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Tommy Dice & the Hardcores: An Objective Thread

[May 8,2012 2:32pm - xmikex ""]
This has been a running joke amongst friends of mine for years now. A typed out a whole explanation of who this is, and why its funny to me. But I'd like to let the material speak for itself. This remains the only hardcore band I've ever heard of that can only play public access tv shows, and quite honestly the negative amounts of dignity this dude has mustered over the years is fascinating.



You might think this is a clever David Liebe Hart-esque joke. Well again, in the interest of objectivity, here is the "serious" band that spawned the above band. They are seen here playing the only venue that would book them... a public access tv show.


Enjoy & discuss.
[May 8,2012 2:36pm - arillius_the_white ""]
[May 8,2012 2:41pm - Lamp ""]
Made it a minute into the first video; facepalmed profusely
[May 8,2012 2:43pm - KEVORD ""]
This should be Seax's new business model.
[May 8,2012 2:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[May 8,2012 2:59pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
hahaha this dude used to show up at random at Suffolk's radio station, always wearing a celtics jersey or madball t-shirt and every conversation was like talking to an RPG dialog tree except instead of quests and where to find an alchemist all the fields were about hardcore and the Celtics.
[May 8,2012 3:00pm - RustyPS ""]
Why am I all of the sudden ashamed to be a Celtics fan?
[May 8,2012 3:02pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[May 8,2012 3:02pm - RustyPS ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:[img]
[May 8,2012 3:03pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Someone needs to do a zoom face photoshop for this

[May 8,2012 3:04pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I've seen the second video before. I just figured it was a tim-and-eric type deal.
[May 8,2012 3:05pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

[May 8,2012 3:06pm - xmikex ""]
I used to delete these dudes from the BBA myspace at least once a week, and the next day someone else in the band would accept their friend request back.

Maybe Dan can find it, but there was most definitely a thread on the Eastcoast Hardcore board about this dude getting knocked out in central square while defending Rick Ta Life's honor.
[May 8,2012 3:57pm - GUYnli  ""]
Must read said thread
[May 8,2012 4:10pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
[May 8,2012 4:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
ITT: my new favorite thing for 5 minutes
[May 8,2012 5:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Clearly the dude has some type of learning disability. Quite amazing, actually.
[May 8,2012 6:09pm - goatcatalyst ""]

xmikex said:
Maybe Dan can find it, but there was most definitely a thread on the Eastcoast Hardcore board about this dude getting knocked out in central square while defending Rick Ta Life's honor.

Hurry, Michael. I've got my dick out already.
[May 8,2012 6:20pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
My lady friend and I have pretty much devoted our entire afternoon to appreciating the Tommy Dice canon, in all its depth and breadth.
[May 8,2012 9:19pm - xmikex ""]
BBA was in Puerto Rico and some of the guys showed these videos to the kids they were staying with. Our friend Obed got all mad watching it. They asked him what was wrong, and he says "This guy has no... Como se dice? *deliberates with his friend in spanish for a minute on what the right word is in English*... DIGNITY. NO DIGNITY!"
[May 8,2012 9:26pm - xmikex ""]

goatcatalyst said:
xmikex said:
Maybe Dan can find it, but there was most definitely a thread on the Eastcoast Hardcore board about this dude getting knocked out in central square while defending Rick Ta Life's honor.

Hurry, Michael. I've got my dick out already.


The thread isn't as good as I remember it. I remember having to hunt around for the backstory. FTR (For the Real), as I recall, was this ridiculous "crew" Rick ta Life was trying to start around like 2007. The point of the "crew" was basically to promote 25 ta Life shows.
[May 8,2012 9:48pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Tommy DiCe & The Hardcores, what a kick ass Old School Hardcore band out of Boston fronted by a great friend & a legend in the Boston Hardcore Scene Tommy DiCe, this band captures the true sound of classic Boston Hardcore with a great blend of genres, I consider them like Slapshot meets Sam Black Church in a Bar brawl with Jerry's Kids, this is a fist straight to your jaw & it ain't starburst motherfucker, this is the real deal, this is what Hardcore should sound like, so Tommy, tell us a brief History of the band & a little bit about the members personal life?

