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Post vids / pics of you at work...

[Jun 19,2012 4:53pm - Hoser ""]
Here's mine.


[Jun 19,2012 4:58pm - DukeManjunk ""]
heres a picture of me at my old job...
[Jun 19,2012 5:14pm - josh_hates_you ""]
Vantage bases^. I had to weld those a few times.
[Jun 19,2012 5:16pm - DukeManjunk ""]
yeah, i used to hate doing the seismic vantage frames....SO MUCH WELDING.
[Jun 19,2012 5:22pm - josh_hates_you ""]
pussy. i used to weld the seismic paramount frames over in custom. that has about 10x more welding.
[Jun 19,2012 5:27pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
This topic is going to go straight up nowhere
[Jun 19,2012 5:27pm - DukeManjunk ""]
idk man, i counted the # of welds on a seismic vantage frame once and i know for sure it was ATLEAST 60.....60 welds, i was in the booth by myself most of the time and they expected 4 an hour out of me....
[Jun 19,2012 6:05pm - Lamp ""]
Just waiting for a passenger on the ol' shuttle bus... making faces in the mirror.

[Jun 19,2012 6:32pm - josh_hates_you ""]
Quit your bitching. I have welded pretty much every part in that building thousands of times over. Simple stuff for the most part.
[Jun 19,2012 6:35pm - DukeManjunk ""]
yeah, well they laid me off in december, and i've yet to recieve my last paycheck....but the good new is i have a new job that pays better, has better benefits, the work is WAY EASIER, i get the entire factory to myself for most of my shift, and i dont have to spend several months as a temp. before either getting hired or laid off......suck it eaton-wrightline.
[Jun 19,2012 6:39pm - an attractive female  ""]
I would rather have my vagina welded shut that have sex with Duke Mancunt!
[Jun 19,2012 6:42pm - DukeManjunk ""]

an%20attractive%20female said:I would rather have my vagina welded shut that have sex with Duke Mancunt!

if you're pierced any combination of those can be easily arrainged.

now go make me a fucking sandwich.
[Jun 19,2012 6:48pm - DukeManjunk ""]
also, heres a picture of me around this time last summer when i was working in NH for the Appalachian Mountain Club, it was my one day off after spending two weeks living and working in the woods.....instead of kicking back and enjoying a few beers and some pot i instead decided to spend 9 HOURS in tempuratures in the low 40's with wind driven rain carrying a fucking fat guy with a broken leg out of huntington ravine on mount washington. thank jeebus they had several cases of beer and a stack of pizza's waiting for us in the back of the ambulance.

[Jun 19,2012 7:32pm - DukeManjunk ""]
here's a picture of me in baghdad with the 101st airborne division, Feb 2008....about 10 minutes before the picture was taken i had that M4 pointed right at the back of a motherfuckers head.

[Jun 19,2012 9:21pm - Crimson Jihad  ""]
Nobody cares, fuckstick.
[Jun 19,2012 10:38pm - Lamp ""]
Wrong, I actually think this dude is pretty interesting.
[Jun 19,2012 10:45pm - nekronaut ""]
[Jun 19,2012 10:47pm - KEVORD ""]

Lamp said:Wrong, I actually think this dude is pretty interesting.
You are wrong sir.
[Jun 19,2012 10:53pm - lucidcursenli  ""]
yea pretty badass fuck trolls
[Jun 19,2012 11:05pm - TROLL OF MISERY  ""]
[Jun 19,2012 11:09pm - Lamp ""]

nekronaut said:DukeLampjunk.

My scrotum is a pair of 100 watt light bulbs, but they burned out a long time ago. Some guy offered to replace them for free, but the burned out ones have brought me so much publicity that I just couldn't say yes.
[Jun 20,2012 2:15am - not slag  ""]
Fuck off.
[Jun 20,2012 6:10am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: holy shit, I finally figure out who DMJ is.
[Jun 20,2012 7:06am - DukeManjunk ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:ITT: holy shit, I finally figure out who DMJ is.

[Jun 20,2012 7:09am - DukeManjunk ""]
this picture mirrored itself when i scanned it, but its taken at an undisclosed location in iraq, christmas day 2006, when i was assigned to an undisclosed unit.....black helicopters FTW!

