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[Jun 8,2012 6:15pm - Samantha ""]
I saw this on Cannibal Corpse's Facebook page... along with over 1,000 comments from people talking about how terrible the line-up is and a bunch of 16 year olds saying they think it's the most epic line-up ever and don't understand why anyone would talk crap about Slipknot.



[Jun 8,2012 6:17pm - Yucko  ""]
your surprise about this happening is equally hilarious
[Jun 8,2012 6:18pm - trioxin_245 ""]
can kommandant get on this?
[Jun 8,2012 6:18pm - anon  ""]

Yucko said:your surprise about this happening is equally hilarious


Prong is super awesome though.
[Jun 8,2012 6:22pm - Samantha ""]

Yucko said:your surprise about this happening is equally hilarious

Your anonymous posting is equally as unsurprising and not nearly as hilarious.
[Jun 8,2012 6:24pm - trioxin_245 ""]
lol @ prong being awesome
[Jun 8,2012 6:25pm - chernobyl ""]
[Jun 8,2012 6:25pm - Kalex Asskit  ""]
So you're offended that Slipknot, a nu-metalish band, is organizing a festival with a whole bunch of other nu-metalish bands?

CC is the only one that looks out of place to me. The rest seem to be a smorgasboard of popular late 90's early 00's nu-metal bands. Stellar lineup, if you like shit.

[Jun 8,2012 6:30pm - DukeManjunk ""]
i'd see the dethklok, the rest of the bands can chup on mi bolas
[Jun 8,2012 6:38pm - Samantha ""]
LOL. I love the onslaught of anonymous people over-analyzing everything to a degree of insanity and trying to argue about the dumbest things on earth because they have nothing better to do with their time. FYI: This is why A LOT of people don't post here anymore.

Simple logic: Cannibal Corpse is a death metal band I have enjoyed listening to since I was about 11 years old. Their band logo is in tiny little letters way underneath some lame metalcore crap because that is what all the kiddos like these days, and that is what makes money. The older I get, the more ridiculous and stupid those things become.

Does that make sense, or do I have to bust out the crayons start singing ABCs?
[Jun 8,2012 6:41pm - DukeManjunk ""]
for some reson this kind of reminds me of the time my friend started following fred durst on twitter...any time he post anything my friend reply's "its all about the he said,she said bullshit"
[Jun 8,2012 6:46pm - SkinSandwich ""]
[Jun 8,2012 6:49pm - trioxin_245 ""]

Samantha said:LOL. I love the onslaught of anonymous people over-analyzing everything to a degree of insanity and trying to argue about the dumbest things on earth because they have nothing better to do with their time. FYI: This is why A LOT of people don't post here anymore.

Simple logic: Cannibal Corpse is a death metal band I have enjoyed listening to since I was about 11 years old. Their band logo is in tiny little letters way underneath some lame metalcore crap because that is what all the kiddos like these days, and that is what makes money. The older I get, the more ridiculous and stupid those things become.

Does that make sense, or do I have to bust out the crayons start singing ABCs?

I was saying boo urns
[Jun 8,2012 7:18pm - KPANZER  ""]
If 'crayons' is your pet name for your breasts- YES!
[Jun 8,2012 7:22pm - Lamp ""]

Samantha said:
Yucko said:your surprise about this happening is equally hilarious

Your anonymous posting is equally as unsurprising and not nearly as hilarious.

