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yea..bass players aren't real musicians.

[Jul 11,2012 9:04am - astivah666  ""]
its so easy to play an instrument with strings that big and follow drums. thats why theres so many bassists out there. Every time a band starts its always a bass player. anyone can play metal bass just like anyone can scream metal vocals. talent is not needed . fuck off bass players. your instrument sucks and a toddler can play it .
[Jul 11,2012 9:06am - Lamp ""]

[Jul 11,2012 9:07am - astivah666  ""]
victer wooten isnt a metal bass player, retard
[Jul 11,2012 9:10am - arktouros ""]

[Jul 11,2012 9:11am - astivah666  ""]
like seriously get a steady drumbeat and give anyone a bass. thats how useless they are in metal.
[Jul 11,2012 9:18am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jul 11,2012 9:32am - the_reverend ""]
bass players fill the important role of sucking one of the other band members cock. so...
(since the bassist is always a girl)
[Jul 11,2012 11:20am - narkybark ""]
everything in this thread is true.
[Jul 11,2012 11:27am - timma ""]

astivah666 said:fuck off bass players. your instrument sucks and a toddler can play it .

I like this guy.
[Jul 11,2012 1:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"Is that, like, the big guitar?"
[Jul 11,2012 1:49pm - Crap Pyramid  ""]
Our bassist blew Danzig once at band camp
[Jul 11,2012 1:50pm - chernobyl ""]
Bass is cool..
[Jul 11,2012 1:56pm - Crap Pyramid  ""]
Blowing Danzig is also cool
[Jul 11,2012 1:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
This thread is bascist.
[Jul 11,2012 2:49pm - KPANZER  ""]
riiiiiiiiiiight. Anytime you want to discuss this in person ,feel free to introduce yourself next time we're @ the same gig.
[Jul 11,2012 4:38pm - Ghoulash ""]
this thread is dumb
[Jul 11,2012 4:52pm - this argument  ""]
[Jul 11,2012 5:08pm - Lamp ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:"Is that, like, the big guitar?"

I was trying to find the clip of the guy asking "What's the difference between the guitar and the bass guitar?" but this will do.

[Jul 11,2012 5:24pm - arilliusbm ""]
Worst fucking show. Close thread.
[Jul 11,2012 5:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:Worst fucking show. Close thread.

Aril's just angry because someone animated the story of his life.
[Jul 11,2012 5:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, my life is about being in shitty metal bands with goofy bandmates and bad jokes.
Show sucks.
[Jul 11,2012 8:08pm - narkybark ""]
That IS what my life is about
[Jul 11,2012 8:10pm - yummy ""]
Whoever wrote that Anesthesia (pulling teeth) song was the worst.
[Jul 11,2012 8:12pm - trioxin_245 ""]

arilliusbm said:Yea, my life is about being in shitty metal bands with goofy bandmates and bad jokes.

ITT: aril is me
[Jul 11,2012 9:07pm - thirdknuckle ""]

[Jul 11,2012 9:12pm - anonymousse  ""]

arilliusbm said:Yea, my life is about being in shitty metal bands with goofy bandmates and bad jokes.

That sounds right to me.
[Jul 11,2012 9:17pm - Burnsy ""]
Yeah but what if they are also well-versed guitarists? They are still bassists.
[Jul 11,2012 9:23pm - DanOfBereavement  ""]
This is one of the worst threads ever.
[Jul 11,2012 11:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

anonymousse said:
arilliusbm said:Yea, my life is about being in shitty metal bands with goofy bandmates and bad jokes.

That sounds right to me.

Plus that one time I played bass with my penis.

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