[Jun 20,2012 7:57am - I.E.D.  ""]
[Jun 20,2012 8:16am - xmikex ""]
Grueling day at the office...
[Jun 20,2012 9:12am - posbleak ""]
Welcome to the 2012 Duke Man Junk At Work Slideshow, everybody grab a canape and settle in, the Disneyland vacation pictures are coming up next
[Jun 20,2012 10:21am - DonaldDuckjunk  ""]

posbleak said:Welcome to the 2012 Duke Man Junk At Work Slideshow, everybody grab a canape and settle in, the pictures of him crying himself to sleep alone every night are coming up next
[Jun 20,2012 11:01am - rambo junk  ""]

DukeManjunk said:here's a picture of me in baghdad with the 101st airborne division, Feb 2008....about 10 minutes before the picture was taken i had that M4 pointed right at the back of a motherfuckers head.


were was that M4 when a moon cricket robbed you outside Honey Farm Rambo?
[Jun 20,2012 11:08am - Samantha  ""]
Go back to your cave, troll... and stop stealing DukeManJunk's beer!

ITT: Troll identified.
[Jun 20,2012 11:16am - arilliusbm ""]

[Jun 20,2012 11:33am - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]


[Jun 20,2012 11:37am - arilliusbm ""]

RustyPS said:

[Jun 20,2012 11:45am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 20,2012 11:53am - TrauleinThursday  ""]

Samantha said:Go back to your cave, troll... and stop stealing DukeManJunk's beer!

ITT: Troll identified.

trioxin_245 said:samantha = a lot of more trolls than people think
[Jun 20,2012 1:49pm - trioxin_245 ""]
ITT: dukemanjunk loves talking about himself
[Jun 20,2012 2:11pm - RustyPS ""]

arilliusbm said:
RustyPS said:

touche Mr. Doyle
[Jun 20,2012 2:58pm - Samantha  ""]

TrauleinThursday said:
Samantha said:Go back to your cave, troll... and stop stealing DukeManJunk's beer!

ITT: Troll identified.

trioxin_245 said:samantha = a lot of more trolls than people think

[Jun 20,2012 3:23pm - YearoftheDragon ""]
I don't think this troll wasn't stealing DukeManjunk's beer, but a local bassist's beer. 'NC' go die of AIDS faggot!
[Jun 20,2012 4:07pm - the_reverend ""]
waiting for sherlock.
[Jun 20,2012 6:43pm - Samantha  ""]
Yeah, North Carolina sucks! :P
[Jun 20,2012 7:02pm - Seth  ""]

arilliusbm said:[img]


Dude are you in a basement of a house?
[Jun 20,2012 7:28pm - DukeManjunk ""]

I.E.D. said:[img]

kinda hard to hit a roadside bomb when your flying through the air in a helicopter, although i do know a person who hit an IED with a blackhawk.
[Jun 20,2012 7:29pm - DukeManjunk ""]

rambo%20junk said:
DukeManjunk said:here's a picture of me in baghdad with the 101st airborne division, Feb 2008....about 10 minutes before the picture was taken i had that M4 pointed right at the back of a motherfuckers head.


were was that M4 when a moon cricket robbed you outside Honey Farm Rambo?

i'm going to assume it was in the arms room where it belongs, at BLDG 7282 desert storm ave, fort campbell,ky.
[Jun 20,2012 7:56pm - fort dicks  ""]
[Jun 20,2012 8:19pm - DukeManjunk ""]
this is a video one of our pilots made during a sandstorm, when we couldnt fly....i would tell you fags to say thanks for the spank bank material, but i know you all eat more balls than testicular cancer....

[Jun 20,2012 8:26pm - Lamp ""]

Samantha said:Yeah, North Carolina sucks! :P

For fucking real.
[Jun 20,2012 8:28pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i dunno, i threw a midget wearing a velcro suit against a wall in fayetteville ....MA is too politically correct to allow that shit
[Jun 20,2012 8:37pm - Lamp ""]
I lived in the Raleigh/Durham area for two years. Fuck that place.
[Jun 20,2012 9:12pm - Burnsy ""]
This thread is for the fuckin' brids.
[Jun 20,2012 9:19pm - chernobyl ""]

Burnsy said:This thread is for the salters.
[Jun 20,2012 9:30pm - DukeManjunk ""]

rambo%20junk said:
DukeManjunk said:here's a picture of me in baghdad with the 101st airborne division, Feb 2008....about 10 minutes before the picture was taken i had that M4 pointed right at the back of a motherfuckers head.