Sorry, but I gotta agree with the anon here. Maybe if it was 15 years ago it would be one thing, but what's surprising about this in 2012?
[Jun 8,2012 7:25pm - Lamp ""]
RE: Prong. They did put out an album that I like, but I don't even know what year it's from (presumably the late 80s), nor do I even know what the rest of their material even sounds like. Did they just turn into some crap nu-metal band?
[Jun 8,2012 8:06pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Also re: Prong - I heard a couple of songs off of a new album that's either out or coming out, and strangely it wasn't that bad. Not great, but listenable. I liked it better than their older shit (which I always found boring).
[Jun 8,2012 8:07pm - KEVORD ""]
This just looks like the lineup if there was an Ozzfest 2012.
[Jun 8,2012 8:42pm - demondave ""]
yeah, but this fest will awaken your darkest senses
[Jun 8,2012 9:21pm - RustyPS ""]
Snap Your Finger Snap Ypur Neck is/was the only Prong song I ever liked
[Jun 8,2012 9:23pm - Samantha  ""]

Lamp said:
Samantha said:
Yucko said:your surprise about this happening is equally hilarious

Your anonymous posting is equally as unsurprising and not nearly as hilarious.

Sorry, but I gotta agree with the anon here. Maybe if it was 15 years ago it would be one thing, but what's surprising about this in 2012?

Please enlighten me as to where I ever said I was surprised. Thanks.
[Jun 8,2012 9:46pm - Lamp ""]
Would you have even posted the thread in the first place if you weren't surprised?
[Jun 8,2012 11:12pm - xgodzillax ""]

Lamp said:Would you have even posted the thread in the first place if you weren't surprised?

chicks with dicks, bro. chicks with dicks....
[Jun 9,2012 1:47am - archaeonnli  ""]
slipknot rules.
[Jun 9,2012 5:11am - quintessence_nli  ""]
[Jun 9,2012 5:14am - quintessence_nli  ""]
Prong has a good guitar player, thats about it. Band sucks.
[Jun 9,2012 11:46am - Samantha  ""]

Lamp said:Would you have even posted the thread in the first place if you weren't surprised?

More like disgusted and amused.
[Jun 9,2012 11:53am - Fake ANONYMOUS ONSLAUGHT  ""]

Samantha said:LOL. I love the onslaught of anonymous people over-analyzing everything This is why A LOT of people don't post here anymore.

I though it had something to do with people getting sick of threads like this one passing for "music discussion". The trolling has always been. The threads BETWEEN the trolls used to be much more interesting.
[Jun 9,2012 12:15pm - Lamp ""]

Samantha said:
Lamp said:Would you have even posted the thread in the first place if you weren't surprised?

More like disgusted and amused.

Heh, I gotcha. I dunno, maybe it's just because I'm kind of a youngin' but I can't remember a time when Cannibal Corpse wasn't playing these asshat fests so I guess I'm just numb to it...
[Jun 9,2012 12:20pm - KEVORD ""]
I was gonna say is the point of this thread that an “Underground” band like Cannibal Corpse is playing SlipKnots fest. Cause Cannibal Corpse sells a lot of albums and is pretty mainstream to even casual heavy music fans.
[Jun 9,2012 12:55pm - Fake SAMANTHA  ""]
I just don't like people confusing the fake "underground" metal I love with the fake "underground" metal kids a little younger than me love.
[Jun 9,2012 2:27pm - Samantha ""]
There is way too much butthurt in this thread and not enough LULZ. The /r tag was never meant for serious music discussion. Come on. There is a circus tent in the background of that flyer, and it promises to "awaken your darkest senses". Why hasn't anyone photoshopped juggalo pictures in there yet? RTTP, I am disappoint.

People need to stop taking themselves so seriously and start having a sense of humor. Wasting time arguing about how "underground" a well-known death metal band is with idiots too cowardly to log in is a boring waste of time. Laughing at the general stupidity of the world?... probably still a waste of time, but waaaayyyy more entertaining.

