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vocalist seeking new band

[May 29,2012 6:56pm - cwyte ""]
24 year old vocalist looking for a new project. current band is looking more and more like it's just a hobby for most of the other members. i'm also growing bored with the music. i'm looking for something more in the grind/thrash/brutal/deathcore vein. i have a good range of conventional highs, mids, and lows as well as some out of the ordinary gutturals and growls. my main influences would be Cattle Decapitation, The Black Dahlia Murder, Dissection, Cerebral Bore, Veil of Maya, The Chariot, Fear My Thoughts, The Acacia Strain, Gojira, Cobalt, Hacride, Baroness, Amon Amarth, Obscura, Revocation. email me at cwhite1376@gmail.com
[May 29,2012 7:00pm - chernobyl ""]
Get em boys..

And how dare you throw Big D and the Somberlain on that list of consisting of mostly faggotry bands minus maybe Revocation because Dave is on the dawgthrone of chillies.
[May 29,2012 7:17pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Good lord...
[May 29,2012 7:20pm - KEVORD ""]
Grind\Thrash\Brutal\Deathcore? You forgot Stoner & Ambient Black Metal.
[May 29,2012 7:22pm - chernobyl ""]

KEVORD said: You forgot Ambient Deathcore.
[May 29,2012 8:29pm - josh_hates_you ""]
New band? Post links to your old band.
[May 29,2012 8:39pm - lulztrain  ""]

josh_hates_you said:New band? Post links to your old band and provide more excellent fodder for your own humiliation.
[May 29,2012 8:40pm - lulztrain  ""]
Seriously though, what the fuck sort of garbage are half of those shitty ass bands you are "influenced" by, and why the hell would you post here if you weren't just some douche bag looking to get a rise out of the morons who post here? If you are real, you have shitty taste in music.
[May 30,2012 9:22am - cwyte ""]
well ya'll can go fuck yourselves, i really dont care what you think of my musical taste. sorry that i listen to some new age bands why dont you go throw on some slayer or mayhem and jerk of while you choke yourselves. are any of ya'll in an actual band? let alone one that more than 100 people know about? oh right i forgot thats what all you faggots consider as a real metal band. a no talent group of garage heros who sound like shit and never make it out of the basement. eat a dick
[May 30,2012 9:35am - xmikex ""]
A word to the wise, n00b....

- Post links to recorded material of yours instead of naming bands. Even if your tastes in music didn't already suck, you should know that "listing influences" is an un-winable war. Prospective musicians will (ideally) gauge you by your ability instead of just looking for things to laugh at.

- If you don't have any recorded material or even a Youtube link of your old band playing live well then a hobbyrocker is you, and you need to rexamine what you've been doing for 24 years.

- In the very least post an Amazon link to the Ghostbusters coloring book you read to get all your current GFM musical influences.
[May 30,2012 9:35am - arktouros ""]
you'll get shit no matter where you post. you handled it poorly. go listen to the chariot.
[May 30,2012 9:50am - xmikex ""]
Has naming influences ever worked out for anyone? I can't recall it ever working out here. In the pre-Youtube/Myspace/Bandcamp days you were pretty much forced to list your influences because MP3.com took too long to load on dialup. It inevitably led to 90 lb kids on Lambgoat threatening to kick your ass from the other side of the country because you didn't like Champion.
[May 30,2012 9:54am - arktouros ""]
it did! http://www.returntothepit.com/view.php?formid=54867
[May 30,2012 9:54am - Mark_R ""]
Come to think of it, I don't think it ever has for me. I got started as a sophomore in high school because a random kid in a class said "hey, you own a bass? Come jam with us."
[May 30,2012 9:55am - Alx_Casket ""]
Read the rules.

*RTTP Staff*
[May 30,2012 10:11am - trioxin245nli  ""]
I always lol @ 'vocalists' looking for bands. Ad should just read 'person with no musical talent or instrumental ability looking for group of actual musicians to write songs for him to yell into a mic over'
[May 30,2012 10:34am - trioxin245nli  ""]

xmikex said:
- In the very least post an Amazon link to the Ghostbusters coloring book you read to get all your current GFM musical influences.

[May 30,2012 10:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

cwyte said:well ya'll can go fuck yourselves, i really dont care what you think of my musical taste. sorry that i listen to some new age bands why dont you go throw on some slayer or mayhem and jerk of while you choke yourselves.

/thread, complying
[May 30,2012 10:58am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 30,2012 12:26pm - yummy ""]
Well put Mike. You care more than I do about walking people through this arduous process. It's true though. Listing influences limits the amount of serious candidates.
[May 30,2012 1:06pm - Burnsy ""]
Listing influences is how OR found Chernobyl and Sean our bassist. Granted, I'd like to think the influences I listed weren't terrible.
[May 30,2012 1:08pm - chernobyl ""]

Burnsy said:Listing influences is how OR found Chernobyl and Sean our bassist. Granted, I'd like to think the influences I listed weren't terrible.