were was that M4 when a moon cricket robbed you outside Honey Farm Rambo?

also, to answer your question more specifically i suppose, the M4 pictured is either currently in afghanistan or fort campbell......now the colt AR-15A3 which i built to replicate what i carried in iraq as closely as i legally could was tucked away under my bed, about 3/4 of a mile away at the time of said robbery
[Jun 20,2012 11:03pm - fort nuts  ""]

DukeManjunk said:
rambo%20junk said:
DukeManjunk said:here's a picture of me in baghdad with the 101st airborne division, Feb 2008....about 10 minutes before the picture was taken i had that M4 pointed right at the back of a motherfuckers head.


were was that M4 when a moon cricket robbed you outside Honey Farm Rambo?

also, to answer your question more specifically i suppose, the M4 pictured is either currently in afghanistan or fort campbell......now the colt AR-15A3 which i built to replicate what i carried in iraq as closely as i legally could was tucked away under my bed, about 3/4 of a mile away at the time of said robbery

The joke's on you, RETARD.
[Jun 21,2012 2:24pm - Hoser ""]

DukeManjunk said:this is a video one of our pilots made during a sandstorm, when we couldnt fly....i would tell you fags to say thanks for the spank bank material, but i know you all eat more balls than testicular cancer....


Dude.....this video fucking rules. Wish we had the small cameras and shit when I was in. We weren't allowed to bring anything non-mission essential when I was in. But I did sneak a small guitar into my sea bag. Couldn't have live without it.
[Jun 21,2012 2:29pm - Hoser ""]
By the way....don't pay any attention to these numbasses that flame you but have never done a single thing with their lives outside of suck money off of mommy and daddy or "attend" college...like their miserable lives have ever made a difference to anyone, or anything....anywhere. I used to give my MRE's to kids who's fathers were probably the ones sniping us...but hey, I had more than they did....but then I'm the bad guy. Jealousy is a stinky cologne.
[Jun 21,2012 3:18pm - onward virgin soldiers  ""]
ITT: cannon fodder
[Jun 21,2012 3:20pm - Yeti ""]

trioxin_245 said:ITT: dukemanjunk loves talking about himself

the new Dwyer.
[Jun 21,2012 4:13pm - GI Joeeeeeeeee  ""]

Yeti said:
trioxin_245 said:ITT: dukemanjunk loves talking about himself

the new Dwyer.

Well, Dwyer does like miniature soldiers shoved up his anal hole... coincidence?
[Jun 21,2012 4:27pm - gung ho  ""]
I hate it when people thank me for my service, and I know it seems douchey, I refuse to accept it. I tell them there is nothing to thank me for. Nothing I did improved their quality of life. I trained to be a killer. This isn't the middle ages anymore. Not only that, but my time in the military wasn't spent doing anything actually productive for this nation. Who was really benefiting from my services? The people trying to kill the Iraqis. Clearly it didn't help our economy. If anything I should be hated for participating in a blatant waste of our country's limited funds.

Plus, I don't like being reminded of my time served. It's not something I'm proud of. To me it's similar to thanking a criminal for the time he spent in prison. I was stuck in a contract for 5 years serving a country whose actions I don't exactly approve of. And I couldn't even leave of my own volition. There is no easy way out of the military, and if you do get out then you are probably screwed for the rest of your life. If you do stay in then you get viewed in some sort of preferential light in some cases, which is completely undeserved. It is not the highest quality of life, either. If you don't meet their regulations you get yelled at like a dog who just peed on the carpet.

I can testify that the character of the people in the military is in general not of a high caliber. A majority of the people I served with were of less than average intelligence and of low morals. A lot of them thought it would be cool to see combat and get to kill Iraqis. I don't see how anyone should be thanked for that. This nation's propaganda has turned us into heroes when we have done absolutely nothing to deserve it.
[Jun 21,2012 4:36pm - Burnsy ""]
I thanked a guy for his service once and he looked at me like I had two heads. Another guy I met was bragging about how many "towelheads" he killed and how he couldn't wait to go back and kill more. I always assumed he was full of shit or totally fucked in the head, both of which make me uncomfortable when it comes to people who are trained in the use of deadly weapons.
[Jun 21,2012 4:49pm - Alx_Casket ""]
well put, gung ho.
[Jun 21,2012 5:21pm - full metal jackass  ""]
discharge your weapon soldier or GTFO
[Jun 21,2012 5:53pm - Chicken Hawk  ""]
I am all for WAR. But I am against the troops!
[Jun 21,2012 6:00pm - NFL QUARTERBACK RYAN LEAF  ""]

