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Nuclear War Now! fest volume III

[show listing]  ____________________________________
[Jun 7,2012 12:55pm - Alx_Casket ""]

November 8th, 9th, 10th 2012 Berlin Germany

Thursday 11/8:

Blackland Club
Lilli-Henoch Str. 1
10405 Berlin

Limited to 200 Tickets


11/9 and 11/10 :

Straße der Pariser Kommune 8
10243 Berlin

Limited to 1500 Tickets

Friday 11/9

Vader (Performing only Necrolust and Morbid Reich material)
Dead Congregation
Demonomancy (Shorter set)

Saturday 11/10

Headliner (TBD)
Rotting Christ (Performing only Thy Mighty Contract and older material)
Black Witchery
Ares Kingdom
Embrace of Thorns
Bestial Raids
Knelt Rote

Brought to you in conspiracy with Iron Bonehead Productions. Sponsored by Terrorizer Magazine.

[Jun 7,2012 1:02pm - RustyPS ""]

Really? You really wanted to try THAT hard?
[Jun 7,2012 1:04pm - trioxin_245 ""]
They're actually a killer band. This label is nothing but a re-issue label with packaging overshadowing actually quality music, but this fest aint bad. But... it's in germany, sooooo...
[Jun 7,2012 1:10pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Yeah, I scoffed at the name too but they are actually way better than I expected.
[Jun 7,2012 1:14pm - KEVORD ""]
Killer fest but a large expense to go. Blasphemophager is great but NWN does release a lot of turds with a shiny wrapper and their message board is a try hard convention.
[Jun 7,2012 1:42pm - chrisREX ""]
Dead Congregation is my favorite death metal from the past 10 years. Ares Kingdom is their next best band. I also dig Embrace of Thorns and Revenge.

I would love to see that Rotting Christ set and Sabbat.
[Jun 7,2012 1:56pm - KEVORD ""]
Everyone just go to Martyrdoom Fest.\Thread
[Jun 7,2012 1:57pm - SkinSandwich ""]
In Hitlers old stomping grounds no less.
[Jun 7,2012 4:38pm - quintessence ""]

KEVORD said:Everyone just go to Martyrdoom Fest.\Thread

Um I think this one is just a tad bit better there bud.
[Jun 7,2012 4:44pm - trioxin_245 ""]
eh, with the exceptions of Abigail, Rotting Christ and Ares Kingdom it's not even close to being worth the expensive trip to germany.
[Jun 7,2012 4:45pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I'd love to see Morbosidad though.
[Jun 7,2012 4:48pm - KEVORD ""]

quintessence said:
KEVORD said:Everyone just go to Martyrdoom Fest.\Thread

Um I think this one is just a tad bit better there bud.

not price wise chief.
[Jun 7,2012 4:51pm - trioxin_245 ""]

KEVORD said:
quintessence said:
KEVORD said:Everyone just go to Martyrdoom Fest.\Thread

Im not your buddy pal.

Im not your pal friend.

I'm not your friend, buddy.
[Jun 7,2012 4:59pm - KEVORD ""]
The only point to this thread is so Alex can rub it in that he's going.
[Jun 7,2012 5:01pm - chernobyl ""]
Morbid Bleak headlining day two?
[Jun 7,2012 5:11pm - quintessence ""]
Oh yeah no way its worth going to germany for, but if I lived in europe I'd go.
[Jun 7,2012 7:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]

KEVORD said:The only point to this thread is so Alex can rub it in that he's going.

[Jun 7,2012 8:35pm - Pires ""]
Is skrillex the special headliner?
[Jun 8,2012 12:41pm - niggerless cage  ""]
special headliner is Burzum (varg) doing vocals backed by sabbat
[Jun 8,2012 12:57pm - AndrewBastard ""]
fest is sick but I just cant afford it this time around.
[Aug 10,2012 3:22pm - Alx_Casket ""]
get at me if you're interested in going, I may have an extra ticket for pre-fest and main fest.
[Aug 10,2012 3:24pm - KEVORD ""]
I hate you Alex. So want to go. But Germany ticket is expensive.
[Aug 10,2012 3:54pm - arilliusbm ""]
Alex just likes rubbing everything in everyones' faces.
[Aug 10,2012 3:57pm - Alx_Casket ""]
There's something I'd like to rub in your face, aril.
[Aug 10,2012 3:57pm - KEVORD ""]
The wife wasn't convinced that spending almost a grand to send me to Germany was a good investment. :( But I tried.
[Aug 10,2012 3:59pm - arilliusbm ""]
Murder He Wrote.
[Aug 10,2012 4:00pm - KEVORD ""]

arilliusbm said:Murder He Wrote.
[Aug 10,2012 4:02pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Too bad Kev, would have been fun with you.

There should be space in the hotel room if anyone wants to crash out there as well. Offer still stands.
[Aug 10,2012 4:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
"Herr Klaus, who ist that foghat with ze Matrix coat?"

"Must be a goofy Amerikan. Ze fools. Fire at will. Schnell!"
[Aug 10,2012 4:06pm - KEVORD ""]
I think Matrix in German is still Matrix.
[Aug 10,2012 4:13pm - AndrewBastard ""]
id love to go to this...fahhhk.
[Aug 10,2012 4:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
Yea, Germany has the BEST fests.
[Aug 10,2012 4:51pm - nekronaut ""]
Alex, use your million bux and buy me a plane ticket.
[Aug 10,2012 4:53pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Sell me one of your sumatran rat monkeys.
[Aug 10,2012 5:13pm - nekronaut ""]
Okay. It's a deal.
[Aug 10,2012 5:16pm - Kevy ords  ""]
i wanna go to this so bad lol
[Aug 10,2012 5:18pm - KEVORD ""]
u iz faggit.
[Aug 10,2012 5:50pm - nekronaut ""]
Alex, deal or no deal?
[Aug 10,2012 7:13pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I'll buy it at a high price!
[Aug 10,2012 10:17pm - nekronaut ""]
I got some rare things on sale for you, stranger.

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