TOMMY DICE- Well Emmanuel, this band came into concept around late 2006 and got in the spotlight with the help of my drummer Greg Hardcores in 2007. We played at couple of basement shows that I set up at the college I was attended Suffolk University in downtown BOSTON. Then came the Presidents Day Massacre show at the Abbey lounge(R.i.p) in Somerville, Mass for 2000-h8 as well as shows in Boston, Cambridge, Allston, Jamaica Plain, Revere, Malden, Ashland MASSACHUSETTS and West Warwick RHODE ISLAND.
Greg and Myself have been the back-bone of this band and we have had a number of different Bass players filling in over the past two years. I have played constantly with the BHC band DIVISION OF HATE as well for the past three years. I also sell hardcore cd’s and tee shirts and help bands with distro and currently I’m working as a doorman at a venue in Brockton, MA.

Are you guys on tour lately, I just saw one damn show on your page for January & I was like, "what the fuck" ,bands like Tommy Dice & The Hardcores deserves to be playing constantly around Boston & other places, so they can show people that Hardcore ain't just breakdowns & picking fights, tell us more?

TOMMY DICE- Right now we are not playing many shows until we can get a new album recorded with a new CD to play out to promote. We are looking for a full time Bassist to practice and play out with and currently having my friend Chase filling in for that January show. Chase has also helped filled in for my other band DIVISION OF HATE. Once the line-up is done and the CD is packaged we will be ready to take on the World or at least the States for that matter to show motherfuckers that hardcore ain’t dead and show motherfuckers what the true hardcore is like… it’s not about being “tough”, it’s about looking out for one another and friendship and playing out shows, having a good time and meeting new people, granted there’s sometimes when something goes wrong (ie. Fights and shit) but that’s just how it is. All we can do is raise awareness and be good spokesmen for the Scene.

Are you guys planning a tour across the U.S. for 2010 or not, maybe a couple of Mini Tours throughout New York, New Jersey, California & Florida can start things off with a bam! in your face type of reaction, I'm sure the Old School soldiers will support your group & you will introduce kids to genuine Boston hardcore, tell us more?

TOMMY DICE- I totally feel you on that one! After the current show we have booked is done we will focus on getting the album done with a slew of shows across Mass and New England. Also, with the help of outside contacts maybe some shows in Jew York or Jerz, Penn, Baltimore, Florida etc. There are no limits on this band. The west coast would be cool to tour too. Anyone interested in booking just contact tommydiceandthehardcores @yahoo.com or contact the band through MySpace. Anyone who has seen us live knows the spectacle that is T.D.H.C. It’s cool listening to a CD, but there is nothing like the energy that is live hardcore and that raw element that few bands can achieve but playing new areas and making new friends and fans is what we’re all about and anyone who recognizes our realness knows what’s up.

Any plans of touring outside the U.S. soon, to Countries like Canada, the U.K., Portugal, Spain or Colombia in 2010 or in the near future, I'm sure people in those Countries will form huge circle pits & sing along to your sick songs?

TOMMY DICE- Totally Emman, I’m always amazed how big hardcore is outside the US and overseas considering this is an underground scene. Anybody who can hook up shows outside the U.S. we will totally consider as we can hook up any bands that want to play Mass or Boston. We work on this one hand washes the other basis. That’s what hardcore’s all about, helping one another and looking out. Anyone who opens their house to us to crash after a tour date will receive the same if they were to play out here in Boston or Brockton.
Hardcore is not about big tour companies, managers and promoters that rip-off hardworking bands. We do this shit all ourselves… D.I.Y MOTHER FUCKERS!

Can you describe the Boston Hardcore scene for us, because for what I have heard & seen people are focused in tough guy Hardcore bands, fights & stuff like that, but we all want to know about the shows, the kids that go to shows, the scene in general, etc., tell us more?

TOMMY- In Boston it’s very cliquey. Certain bands only play certain shows with their friends’ bands and what not, which totally kills the scene when it’s the same fuckin type of bands playing together all the time. You have the Punk/hardcore/indie more artsy kinda bands in Allson/Cambridge where basement shows replace venues that closed or won’t book anymore, then go out to Brockton and its more Beatdown style and brutal metal. Western Mass death metal and Worcester scene. Personally, TDHC doesn’t discriminate, we play with punk, rock, reggae and hip-hop acts. WE DON’T GIVE A FUCK! That’s what’s the problem in Boston.. this dude had to be down with this dude, or this band is down with this band or crew. That leads to serious drama, in the pit, fights and shit. Which gives hardcore a bad name and leads to venues being shut down or shutting their doors on us cuz people don’t wanna deal with these assholes. Like people who don’t know pit edicate and stomp on a kid who fell down in the pit with the help of five friends who “have your back” instead of helping that person up which you’re supposed to do or people who single-out people and hit people in the pit on purpose at shows because they look different or ain’t down with whatever band they like. Bottom line: Make friends, not enemies. Some people learn this the hard way....