[Jun 22,2012 9:13am - xmikex ""]



Reads half assed typed apology for trolling
Crumples it up and throws it in Junior Seau's locker
[Jun 22,2012 9:19am - Hoser ""]

gung%20ho said:I hate it when people thank me for my service, and I know it seems douchey, I refuse to accept it. I tell them there is nothing to thank me for. Nothing I did improved their quality of life. I trained to be a killer. This isn't the middle ages anymore. Not only that, but my time in the military wasn't spent doing anything actually productive for this nation. Who was really benefiting from my services? The people trying to kill the Iraqis. Clearly it didn't help our economy. If anything I should be hated for participating in a blatant waste of our country's limited funds.

Plus, I don't like being reminded of my time served. It's not something I'm proud of. To me it's similar to thanking a criminal for the time he spent in prison. I was stuck in a contract for 5 years serving a country whose actions I don't exactly approve of. And I couldn't even leave of my own volition. There is no easy way out of the military, and if you do get out then you are probably screwed for the rest of your life. If you do stay in then you get viewed in some sort of preferential light in some cases, which is completely undeserved. It is not the highest quality of life, either. If you don't meet their regulations you get yelled at like a dog who just peed on the carpet.

I can testify that the character of the people in the military is in general not of a high caliber. A majority of the people I served with were of less than average intelligence and of low morals. A lot of them thought it would be cool to see combat and get to kill Iraqis. I don't see how anyone should be thanked for that. This nation's propaganda has turned us into heroes when we have done absolutely nothing to deserve it.

What service were you in? What unit were you in? Where were you in Iraq? I'd like to know these things, because I have a sneaking suspicion that you're full of shit. What branch of the service has a 5 year contract? What was your MOS?
[Jun 22,2012 9:20am - Hoser ""]
What were your years in service? When did you EAS? Were you in an FOB?
[Jun 22,2012 9:22am - Hoser ""]
You're gonna need a lot more than Google to answer all of this correctly, unless you really were in, of course. I'll believe that when I see it.
[Jun 22,2012 9:23am - Alx_Casket ""]
What we need is another war!

[Jun 22,2012 9:23am - Hoser ""]
and if you IM me your real name, I wont show it to anyone else, and you have my word on that. This way I can look you up in the prior service archives which are available only to active and prior service members. Put your money where your mouth is or GTFO.
[Jun 22,2012 9:46am - Hamza  ""]
It's really hard to support the troops thanks to total fucking ass holes like Hoser.
[Jun 22,2012 9:53am - ark  ""]
[Jun 22,2012 10:47am - Hoser ""]
Hey, laugh it up assholes....but as I said before....jealousy is a stinky cologne.
[Jun 22,2012 10:48am - Hoser ""]

Hamza said:It's really hard to support the troops thanks to total fucking ass holes like Hoser.

It's also hard to find any credibility in anons, thanks to anons.
[Jun 22,2012 10:53am - Burnsy ""]

Hoser said:jealousy is a stinky cologne.

Oh. Who makes it, Chief Grady?
[Jun 22,2012 10:56am - RustyPS ""]
"Jealousy...........For Men........by Calvin Klein"
[Jun 22,2012 10:59am - Hoser ""]
Imposter detected....never served even an hour.
[Jun 22,2012 11:02am - Burnsy ""]

[Jun 22,2012 11:16am - Slachtbeest  ""]

Hoser said:Hey, laugh it up assholes....but as I said before....jealousy is a stinky cologne.

Jealous of what, exactly? Who the fuck would be jealous of you?
[Jun 22,2012 11:25am - Lamp ""]
I knew there was a reason I had put Hoser on ignore.
[Jun 23,2012 12:15pm - DukeManjunk ""]
ITT: everyone on RTTP reveals themselves as members of the westboro baptist church.
[Jun 23,2012 2:31pm - #1BOSOXFAN4LYFE  ""]

xmikex said:Grueling day at the office...

[Jun 23,2012 4:07pm - BOOZEGOOD ""]

DukeManjunk said:this is a video one of our pilots made during a sandstorm, when we couldnt fly....i would tell you fags to say thanks for the spank bank material, but i know you all eat more balls than testicular cancer....


