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Abigail Williams- are they any good?

[Jun 23,2012 10:40am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
This dude I know here in Quincy Illinois just booked them to play here in September. He's pretty pumped about it, I think it's a little weird to book a black metal band in this town, but I may go check it out. So what do you elitist motherfuckers think of them?

Are they troo
Are they kult
[Jun 23,2012 10:48am - YildunDave ""]
They have become a WITTR ripoff band. But they are still fun, especially live.
[Jun 23,2012 10:49am - ark  ""]
this old chestnut

[Jun 23,2012 10:51am - chernobyl ""]
Shit band delete
[Jun 23,2012 11:09am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Were terrible, now just lame.
[Jun 23,2012 12:43pm - Bloblovesmusic  ""]
Paint by numbers WITTR black metal. Enjoyable listen but live they didn't seem to care about the music they were playing. Example of a band Wren likes somewhat but doesn't think is all that special
[Jun 23,2012 1:02pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
WITTR? What's that? The thing I found amazing was that they only wanted 300$ for a guarantee. That's fucking crazy low. That'll barely cover gas to get to any major city from here.

I think I'll go and feel old and out of place, just to reinforce my hatred of most black metal
[Jun 23,2012 1:20pm - KEVORD ""]
Wolves In The Throne Room.
[Jun 23,2012 1:49pm - Burnsy ""]
If you like taking it up the ass, you'll love them.
[Jun 23,2012 2:10pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
just read the Wiki WITTR page. Ugh, black metal hippies, what is this world coming to?
Think I'll stay home for this one
[Jun 23,2012 2:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
Abigail Williams aren't "hippies" per se, they are atmspheric black metal, though. They aren't TOO bad live, but I'm not huge on it.
when they played Worcester a few months back it seeed like they couldn't care less and had no heart while they played.
[Jun 23,2012 3:48pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
I meant WITTR sound like hippies
[Jun 23,2012 5:58pm - the_reverend ""]
Wittr are hippies. Though 2 hunters is awesome.
[Jun 23,2012 6:03pm - Burnsy ""]

the_reverend said:Though 2 hunters is awesome.

This. Only album by them I listen to.
[Jun 23,2012 8:24pm - Lamp ""]
Seeing as you live in a pretty nowhere town, I'd go anyway. It may not be your cup of tea, but if the attendance is good, then maybe better shows will start getting booked in your town in the future.
[Jun 23,2012 8:27pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
true. that's what the dudes booking it are hoping for too.
[Jun 23,2012 8:38pm - the_reverend ""]
Lamp science industries.
[Jun 23,2012 10:18pm - amorok666 ""]
Ex deathcore trend hopping faggot band. we opened for them at ralphs. i pissed on there van.
[Jun 23,2012 10:21pm - amorok666 ""]
And for the record i played that stupid show against my will. thanks rest of nachzehrer...
[Jun 23,2012 10:24pm - KEVORD ""]
Nachzehrer plays every show with a touring black metal band good or bad . Old News
[Jun 23,2012 11:02pm - Lamp ""]
Believe me, if he was saying "Should I check out this band in Chicago?" then it would be a firm no (not that I've listened to Abigail Williams but any band with a name like that will never ever get a listen from me), but small towns have to start a scene from SOMEWHERE.
[Jun 27,2012 2:50pm - Czarnobog ""]

amorok666 said:And for the record i played that stupid show against my will. thanks rest of nachzehrer...

it was worth it just to watch you be that sulky and mad and piss on their van door handle. would play with again, haha.
[Jun 27,2012 2:52pm - Czarnobog ""]
band wasn't the worst piece of shit in the world sound-wise, just boring and uninspired. and obviously trying to ride the wittr/liturgy thing. meh.
[Jun 27,2012 3:52pm - Happy Hipster  ""]
I would take them over any of the local black metal bands, they are more original and have a better sound.

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