_245 ""]
I'm aware I sound like some eclectic hippy douche bag saying that, but it's true.

Also, instead of making a whole new thread, I'm just gonna appreesh this ITT


(and OBVIOUSLY CS are old news)
[Aug 16,2012 10:32am - THIS BAND SUCKS  ""]
That is all.
[Aug 16,2012 10:34am - trioxin_245 ""]

MikeOv said:This thread just reminds me that Black Mark Prod. released some real hidden gems. Anyone remember Scum from Finland? That album "Purple Dreams and Magic Poems"? So weird, so good.


I love that album. I used to call it the lost EoS album.

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