If you are going to claim the Nighstalkers as your pilots you are going to have to do more than post some blurry pictures.

Unit and MOS? POC for vetting?

This isn't taken lightly. I understand you are being vague, but everyone knows what you are attempting to imply when you post 160th Special Operations Air Regiment (SOAR) videos saying they are 'your pilots' and claiming in another picture that you are in an 'undisclosed location' with an 'undisclosed unit'.
[Jun 24,2012 8:50am - Hoser ""]

Slachtbeest said:
Hoser said:Hey, laugh it up assholes....but as I said before....jealousy is a stinky cologne.

Jealous of what, exactly? Who the fuck would be jealous of you?

You. Because I am logged in as a real person, and you, Mr. Coward, are not.
[Jun 24,2012 11:06am - SkinSandwich ""]
Shit just turned into real High school. Meet at the flag pole at 3pm.
[Jun 24,2012 12:39pm - #1BOSOXFAN4LYFE  ""]

DukeManjunk said:this is a video one of our pilots made during a sandstorm, when we couldnt fly....i would tell you fags to say thanks for the spank bank material, but i know you all eat more balls than testicular cancer....


If you are going to claim the Nighstalkers as your pilots you are going to have to do more than post some blurry pictures.

Unit and MOS? POC for vetting?

This isn't taken lightly. I understand you are being vague, but everyone knows what you are attempting to imply when you post 160th Special Operations Air Regiment (SOAR) videos saying they are 'your pilots' and claiming in another picture that you are in an 'undisclosed location' with an 'undisclosed unit'.

dude, i can show you the programme for my graduation from green platoon with my name on it, night stalker PT shorts/t shirts and numerous award/promotion citations that are signed "Kevin A Mangum COL,AV Commanding" LTG Mangum recently retired from the newly formed United States Army Special Operations Aviation Command......back in the day he was my regimental commander.

[Jun 24,2012 1:01pm - DukeManjunk ""]
also, typed verbatum from a DA form 638 i found....

"SPC Manjunk distinguished himself through exceptionally meriorious service as an operations day shift specialist of a Special Operations Task Force with TF 1-160 from 06 Dec 2006 to 15 Feb 2007 during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. his technical and tactical abilities enabled him to recieve,reorganize and distribute the volume of information to complete every mission flawlessly."

it then goes on to read


[Jun 24,2012 1:21pm - Dukemanjunks bowling specialist  ""]
Operations Specialist = Glorified Air Traffic Controller. So you never saw any action Rambo. What an asshole.
[Jun 24,2012 1:23pm - DukeManjunk ""]
yeah, your right, i never watched an interpretor take an mh-47 rotor blade to the dome....
[Jun 24,2012 1:26pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i also never saw that navy seal lose his arm when he came walking out of them gym on our compound and a mortar landed right next to him.
[Jun 24,2012 1:28pm - DukeManjunk ""]
and i definitly never had to be taken to a safehouse after the helicopter i was flying in broke down near erbil iraq, while we were busy rolling up some iranians.
[Jun 24,2012 1:36pm - DukeManjunk ""]
and i certainly never called in helicopter gun runs when i was on the Personal Security Detail for my brigade commander in the 101st.
[Jun 24,2012 1:47pm - Dukemanjunks bowling specialist  ""]
Makes it seem like he's this:


When he was this:
[Jun 24,2012 2:15pm - faggotsauce  ""]
Dude your not 5'8
[Jun 24,2012 2:40pm - Boozegood ""]
So are you going to answer the question or not?

What was your MOS and what unit were you in?

I understand you were ATTACHED to the Nightstalkers, I can believe that, that does not make you part of the SOCOM community.

Please explain yourself or stop claiming to be things you are not.

Wait...were you a 15P?
[Jun 24,2012 10:20pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]



[Jun 25,2012 9:53am - Hoser ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:[img]




Dwyer....which box are you? You all look so similar...
[Jun 25,2012 10:07am - SkinSandwich ""]
I'm slowly losing respect for our military just because of this thread.
[Jun 29,2012 11:35am - DukeManjunk ""]

Boozegood said:So are you going to answer the question or not?

What was your MOS and what unit were you in?

I understand you were ATTACHED to the Nightstalkers, I can believe that, that does not make you part of the SOCOM community.

Please explain yourself or stop claiming to be things you are not.

