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Post MDF 2012 tired RTTP

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[May 28,2012 9:01pm - the_reverend ""]
tune in, crap out.
stream: http://stream.wunh.org:8000
flash: http://wunh.org/listen
tunein: http://tunein.com/radio/WUNH-913-s23399/
[May 28,2012 9:12pm - re4smkr ""]
Wanted to see the sunday line-up so bad..
[May 28,2012 9:22pm - andrewbastard nli  ""]
So hurting. Fuck work tomorrow.
[May 28,2012 9:26pm - re4smkr ""]
The videos I saw of EW on youtube that people uploaded so far, sounded like they were fucking amazing. all Hail The Wizard
[May 28,2012 9:40pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Crashed so fucking hard once I conferred with my bed. He was right.
[May 28,2012 9:42pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm uploading a video now. like the fb or keep looking here.

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