[Jun 9,2012 2:32pm - DukeManjunk ""]

Samantha said:People need to stop taking themselves so seriously and start having a sense of humor.

errrrbody knows teh interwebz is serious fucking business
[Jun 9,2012 2:42pm - Samantha ""]

[Jun 9,2012 2:55pm - chernobyl ""]

Samantha said:[img]


Haha, I love you.
[Jun 9,2012 2:56pm - KEVORD ""]
As someone who has commented signed in the whole time I'm sorry no one took your LULZ bait. But making fun of Slipknot seems about 10 years too late.
[Jun 9,2012 2:58pm - chernobyl ""]
If a band isn't "Shinedown-ish" then they aren't worth my time.
[Jun 9,2012 3:02pm - Samantha ""]
Yes, I do respect you for having the cajones to be logged in. However, I disagree that it's 10 years too late. The fact that people STILL listen to that garbage and it didn't fade away into oblivion as just a stupid fad... Well, that's just a sign of the idiocracy apocalypse.
[Jun 9,2012 3:06pm - amorok666 ""]
Since when is cannibal not a mainstream band? I thought the 643276465331 shows they did with black dhalia murder confirmed this 5 years ago.
[Jun 9,2012 3:06pm - KEVORD ""]
Samantha I dont get it either. But I still dont understand how WAAF is even still in business. Most people will just listen to whatever someone tells them is cool I guess.
[Jun 9,2012 3:10pm - Samantha ""]
They should start booking Slipknot along with ICP so that all of the annoying people can be in the same place.

[Jun 9,2012 3:13pm - Samantha ""]

KEVORD said:Samantha I dont get it either. But I still dont understand how WAAF is even still in business. Most people will just listen to whatever someone tells them is cool I guess.

Because most people don't have the brain power to enjoy music that isn't simplistic and catchy. They want the McDonald's hamburger and french fries of heavy music... not haggis or black forest cake.
[Jun 9,2012 3:19pm - KEVORD ""]
The biggest Slipknot WTF was The Tattoo the Earth Festival in 2000 when they had one album out and headlined over slayer.

[Jun 9,2012 3:22pm - RustyPS ""]

KEVORD said:The biggest Slipknot WTF was The Tattoo the Earth Festival in 2000 when they had one album out and headlined over slayer.


I was there, and that was weird
[Jun 9,2012 3:30pm - Samantha ""]
Ha ha! I remember absolutely refusing to go to that... because Slayer was the only band I wanted to see, and there was no way I could sit through the rest of those bands.

I also remember seeing Hatebreed in Vermont back in the mid-late 90s when they weren't so well known. I didn't like them back then, either.
[Jun 9,2012 3:30pm - mikexmike nli  ""]
I was there and I thought it was great bc I got to go home. Sitting through Sevendust to watch Slayer was enough character building for one day.
[Jun 9,2012 3:41pm - chernobyl ""]

Samantha said:Ha ha! I remember absolutely refusing to go to that... because Slayer was the only band I wanted to see, and there was no way I could sit through the rest of those bands.

I also remember seeing Hatebreed in Vermont back in the mid-late 90s when they weren't so well known. I didn't like them back then, either.

Did they play monsterfest?
[Jun 9,2012 3:50pm - Samantha ""]
They played at Club Toast back in 1996-1997. Ha... I'm old.
[Jun 9,2012 4:39pm - Ghoulash ""]
I'd go just to see Deftones, I probably wont because of the amount of bros and turds that will be there but I'd really like to see them.
[Jun 9,2012 5:28pm - Dankill  ""]

RustyPS said:
KEVORD said:The biggest Slipknot WTF was The Tattoo the Earth Festival in 2000 when they had one album out and headlined over slayer.


I was there, and that was weird

Me too. It was quite weird.
[Jun 9,2012 5:37pm - trioxin_245 ""]
not as weird/funny as Hed PE getting booed off stage at hampton casino ballroom opening for slayer
[Jun 9,2012 5:51pm - KEVORD ""]

trioxin_245 said:not as weird/funny as Hed PE getting booed off stage at hampton casino ballroom opening for slayer
I saw Slayer 3 times that week. That might be my favorite Slayer show ever. Tom Araya was grilling in the parking lot before the show.
[Jun 10,2012 12:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

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