Wait...were you a 15P?

not attached, assigned....Charlie and Delta companies, 1st battalion 160th SOAR(A)
[Jun 29,2012 11:40am - Hoser ""]
2/2 Echo 2MarDiv. AND...2nd Small Craft....recently disbanded....bummer. 0311 BTW...which explains the edit.
[Jun 29,2012 11:57am - DukeManjunk ""]

Dukemanjunks%20bowling%20specialist said:Makes it seem like he's this:


When he was this:

also, reguardless of job in the regiment, every enlisted soldier gets the same training as soon as they get to fort campbell




funny story, when my class did our land navigation/escape and evasion training, the cadre told us "yeah, bring dip,beef jerky,cupcakes whatever you want....but we you get rolled up its probably going to get taken"

well, we had a bit of a class clown who went home that night and baked brownies with laxatives in them and gave one brownie to each team....i had my teams brownie in my rucksack, we got rolled up, and one of the cadre...namely Staff Sergeant Pierce from boston ate the brownie, and even went so far as to start licking the tinfoil it was wrapped in while saying how good it was.....he left training early that day and got a negative counseling statement for it....at the end of the class when we had our class critique's i told the NCOIC.....he started laughing hysterically...SSG Pierce didnt find it so funny and the class clown and myself were told to "do push-ups until you die"
[Jun 29,2012 1:56pm - Garth Algar  ""]
The important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time.
[Jun 29,2012 6:00pm - Boozegood ""]

Hoser said:2/2 Echo 2MarDiv. AND...2nd Small Craft....recently disbanded....bummer. 0311 BTW...which explains the edit.

Semper Fi, I was just talking to a dude from 2/2 at Four Seasons Firearms in Woburn.

DukeManjunk said:

[A bunch of stuff about an indoc with no metion of MOS]

So were you a 15P or not?
[Jun 29,2012 6:32pm - Boozegood ""]
"If he wasn't a pilot than he was just some fag crewmen who went through some faggoty bs indoc where he probably just had to score at least 60% on each even on his PT test. Only pilots in the 160th are considered 'operators'."

- Coming from the dude spotting for me in this picture. Former 3rd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment sniper; current sniper on my team.


DISCLAIMER: I am not now or ever was a Scout/Sniper or any other form of sniper nor am I claiming such. That is his rifle, he is letting me use it because I jumped in the truck on the way to the range to try out some of the sniper systems that day.

Now I'm not saying it's true or not; just that you really haven't chimed in at all to explain things.
[Jun 29,2012 6:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
Screenshot of the new COD:MW.
[Jun 29,2012 7:52pm - RangersLeadTheWayMotherFucker  ""]
No, you've never seen a turp take a rotor blade to the dome.....
You've never seen a SEAL lose an arm to a mortor round..........
And DEFINITLY NO, you've never had to be taken to a safehouse after your pretend helicopter that you were "flying" broke down near Erbil, Iraq. And seriously dude, rolling up Iranians in Erbil, your a fucking idiot. First of all fuckstick, if you are who you say you are, you wouldn't be rolling up shit. It would be the real Operators that would be riding on your bird that would be doing the rolling (Or what most A-type guys would call it "Balling UP") the "Iranians".
Oh and news flash motherfucker, its usually pieces of shit that get sent to do PSD for Brigade Commanders. And fuck no, you've never call a gun run on anything.

I just wasted minutes of my life reading your BS stories. Do yourself a favor and stop watching the indoc videos on TV. Next week you'll be saying your a fucking SEAL/RANGER/SNIPER/FORCE/SF cocksucker.

Go fuck yourself douchbag.

[Jun 29,2012 7:58pm - THANK YOU  ""]
ITT: dukemanjunks favorite person dukemanjunk gets rolled by a real 'operator'
[Jun 29,2012 8:18pm - RangersLeadTheWayMotherFucker  ""]
Your one High Speed looking Operator man.
You really rolled out looking like that? Where the hell is your kit? M4 mags? And everyone who is Infantry know's that a fucking leg holster is probably the most uncomfortable piece of shit around, which is why only fucking MP's and other POG's wear them. And I'm pretty sure the only person's back you ever pointed your M4 at was an NCO's for (what you pussies would call) "Hazing" you because you look like a fucking clueless retard.
[Jun 30,2012 9:59am - DukeManjunk ""]
ITT: a bunch of fags who sit on their moms couch playing MW3 try to dissect my military carrer because i post one picture.
[Jun 30,2012 10:07am - Hoser ""]