Can you tell us about your influences in and out of Music, I know you guys dig Old School Hardcore & Punk, street wise lyrics, you dig a lot of NYHC, Hip Hop, sports, among other things, but our readers want to know it all hahaha, so tell us more?

TOMMY- Well, of course, Hardcore comes first. Hahaha. But we’re not gonna limit ourselves. There was a time when I guess you could say that I considered myself “strictly hardcore” but I’m also into old school hip-hop, punk, ska, reggae etc. but the main emphasis is keeping it real! We try to write about real shit and life experiences and lessons learned. Music is meant to inspire, so you won’t hear us writing about fake shit like Kings of Leon or whatever garbage is currently being played on the radio. You heard bands like Rage Against the Machine, TREE and Public Enemy in the 90s who always had a political message and I feel like a lot of bands have lost that. To all the bands: your stage is your podium, your guitar is a weapon, your words can inspire change. Bands like Warzone had front men like Raybeez who would give a 2 minute lecture between songs and teach the kids. It seems like nobody does that anymore. The music is a lot less political these days which sucks because the kids need somebody to educate and look up to cuz the classrooms certainly won’t do that.

You guys put out a "S/T" demo cd which sounded really good, but it was kind of raw, but still kicked major ass, compared to what bands are putting out these days, also are there plans of releasing a full length or maybe an E.P. this year, tells us more about it?

TOMMY- We will be recording a full-length album in 2010 very soon. You heard it here first! The “2009 Sampler” ep was really a demo to give out at DICEFEST that we did in Jan ’09 and to give to friends and bands to help promote us and have something to show for the band and website. It was recorded with the computer program Fruity-loops live on one take with one mic. The sound on the new album will be a million times better produced. We have enough material now for a full-length which we will be setting up soon. Stay tuned for the Tommy DiCe & the Hardcores album, comps, shows and tours. Yep Yep

I saw you guys appeared at a Local TV show and it was nice, finally people are opening their damn eyes & are accepting Hardcore bands on T.V., radio, etc., tell us about that experience & if we are going to see more of that in the near future?

TOMMY- We actually turned that into a DVD that was well recepted amongst friends and youtube. I actually had friends that would watch it every day! Thanks to Sal Khan and everybody at MATV in Malden, MA. Once the new album is released we will be open to all media outlets; TV, radio etc. College and independent radio has always given bands like us a chance. MTV doesn’t even play music anymore so they can go to hell as well as all the mainstream rock radio that plays the same fuckin songs over and over again and never give local bands a chance. That’s why WBCN “The Rock of Boston” is now the ‘Sports hub’ radio station. Bands like SoundGarden, Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains were great in their day, but when you keep hearing those same songs over and over again, year after year, you’re probably gonna wanna kill yourself. It’s a new era.

Are you guys searching for a Record Label these days or not, I don't know if you want to continue putting out material on your own, also you guys have been getting a lot of positive feedback & support from all over the World, people from Argentina, Spain and other places dig your band a lot & have featured it on Magazines, Zines, Radio Stations, among other media, how does all of this makes you feel, are you happy and proud with what you have achieved as a band, tell us more?

TOMMY- We will release this new album on our own but are open to any offers from record companies. Being in a band is a lot of hard work. It takes time and money and if anyone is willing to help us we would see what we could get out of that. Personally, I like being in control so we don’t mind financing the new recordings and a CD to package for it. But if people in outside markets want to help distribute then we won’t turn that down. This shit doesn’t promote itself. Thanks to everybody’s support and all my friends all over the world that recognize hardcore realness!

2009 was a great fucking year for Tommy DiCe & The Hardcores, lot's of Local shows, exposure all over the World, you guys released a cd & are better than ever, so my brothers tell us, what’s left to be proved for the band, what do you guys want to achieve in life as a group, and what can we expect from Tommy Dice & The Hardcores in 2010 & in the near future?

