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I'm true metal and that means I have a total DIY punk ethos circa 1984.

[Jun 19,2012 10:24am - Hugo Dong  ""]
I'm so true I don't like you.
I'm so true I hate them too.

You try to DIY with kickstarter
I say that's false DIY you should be slaughtered

You are false for using technology
Only Amish black metal needs no apology

I'm so true I don't like you
I'm so true I HATE YOU TOO!
[Jun 19,2012 10:37am - Hugo Dong  ""]
Title should be "... DIY punk ethos circa before I was born." you fucking little tykes.
[Jun 19,2012 10:45am - boblovesmusic ""]

This came to mind when I read this
[Jun 19,2012 10:47am - Hugo Dong  ""]
Best time-travel-related Star Trek scene.
[Jun 19,2012 12:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
OP doesn't realize this isn't a poetry slam
[Jun 19,2012 12:29pm - nekronaut ""]
Hugo Dong is haupty, log in bro.
[Jun 19,2012 1:35pm - hauptpflucker ""]
[Jun 19,2012 1:50pm - Peoples' Poet  ""]
Lyrics from the next Barren Oak song.
[Jun 19,2012 1:53pm - nekronaut ""]
Oh. Nevermind.

Fuck off, Alex.
[Jun 20,2012 11:59am - the_mex ""]
I suspect a certain afficionado of the robust and pleasantly plump
[Jun 20,2012 2:22pm - Alx_Casket ""]

nekronaut said:Oh. Nevermind.

Fuck off, Alex.

Wasn't me either, stinky.

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