DukeManjunk said:
Dukemanjunks%20bowling%20specialist said:Makes it seem like he's this:


When he was this:

also, reguardless of job in the regiment, every enlisted soldier gets the same training as soon as they get to fort campbell


I guess that would explain our attrition rate...



funny story, when my class did our land navigation/escape and evasion training, the cadre told us "yeah, bring dip,beef jerky,cupcakes whatever you want....but we you get rolled up its probably going to get taken"

well, we had a bit of a class clown who went home that night and baked brownies with laxatives in them and gave one brownie to each team....i had my teams brownie in my rucksack, we got rolled up, and one of the cadre...namely Staff Sergeant Pierce from boston ate the brownie, and even went so far as to start licking the tinfoil it was wrapped in while saying how good it was.....he left training early that day and got a negative counseling statement for it....at the end of the class when we had our class critique's i told the NCOIC.....he started laughing hysterically...SSG Pierce didnt find it so funny and the class clown and myself were told to "do push-ups until you die"

HAHAHAHAHAHA...these guys would ALMOST make it through Marine Corps. BASIC training. I wasn't at any SOAR training, but man, the USMC has this shit beat to hell right out of the box.
[Jun 30,2012 10:16am - DukeManjunk ""]
this videos are 6 weeks of training rolled up into a 45 minute tv show, obviously theres alot of stuff missing....black day happens in the first few days of class, to try to get rid of anyone who doesnt truely want to be there and it goes non stop for about 16 hours....ater we did the log carry/humvee pull we did a mock PT test, followed by a 6 mile run and an obstacle course. it usually happens on a thursday so you have three days to recover. when i did mine i slept the entire next day, and was limping for several days afterwards....and i was in the best shape of my life at that time...i went from basic, to AIT and then straight into green platoon.
[Jun 30,2012 11:08am - Boozegood ""]
EDIT: Eh, I don't really care that much. I just don't know why you are calling yourself a 'special operator' and acting like you have been in combat.
[Jun 30,2012 12:18pm - RangersLeadTheWayMotherFucker  ""]
WOW, an Indoc that you have the weekends off on? That shit must of been real brutal. The only school I went too that gave you weekends off was Airborne School. So Duke, did you deploy to Baghdad with the 160th? If so where did you stay?
[Jun 30,2012 1:41pm - operation iraqi vacation  ""]
[Jun 30,2012 3:24pm - trioxin245 ""]

DukeManjunk said:ITT: two actual military men call me out for lying about my military experience because I posted over and over about how great I am and how impressed everyone should be with me.
[Jun 30,2012 10:33pm - Fuck_Logging_In  ""]
[Jul 1,2012 1:38am - DukeManjunk ""]

RangersLeadTheWayMotherFucker said:WOW, an Indoc that you have the weekends off on? That shit must of been real brutal. The only school I went too that gave you weekends off was Airborne School. So Duke, did you deploy to Baghdad with the 160th? If so where did you stay?

no, baghdad with the 101st, keep in mind i was an aviator so i was always at an airbase.

legit, i'm telling you black day is no fucking joke, they break you physically and mentally in the same day. they will "trim the fat" so to speak from the class on this one day.....after that they treat you like a human being...it took me telling a retired sergeant major who saw action in panama to go fuck himself (i was an E-2 at the time) and i wasnt going to quit before they saw that i was in it for the long haul.
[Jul 1,2012 1:49am - DukeManjunk ""]

RangersLeadTheWayMotherFucker said:Duke,
No, you've never seen a turp take a rotor blade to the dome.....
You've never seen a SEAL lose an arm to a mortor round..........
And DEFINITLY NO, you've never had to be taken to a safehouse after your pretend helicopter that you were "flying" broke down near Erbil, Iraq. And seriously dude, rolling up Iranians in Erbil, your a fucking idiot. First of all fuckstick, if you are who you say you are, you wouldn't be rolling up shit. It would be the real Operators that would be riding on your bird that would be doing the rolling (Or what most A-type guys would call it "Balling UP") the "Iranians".
Oh and news flash motherfucker, its usually pieces of shit that get sent to do PSD for Brigade Commanders. And fuck no, you've never call a gun run on anything.

