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sweet UFO sighting

[Jun 28,2012 2:22pm - chernobyl ""]


get hood.
[Jun 28,2012 2:26pm - eye-gore ""]
[Jun 28,2012 2:28pm - chernobyl ""]
you have to open it in youtube.
[Jun 28,2012 2:30pm - eye-gore ""]
My military buddy says its 2 helicopters flying in close formation...I dunno.
[Jun 28,2012 2:32pm - chernobyl ""]
Well, why are they flying so close in the middle of the night near a ranch? Cattle have been known to go missing after these sightings.
[Jun 28,2012 2:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
Sweet old news bro.
[Jun 28,2012 2:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Thread wouldnt be a thread without manitory old news comment
[Jun 28,2012 2:39pm - chernobyl ""]
stfu aril, this came out last week.
[Jun 28,2012 2:42pm - Boozegood ""]
The real question is why the fuck do all these "sighting" videos show UFO's using white-light? If we are assuming they are at LEAST on par with us technologically, and they are trying to be stealthy, than why the hell would they be flashing lights all over the place?
[Jun 28,2012 2:44pm - chernobyl ""]

Boozegood said:The real question is why the fuck do all these "sighting" videos show UFO's using white-light? If we are assuming they are at LEAST on par with us technologically, and they are trying to be stealthy, than why the hell would they be flashing lights all over the place?

Maybe they aren't trying to be stealthy and don't give a phuck.
[Jun 28,2012 2:45pm - eye-gore ""]
Night manuvers/excersises maybe?
[Jun 28,2012 2:46pm - Boozegood ""]

eye-gore said:Night manuvers/excersises maybe?

Well we don't use white/visible lights during night time exercises, so I don't know why they would.
[Jun 28,2012 2:47pm - chernobyl ""]
I don't think these are motherphucking helicopters.
[Jun 28,2012 2:48pm - eye-gore ""]
Hmmm, got me then.
[Jun 28,2012 2:49pm - Boozegood ""]

chernobyl said:I don't think these are motherphucking helicopters.

It easily could be, pretty much all you would have to do is edit the sound. (I know this sounds like it goes against my own assertion that we don't use visible light, but that was in the context of trying to go unseen).

[Jun 28,2012 2:50pm - Lamp ""]
I think at this point in my life I've stopped believing in any of this bullshit.
[Jun 28,2012 2:51pm - chernobyl ""]
UFOs > life
[Jun 28,2012 2:58pm - yummy ""]

Lamp said:I think at this point in my life I've stopped believing in any of this bullshit.

I hear ya. I just read an article with a headline: Who would respond better to an alien invasion? Obama or Romney? with a poll. dude...
[Jun 28,2012 3:04pm - Stranger in the Night  ""]
[Jun 28,2012 3:04pm - arilliusbm ""]

chernobyl said:stfu aril, this came out last week.

Hence the qualifier.
[Jun 28,2012 3:09pm - Burnsy ""]

yummy said:
Lamp said:I think at this point in my life I've stopped believing in any of this bullshit.

I hear ya. I just read an article with a headline: Who would respond better to an alien invasion? Obama or Romney? with a poll. dude...

What exactly do you guys mean? That's like when people say, "I don't believe in drugs." Well, they still exist.

I get it if you're saying you don't believe they are extraterrestrials. But the fact that we haven't gotten to the bottom of what the crafts in the video are makes them unidentified... flying... objects. Not really up for debate unless you can prove what the objects are.
[Jun 28,2012 3:15pm - yummy ""]
I wasn't look at it that way. I can identify with the idea of not caring anymore to even give it thought. Some people just stop wondering in general. Much like God.

As far as the poll goes...who are those people? New poll: Are we at a point where we even need to consider an alien invasion? If so, who thinks we're fucked?
[Jun 28,2012 3:16pm - Burnsy ""]
Gotcha. Dude that poll is really important though. We should mull over the results before starting a new poll.
[Jun 28,2012 3:17pm - chernobyl ""]
Agreed, poll is legit.
[Jun 28,2012 3:19pm - yummy ""]
Pretty sure Obama got 43%, Romney got like 36%, and the rest was the south saying WE FUCKING GOT THIS
[Jun 28,2012 3:20pm - chernobyl ""]
The south is gay.
[Jun 28,2012 3:22pm - yummy ""]
I made that part up
[Jun 28,2012 3:22pm - chernobyl ""]
regardless, the south sucks
[Jun 28,2012 3:24pm - yummy ""]
ok, I like mac n cheese
[Jun 28,2012 3:25pm - Burnsy ""]
Mac n cheese is really good.
[Jun 28,2012 3:27pm - the south pole  ""]
hey fuck you North Pole!!!!! We will see who is talking shit when there is a pole reversal at the end of 2012 biatch
[Jun 28,2012 3:35pm - the south pole  ""]
oops, wrong pole/poll wrong thread
[Jul 15,2013 1:00pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jul 15,2013 1:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
I've been following that case, it's so weird. No coverage in mainstream media, as always.
[Jul 15,2013 1:30pm - AndrewBastardENELI  ""]
how convenient that we cant take photos/shoot video of it...

they should go down with an analog camera to get pics.
[Jul 15,2013 1:32pm - Dan Hammer  ""]
Can Sonic Pulse get on this?

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