TOMMY- Basically we are ready to take this to a national level. I’m not saying we’re gonna be a household name and be on the Tonight Show or touring with Ozzy but to just get some recognition which I feel this new album will do. The ’09 sampler is a ruff recording of the band which is soo much tighter now then that recording from a year ago. Just wait til this new shit drops…hardest ever...old school.
[May 8,2012 10:03pm - KEVORD ""]
That interview could be the greatest thing I've ever read.
[May 8,2012 11:27pm - Eli_HHCB ""]
Autismcore would be too great a compliment.
[May 8,2012 11:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Tommy does not limit himself
[May 9,2012 12:13am - xmikex ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:
I’m not saying we’re gonna be a household name and be on the Tonight Show or touring with Ozzy but to just get some recognition

wish granted, buttdart
[May 9,2012 12:54am - xmikex ""]
[May 9,2012 1:11am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^ I can't find the "Like" button for this.
[May 9,2012 1:25am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
goddammit why am I watching this again at 1am
[May 9,2012 3:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
and again
[May 9,2012 3:53pm - DukeManjunk ""]

[May 9,2012 4:14pm - xmikex ""]
There's public access. And then there's only playing public access.
[May 9,2012 4:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
There's being fucking Siege, and then there's Tommy Dice. Both are arguably hardcore legends... not necessarily in the same way, however.
[May 9,2012 11:45pm - xmikex ""]

Found him posting on the Skarhead Facebook under the name "Tommy Basketbrawl"
[May 9,2012 11:53pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Piercing Pagoda sells fake gold. I bought an Italian horn which they said was 14 Karrit but it was fake as fuck. Don't ever buy Jewelery from these fugazis
[May 9,2012 11:53pm - xmikex ""]
3:00, ANOTHER Skarhead cover

[May 10,2012 12:21am - xmikex ""]
[May 10,2012 12:52am - the_mex ""]
Holy god, I played with division of hate at some benefit at mcganns pub in boston. They opened up and everyone sober enough to get up walked outside. it was embarrassing just standing there and watching this live.
[May 10,2012 5:06am - slar you morbid?  ""]
I was stoned as fuck watching those videos before band practice this afternoon, and scott got home and as he walked in the door the first thing he saw was me doubled over on the living room floor LOLing on the verge of vomiting with tommy dice blasting out of my laptop
[May 10,2012 7:30am - Dankill  ""]

xmikex said:I used to delete these dudes from the BBA myspace at least once a week, and the next day someone else in the band would accept their friend request back.

Maybe Dan can find it, but there was most definitely a thread on the Eastcoast Hardcore board about this dude getting knocked out in central square while defending Rick Ta Life's honor.

LOL, I don't remember that post, but I'll look it up. Maybe I'll bug Vic about that and see if he remembers.
[May 10,2012 9:03am - xmikex ""]
haha middle of the thread. already found it.
[May 10,2012 9:34am - RustyPS ""]

xmikex said:[img]

Well this just makes me think of the Cookie Monster
[May 10,2012 11:48am - xmikex ""]
I was trying to figure out who Tommy Dice reminds me of. And then just now it hit me...
[May 10,2012 2:31pm - xgodzillax ""]
basketbrawl has been looking for a drummer forever. lol.

mike, frankie even posted about it.
[May 10,2012 3:43pm - xmikex ""]
HAHAHA "Basketbrawl" is a real band???! I thought that was a joke.

Band Facebook:

LOL Checklist:

2. The song "Basketbrawl" being a note for note ripoff of Earth Crisis "Wrath of Sanity."

3. The stage props

4. "Whoop there it is" lyrics in "Old School"

5. Press Contact 508 718-7157 basketbrawlHC@yahoo.com
[May 10,2012 3:55pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[May 10,2012 4:14pm - xmikex ""]
having no self respect is alright if you like saxophones
[May 10,2012 4:45pm - Mark_R ""]

xmikex said:
4. "Whoop there it is" lyrics in "Old School"

Oh My God
[May 10,2012 6:06pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
holy shit I can't wait to listen to this.
[May 10,2012 6:31pm - Chernobyl ""]
A saxophone player, i have to hear this...

[May 10,2012 6:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 10,2012 8:02pm - DukeManjunk ""]

[May 10,2012 8:58pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 10,2012 10:09pm - xmikex ""]
Edit: Tommy Dice & the Hardcores an Objective Thread Feat. Dukemanjunk posting irrelevant Siege Videos on Repeat.