I just wasted minutes of my life reading your BS stories. Do yourself a favor and stop watching the indoc videos on TV. Next week you'll be saying your a fucking SEAL/RANGER/SNIPER/FORCE/SF cocksucker.

Go fuck yourself douchbag.


read up on"objective twins II" the guys on the ground had a very tense few minute long stand off with the peshmerga, also, ever hear of a guy named Dominic Caracillo? he was a ranger regiment battalion commander during the jump into afghanistan. he was my brigade commander in the 101st (RAK 6)

you TF RED guys sure do talk alot of shit, even though when the going gets tough the first thing you do is call in the TF BROWN gunships for help.
[Jul 1,2012 4:11am - Boozegood ""]
...oh boy. I don't even know where to start with those posts.
[Jul 1,2012 5:00am - RangersLeadTheWayMotherFucker  ""]
Dude, your not going to impress me because you know a single ex-commander in the 75th. Officers leave the 75th to take command in the Big Army all the time you fucking idiot. Nice try though. And as for the color code thing, thats fucking and OPSEC violation so you might want to edit and/or remove that post before the wrong person reads it.

And I have nothing but respect for the NightStalkers and I had a blast working with them. I just dont like to see dickfaces such as yourself drag they're name down. And yes, we do call for gun runs because its fucking awesome. Trust me, that support is more than returned when a bird goes down. 99.9% of the time its Rangers tasked as QRF to secure and evac a down bird and its crew.

BTW Duke, the 160th did have an airpad in Baghdad at the MSS. They're crew lived in the compound right beside ours. Figured you'd know that seeing's your 160th and all, guessed it must of slipped your mind, or like everyone else on here has guessed and your just full of shit.

If your really 160th you should go on SOCNET.com and have yourself vetted by the Operators on there. If you check off and are vetted by the guys there then I'll tell everyone here that I was mistaken and I'm sorry, until then you can blow me.

[Jul 1,2012 5:02am - DukeMidgetQueer  ""]
Obviously, Lady Duke is full of shit. I'm over it, we get that he is a lying moron
[Jul 1,2012 9:15pm - SkinSandwich ""]
This is a thread.
[Jul 24,2012 2:18am - HAMBONE  ""]
[Jul 24,2012 7:00am - arilliusbm ""]
HAMBONE is aaron. Just IP checked.
[Jul 24,2012 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
I wish. At 2:18 am, I just matched up the 4 1hr files from the wunh archive and was uploading the show.
[Jul 24,2012 9:21am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jul 24,2012 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
BTW: stolen valor was declared unconstitutional
[Jul 25,2012 1:59am - Hoser ""]

the_reverend said:BTW: stolen valor was declared unconstitutional

Didn't read the story, but if it's true...that's too bad. I fucking hate the dinks who tell you that they served, when they haven't done shit. I also hate how guys who join the Marine Corps. and get med discharges (because they are non-hackers who don't deserve to serve in my beloved Corps.) tell everyone that they were in RECON....makes me laugh my dick off. Ever notice that you never met any cooks, or supply, or admin guys that were in the Corps./Army/Navy? Naturally, theyre all full of HORSESHIT. Next time, ask them what their MOS and what unit(s) they served in...great way to watch the asspipes stutter and blurt out some HORSESHIT NON-EXISTENT unit....(or a unit that was disbanded 10 years before their time).
[Jul 25,2012 2:03am - Hoser ""]
Here's my unit....Sergeant / 0311 (Rifleman)


[Jul 25,2012 2:13am - xgodzillax ""]
ITT: Dudemanjunk has ben like delusions while trying to one-up KING one-up dwyer. called out, cries rape.
[Jul 25,2012 9:36am - Alx_Casket ""]
Some orchids I brought to lighten up my otherwise drab office. (44th battalion / 3rd regiment / imperial boner squad)
[Jul 25,2012 11:35am - HANOI JANE  ""]

Hoser said:Here's my unit....Sergeant / 0311 (Rifleman)


[Jul 25,2012 12:43pm - Ancient Master nli  ""]
Not working now cause Im a student, but here is me in front of a jerry rigged chicken shit mixer/ sprayer that i built to fertilize the crops in 2011
[Aug 17,2012 12:20pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Aug 17,2012 12:40pm - xmikex ""]
[Mar 15,2015 10:45pm - Megadeth Viera  ""]
Dukemanjunk is on Facebook right this second...
Talking about how much he hates it when people lie about their military service. Nothing changes.

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