Correct, I was actually gonna post this. Our list was a little too long and silly now that I think of it. It was like every band on our iPods, haha.
[May 30,2012 1:26pm - yummy ""]
I tend to jam with people without ever knowing what they listen to. After, they tell me all the shitty music they like and it works out. Or it doesn't.
[May 30,2012 1:35pm - xmikex ""]
Still waiting to hear this dude's music (prediction: there isn't any). I want to know what 101 fans can't possibly be wrong about.
[May 30,2012 1:37pm - chernobyl ""]

xmikex said:Still waiting to hear this dude's music (prediction: there isn't any). I want to know what 101 fans can't possibly be wrong about.

ITT first fret palm muting breakdowns
[May 30,2012 1:39pm - Burnsy ""]

chernobyl said:
ITT open E palm muting breakdowns

[May 30,2012 1:40pm - yummy ""]

Burnsy said:
chernobyl said:
ITT drop D palm muting breakdowns


[May 30,2012 1:41pm - chernobyl ""]

Burnsy said:
chernobyl said:
ITT open E palm muting breakdowns


No, that's too 2002. In this day in age they let the open E ring open with one finger on the first fret of the A string.
[May 30,2012 1:42pm - Burnsy ""]
Oof. That's the beginning of Cirque de Macabre. We were trend whores. =(
[May 30,2012 1:44pm - chernobyl ""]
Yes but it wasn't palm muted.
[May 30,2012 1:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You guys, this thread is over. We're all supposed to be autoerotically asphyxiating ourselves, now.
[May 30,2012 1:51pm - Burnsy ""]
I am...
[May 30,2012 2:18pm - yummy ""]
Nothing is over! Nothing! You just don't turn it off!
[May 30,2012 4:06pm - josh_hates_you ""]

trioxin245nli said:I always lol @ 'vocalists' looking for bands. Ad should just read 'person with no musical talent or instrumental ability looking for group of actual musicians to write songs for him to yell into a mic over'

[May 30,2012 7:06pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]

cwyte said:24 year old vocalist looking for a new project. current band is looking more and more like it's just a hobby for most of the other members. i'm also growing bored with the music. i'm looking for something more in the grind/thrash/brutal/deathcore vein. i have a good range of conventional highs, mids, and lows as well as some out of the ordinary gutturals and growls. my main influences would be Cattle Decapitation, The Black Dahlia Murder, Dissection, Cerebral Bore, Veil of Maya, The Chariot, Fear My Thoughts, The Acacia Strain, Gojira, Cobalt, Hacride, Baroness, Amon Amarth, Obscura, Revocation. email me at cwhite1376@gmail.com

Here is some advice that is universal to any kind of music . try a few sites that have musicians looking for ... and looking for musicians..etc. kind of like classified . here is a good site to try : http://www.musicmates.com/

also try hanging up flyers at a music store like guitar center etc.

no matter what you write on this you'll most likely get ragged on , so don't take any offense to the More-Metal-than-thou attitude your catching.
good luck it is not easy !
[May 30,2012 7:35pm - Lamp ""]

STLUCIFUREVA said:also try hanging up flyers at a music store like guitar center etc.


Amateur hour advice for amateur hour folk! I love it!
[May 30,2012 7:39pm - bicycle enthusiast  ""]
[May 30,2012 11:12pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]

cwyte said: i listen to some new age bands

[img] [img]
[May 31,2012 12:31am - STLUCIFUREVA ""]

Lamp said:
STLUCIFUREVA said:also try hanging up flyers at a music store like guitar center etc.


Amateur hour advice for amateur hour folk! I love it!

Lamp : Joined: Jul 1, 2005
STLUCIFUREVA : Joined: Nov 29, 2005

Your 4 months older than me on this site Lamp , does that make me an amateur ?
This is why this kid is wasting his time on this site .
[May 31,2012 2:41am - Thunderstool  ""]

Lamp said:
STLUCIFUREVA said:also try hanging up flyers at a music store like guitar center etc.


Amateur hour advice for amateur hour folk! I love it!

Lamp : Joined: Jul 1, 2005
STLUCIFUREVA : Joined: Nov 29, 2005

Your 4 months older than me on this site Lamp , does that make me an amateur ?
This is why this kid is wasting his time on this site .

Thunderstool : Joined: Dec 7, 1941

I'm much older than you on this site, I must be pro.
[May 31,2012 6:26am - swampthing  ""]

trioxin245nli said:I always lol @ 'vocalists' looking for bands. Ad should just read 'person with no musical talent or instrumental ability looking for group of actual musicians to write songs for him to yell into a mic over'

fuck you.

yeah you're probably right but fuck you. i feel like i'm doing a little more than that

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