Also, WTF. Tommy Dice chronicles every single thing he ever did and DOESN'T post a basketbrawl/saxophone video??!
[May 11,2012 2:31am - Dark6Evil6Hate6  ""]
Tommy D is the most evil mottthhheeerrffuuucckkerr
[May 11,2012 3:40am - slar you morbid?  ""]
i dedicated tonites DICK MOVE set to tommy dice and his band of hardcores, just tryin to support. 1, 2, NEVER COMPROMISE!
[May 11,2012 1:05pm - xgodzillax ""]
robin is in a crew with tommy dice. they run boston
[May 11,2012 1:16pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Somebody find this knob and get him to bark "BULGARIA / SERBIA" on camera.
[May 11,2012 2:08pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
That's just Diiiiiiiice Get it riiiiiiiiiiiight
[May 11,2012 4:57pm - Thundersteel ""]

KEVORD said:This should be Seax's new business model.

The way you rip on us is pretty funny. I actually get a kick out of it when I read it most of the time, but that didn't make any fucking sense.
[May 11,2012 5:24pm - KEVORD ""]
1.Get on public access 2. 3.Profit!
[May 11,2012 5:25pm - KEVORD ""]
And I don't rip on your band cause I've never heard your band. I just bust your balls cause it's easy.
[May 11,2012 5:40pm - xgodzillax ""]
ITT: Kevord makes a grown man cry
[May 11,2012 5:55pm - KEVORD ""]
Real Talk.
[May 21,2012 12:38pm - xmikex ""]
[May 21,2012 12:39pm - xmikex ""]
My room mate when to high school with Dice. He told me Dice made an FSU banner for his art class final project.
[May 21,2012 12:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
hahahaha oh man
[May 21,2012 12:50pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]

xmikex said:My room mate when to high school with Dice. He told me Dice made an FSU banner for his art class final project.

Dice's favorite class? 1...2...WEB DESIGN!
[Sep 6,2012 2:41pm - anonymous  ""]
Someone just sent me a link to this thread. As someone who went to high school with Dice let me just lay to rest any rumors that this is an act. Dice is like this 24/7/365. I don't remember the FSU banner though (but then again I wasn't in many classes with him).

A few years ago the band Of Montreal played a show at the Paradise and afterwards ended up hanging out with us at a friends house (we had a few mutual friends). After a few hours of drinking somebody popped in the Malden Public Access DVD which pretty much blew every member of Of Montreal's mind. They ended up taking the DVD with them which was apparently a huge hit on the tour bus.
[Sep 6,2012 2:49pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Tommy Dice's shit is so hard.
[Sep 6,2012 3:22pm - stoneylarsen ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:[img]


Ahem. OK.

I booked TD&THC exactly ONCE at Church circa 2008. The bill changed a good dozen times before it actually - I think - happened. I'm still not actually sure it did. Since it was Church, it therefore doesn't matter if it actually DID happen.
[Sep 7,2012 11:08am - stoneylarsen ""]
I'm surprised that TD&THC have not done a tour with Mongrel
[Sep 8,2012 1:39pm - anonymous  ""]
[Sep 8,2012 3:46pm - LucidCurse ""]
the whole damn thing.
[Oct 6,2012 10:49pm - DICE_BHC ""]
You guys are all a bunch of homie-sexuals that lie. Yo matt I used to beat up Sean Delay in high school I even showed up after I graduated and beat him up, but thanks for the free publicity fags! Keep searching for "tommy dice" and keep giving my shit views and plays... later
[Oct 6,2012 10:50pm - Burnsy ""]
Logged in. SUPPORT.
[Oct 6,2012 11:22pm - xgodzillax ""]
Joined today, seems legit
[Oct 6,2012 11:27pm - Burnsy ""]
Ahm sain
[Oct 7,2012 8:41pm - Hmmmm?  ""]
Hahahahahaha! I'm sure you did come to my graduation and "beat me up" was that a dream you had before or after you woke in jail for breaking into st.dennis because you wanted to get drunk off the blood of Christ? No need to get mad at me cause I asked people who you claim to know then give them the jist about you and now your pissed cause people think you're a joke. Grow up dude seriously and keep on keepin it real in west(waste)wood.
[Oct 9,2012 10:52am - DICE_BHC ""]
Are u serious??? Sean, keep lying fake-ass liberal u sound more retarded than ever keep this goin I love the attention! It's been 3 years since I played with Tommy DiCe & the hardcores and people still talking about it yet nobody is talking about your band, Betrayed by None=DICE. Holla
[Oct 9,2012 2:44pm - xmikex ""]

