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i was just followed home by someone

[Jun 20,2004 2:59am - Kalopsia ""]
i fucking circled my block 3 times and this car did too, i then lost them, drove around the town, came back, and they were still circling my block. i know i should have called the cops but i didn't get a license plate or make of the car, i spent the last half hour in my room in the dark with a baseball bat and machete. i'm pretty sure it was just some teenage dickheads fucking with random people because i saw about 3 or 4 heads in the car, but i wasn't taking chances and prepared to kill them if they came around again
[Jun 20,2004 3:03am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
You should've lead them through a Wendy's drive through, a car wash and off a cliff. But pull your parachute at the last minute because we don't want you splattered in a chasm somewhere.
[Jun 20,2004 3:13am - Kalopsia ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:You should've lead them through a Wendy's drive through, a car wash and off a cliff. But pull your parachute at the last minute because we don't want you splattered in a chasm somewhere.

awwwwww you care about me
[Jun 20,2004 3:32am - Terence ""]
thats fucked up becaue just the other night I had a dream that 4 wiggers in a Toyota asked me for directions to someplace and then started shooting at me. I then proceeded to dodge the bullets and then started to catch them, and throw them back, and then jumped into the backseat and started wailing on all of them and finally choking one on the ground. I love dreams so much.
[Jun 20,2004 8:46am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
you should have just killed them
[Jun 20,2004 10:07am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Terence said:thats fucked up becaue just the other night I had a dream that 4 wiggers in a Toyota asked me for directions to someplace and then started shooting at me. I then proceeded to dodge the bullets and then started to catch them, and throw them back, and then jumped into the backseat and started wailing on all of them and finally choking one on the ground. I love dreams so much.

If you made that into a book and published it I think you have a sale confirmed over here.
[Jun 20,2004 11:12am - Scoracrasia ""]
You should have jumped on their hood and started whacking it right there and dropped a batch on their windshield.
[Jun 20,2004 11:58am - Abbath ""]
too bad you didn't get a license, that does sound really fucked up
but at least you lost them, it would have sucked if they fould out where ya lived
i still say you should have used your ninja skills to fuck them up thought
[Jun 20,2004 12:29pm - dread_104 ""]
i've been in that situation before. they say the best thing to do is drive to the police station. don't you wish you could just pull out a gun and totally fuck up their "fun"?
[Jun 20,2004 2:03pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
yu could have stopped to take a shit in the middle of the street, then turned around and started flinging poo...
[Jun 20,2004 2:19pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
you should have slammed on your brakes and then reversed at them only stopping to do the disco duck.
[Jun 20,2004 3:09pm - Kalopsia ""]
if it happens again i will slam my brakes. and from now on i'm carrying a bat in my trunk
[Jun 20,2004 3:16pm - the_reverend ""]
in your trunk?
what are you going to do?
stop, get out of your car, go over and get trhe bat out of your trunk and then dealing with them?
"'scuse me bad guys, let me just get somethign out of my trunk...'"
[Jun 20,2004 4:05pm - Kalopsia ""]
better than having nothing at all
[Jun 20,2004 5:40pm - retzam ""]
Kalopsia, the Rev means you should keep it in your back seat so it is more accessable.
[Jun 20,2004 7:28pm - Terence ""]
I used to carry a club in my passenger side. Ive never actually used it, but I threatened someone with it once. yay for violence!
[Jun 20,2004 9:54pm - dread_104 ""]
if you keep a bat in your backseat, make sure you've got a glove and a ball back there too. otherwise, if you get pulled over, you can get a lotta shit from the cops. if you got a glove, just tell em you play every week.
[Jun 20,2004 11:00pm - MURF ""]
i have a bat in my backseat, and there is no doubt i don't play baseball
[Jun 21,2004 12:32am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I have a bloody glove on my dashboard. Does that count?
[Jun 21,2004 12:34am - powerkok ""]
sucks that u live in mass. otherwise you could just buy a gun
[Jun 21,2004 12:42am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
He lives in Jersey where everyone IS a gun.
[Jun 21,2004 1:09am - powerkok ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:He lives in Jersey where everyone IS a gun.

explain...cant compute insider jive.
[Jun 21,2004 1:26am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Id nit tert norn fyard.
[Jun 21,2004 7:30am - Kalopsia ""]
let's just say i live next to Newark, NJ
[Jun 21,2004 8:49am - Siberian  ""]
MURF said:i have a bat in my backseat, and there is no doubt i don't play baseball

DITO, you just never know!
[Nov 14,2006 8:45am - anonymous  ""]
Sunday night I was followed home by two guys that i didnt know it was so freaky i went up alot of back roads and down alot of curves but they still followed me but about after 10 or 15 minutes they got tired and left me alone.
[Nov 14,2006 9:45am - xmikex ""]
I heard the old drummer from Emperor followed some guy out into the woods one time. I didn't get to hear the end of the story but I'm sure it ended well for everyone.
[Nov 14,2006 9:58am - skullfucked nli  ""]
xmikex said:I heard the old drummer from Emperor followed some guy out into the woods one time. I didn't get to hear the end of the story but I'm sure it ended well for everyone.


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