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Earache Records (for some reason) releases shorts record ever

[Jun 1,2012 1:40pm - the_reverend ""]
Earache Records is celebrating 25 years of bringing extreme metal to the masses and, as part of the celebrations, has released the World's Shortest Album, striking fear into the hearts of radio DJs everywhere.

Earache is no stranger to world records, having previously claimed two official Guinness World Records, for the world's shortest single with NAPALM DEATH's "You Suffer", as well as the world's shortest music video with BRUTAL TRUTH's "Collateral Damage".

Now, Earache is taking the idea of "shorter, faster, louder" to the extreme, with the shortest, fastest and loudest album around. 'Earache: World's Shortest Album' celebrates brevity as an art form, featuring 13 extreme, straight-to-the-point tracks totalling just 87 seconds, smashing the previous 121-second record held by Canadian dance group CHROMEO.

The attempt at setting the new record for the world's shortest album has been rejected by Guinness however, who no longer recognise "world's shortest" records, explaining:

"The nature of competing to make something the 'shortest' by its very nature trivialises the activity being carried out, and Guinness World Records has been forced to reject many claims of this kind. As such, we have been forced to cease listing records for the shortest song, shortest poem and indeed the shortest concert."

'Earache: World's Shortest Album' is still available to the public however, and is out now on iTunes at http://bit.ly/Kx9MTi

The full track listing and times for the album are as follows:

01. Napalm Death - You Suffer (00:04)
02. Napalm Death - Dead (00:05)
03. Napalm Death - Your Achievement (00:06)
04. Wormrot - False Grind Sodomy (00:04)
05. Wormrot - You Suffer But Why Is It My Problem (00:04)
06. Brutal Truth - Collateral Damage (00:04)
07. A.C. - Howard Wulkan's Bald (00:09)
08. Lawnmower Deth - Be Scene Not Heard (00:07)
09. Painkiller - Trailmarker (00:08)
10. Brutal Truth - Blockhead (00:07)
11. Morbid Angel - Bil Ur-Sag #2 Lava (00:06)
12. A.C. - Windchimes Are Gay (00:10)
13. Insect Warfare - Street Sweeper (00:13)

Total running time - 01:27

View the album cover at

The album is also available to listen to in full on YouTube at


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[Jun 1,2012 2:47pm - xmikex ""]
this looks and sounds half assed even for an overtly half assed effort
[Jun 1,2012 2:52pm - Lamp ""]
There's no way in fuck 1:27 is the world's shortest record anyway, there HAS to be something shorter than this out there.
[Jun 1,2012 2:53pm - blerg  ""]

Lamp said: there HAS to be something shorter than this out there.

ya you're dick
[Jun 1,2012 2:54pm - GRAMMAR POLICE  ""]

fucking idiot.
[Jun 1,2012 2:55pm - Lamp ""]

blerg said:
Lamp said: there HAS to be something shorter than this out there.

ya you're dick

"half assed"
[Jun 1,2012 2:57pm - trioxin_245 ""]
cool waste of vinyl bro

also, I have a Bloodyminded cd that clocks in at only 1:03, and a Fantasmi Di Sodoma tape that is only about 24 seconds long, so it doesn't even succeed in that aspect.
[Jun 1,2012 3:02pm - boblovesmusic ""]
a couple thoughts: 1. I suppose their definition of a record is a 12 to 13 song album. 2. 5 bucks for 1:27? no thanks!
[Jun 1,2012 3:07pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Not even worth the illegal download.
[Jun 1,2012 3:11pm - boblovesmusic ""]
that said, as a fan of all things novel and gimmick, I give them credit for the attempt.
[Jun 1,2012 3:13pm - arktouros ""]
i applaud earache for not realizing that giving this away for free would net them a lot more money.
[Jun 1,2012 3:21pm - xmikex ""]
Celebrating 25 years of living off a handful of good records.
[Jun 1,2012 7:33pm - demondave ""]

It is very ridiculous. They should have come up with outrageous packaging. Like the morbid angel box set, but mounted on a cinder block. That would be worth it.

[Jun 1,2012 11:33pm - yummy ""]
That Insect Warfare goes on and on.
[Jun 2,2012 12:47am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Soon to follow: World's most invisible royalty checks.

[Jun 2,2012 1:19am - demondave ""]

yummy said:That Insect Warfare goes on and on.

haha - awesome

[Jun 2,2012 11:51am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
FTR, that Chromeo "record" was a voicepack for Nokia's GPS system. Not really a "record"
[Jun 2,2012 11:56am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - A Music War called, it would like its schtick back.

[Jun 2,2012 8:59pm - Josh Cunt nli  ""]
please nobody pay for this. None of the bands will see anything from it
[Jun 2,2012 10:26pm - yummy ""]
[Jun 4,2012 10:40am - charlieinfection ""]
Bleeeeeeaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhh !!!!
freakin great record for sure !!!!!
[Jun 4,2012 11:03am - Lamp ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Bllleeeeaaauuurrrrgghhh! - A Music War called, it would like its schtick back.


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