DICE_BHC said:You guys are all a bunch of homie-sexuals that lie. Yo matt I used to beat up Sean Delay in high school I even showed up after I graduated and beat him up, but thanks for the free publicity fags! Keep searching for "tommy dice" and keep giving my shit views and plays... later

Sean didn't make this thread. I did. I made the GIFs. I've never met you but I've been telling people about the laughing stock you've made out of your life for years. Please come tell me what a faggot I am anytime you'd like.
[Oct 9,2012 6:21pm - DICE_BHC ""]
Keep telling people about me Matt, like in Puerto Rico, u know, that one tour your band went on in 7 years... "quit to play music" your stupid PR friend writes to me in his broken english. Haha that kept me entertained for weeks!
[Oct 9,2012 6:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
You guys have a friend in PR? That should really help your publicity, that's great!
[Oct 10,2012 9:20am - xmikex ""]
...who is Matt?
[Oct 10,2012 9:43am - xmikex ""]
On behalf of "Matt" let me just say...

Betrayed By All attempted to be a legitimate band and failed at it like most bands do. Failures aside I got to tour different parts of the country, meet and party with a ton of cool people, and basically break even on the whole thing by selling CDs and merch to people all over the world. It was a modest and truthfully unimpressive accomplishment.

But I can honestly say I was never starved enough for attention to act like a complete assclown in public.

You're welcome for the "weeks" of entertainment you got from someone else's e-mail. It's the least I could indirectly do for the guy whose complete lack of self respect has made me laugh for years.
[Oct 11,2012 3:47pm - oh snap!  ""]
i believe tommy dice just got zinged! as someone who has been going to shows for 20 years i can say what i know about the hardcore scene.... tommy dice and all of his other bands seem like those bands that just tried very hard to be apart of a scene that just didn't want them except amongst those who were also deemed as losers. now as for betrayed by all i can admit there was some animosity of that band BUT they actually wrote GOOD music and DID something with it. tommy i hate to say it but maybe "hardcore" or music alone isn't your calling, may i suggest using your tough guy mentality to help the elderly, plant a tree, motivational speaking or political debate! you seem like a perfect model for the republican party.
[Oct 11,2012 4:12pm - Tommy Dice Hardcore Landscaping  ""]
when you want your lawn nice, just roll the DICE...Hardcore Style.
[Nov 21,2012 6:55pm - Wastewoooood  ""]
Very typical of DICE(nso) is anyone who is from a tougher town or had a harder life kid pusses out and won't stand up to them.
[Jan 25,2013 5:48pm - All I want for Xmas  ""]
Is a tommy dice poster http://www.zazzle.com/tommy+dice+posters
[Jan 25,2013 6:18pm - DYA is JUST DICE  ""]

[Jan 25,2013 7:03pm - xmikex ""]
No fucking way. Amazing.
[Jan 26,2013 10:21am - DYA is JUST DICE  ""]
You guys had better watch out, Tommy's been drinking milk - and it shows!

[Jan 26,2013 10:50am - Terry from Heliofit  ""]
Leg presses? Confirmed faggot.
[Jan 26,2013 1:25pm - largefreakatzero ""]

DYA%20is%20JUST%20DICE said:You guys had better watch out, Tommy's been drinking milk - and it shows!


1 plate on each side of the sled? I think I've seen girls warming up with that.
[Jan 26,2013 3:53pm - xmikex ""]
A 90 lb leg press is cool if you're recovering from double ACL tears and lifting with your dick. Otherwise a pussy is you.
[Dec 8,2013 3:53pm - Tollhouse cookies  ""]
News update! Tommy dice has now converted to a group based out of Ohio that is planning out a genocide on illegal immigrants, he has also fully declared himself white power. From keeping it dice living in westwood living off of mommy and daddy's money supporting his own hardcore scene beging "against" racism to WHITE POWER!
[Dec 8,2013 10:35pm - xgodzillax ""]
I forgot about this thread. WOW. MUCH LOL
Pics or it didn't happen
[Mar 11,2014 2:06am - SPAM H8R  ""]
I personally seen Tommy Dice save a Super rare piece of Boston Hardcore Punk history... Dice was playing a show and doing merch and a "They Saved Hitlers Brain" 45 (original pressing, FUCKING RARE!) had fallen to the floor. It was at my table and no one had noticed that it had fallen to the ground and rolled towards the pit. I saw Dice jump over his table like he was saving a baby or something, he pushed some fuckers out of the way and snagged the 45 off the ground before it was stomped... He came back and put it on my table like nothing happened. THAT'S HARDCORE!
[Mar 11,2014 10:50am - You Suave Fucks  ""]

DYA%20is%20JUST%20DICE said:You guys had better watch out, Tommy's been drinking milk - and it shows!


That's one suave fucker, he works out in a dress shirt, so much class.
[Mar 11,2014 2:19pm - xmikex ""]

SPAM%20H8R said:I personally seen Tommy Dice save a Super rare piece of Boston Hardcore Punk history... Dice was playing a show and doing merch and a "They Saved Hitlers Brain" 45 (original pressing, FUCKING RARE!) had fallen to the floor. It was at my table and no one had noticed that it had fallen to the ground and rolled towards the pit. I saw Dice jump over his table like he was saving a baby or something, he pushed some fuckers out of the way and snagged the 45 off the ground before it was stomped... He came back and put it on my table like nothing happened. THAT'S HARDCORE!

I wish the both of you got trampled and the inanimate vinyl survived.
[Mar 15,2014 4:13pm - the real xmikex  ""]
I Love the Cock! I'm so glad I can be the real me now! PENIS? LOVE IT!
[Mar 15,2014 4:36pm - xmikex ""]
^ Let this guy speak.
[May 22,2014 1:39am - Paul DeSimone  ""]

[May 23,2014 10:44pm - I am DiCE  ""]
Tawwmy Diyce And De' Hawd Corrrrrrrrrssssssss
[May 24,2014 9:21am - Tommy Dicenso  ""]
I am DiCe and you are notttttttttttttttt
[May 24,2014 11:44am - I am DiCE  ""]
4:49 for the most ridiculous RTL worship ever.

[May 24,2014 11:55am - Tom Dice- Racist Homophobic Loser  ""]



[May 24,2014 12:12pm - Lamp ""]
Hahahahahaha wow, the plot thickens
[May 24,2014 12:24pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
*flies into a rage, deletes all downloaded Tommy Dice mp3s and does a blog post about it*
[May 24,2014 12:33pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
This one where Tommy butchers Green Day and Tree songs and wrestles with the effects of puberty is some next-level shit because for some reason it's bookended with dudes cutting wrestling promos on him.
[May 24,2014 12:34pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]

[May 24,2014 1:04pm - Tom Dice- Racist Homophobic Loser  ""]
oh, the plot thickens indeed. i've found sleuthing this mysterious character in times of extreme boredom to be very entertaining.
[May 24,2014 1:41pm - Tommy Dicenso  ""]
DiCe DiCe BaBy
[May 24,2014 2:07pm - DiCe BHC notloggedin fuck you  ""]
Fuck all you haters I love how you all keep talking about me and giving me more exposure, fuck you liberal faggots and equal rights, fuck your scene and everyone in it. Hey Xmikex and delay fuck you and all your friends shapland and I will fuck up any of you and anyone on here wanna step to us hit us up were down to fight anyone even those pussies in fsu fuckin sell outs
[May 24,2014 2:37pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
Brian from Heliofight will totally meet you at the Rt 30 onramp.
[May 24,2014 4:07pm - xmikex ""]
Says he hates fags
Spends his free time reading about Michael Sam with a pink highlighter in hand.
[May 24,2014 6:24pm - so......i heard...  ""]
[May 25,2014 5:00am - Hoser ""]
Tommy Dice is Dustwardprez
[May 27,2014 1:19pm - shapland  ""]
Who knows who I'm actually replying to here, but Tom Dice does not speak for me. Never has. The band was fun while it lasted (and it was never meant to be taken seriously IMO), but Dice has gone off the deep end with this racism/homophobic shit which seems to have been spawned by his complete fixation with "Chubby Fresh" from "One Life Crew" (feel free to draw your own conclusions with that one). Anyways, whatever's behind this newly adopted ideology of his, it's pretty sad to those of us that used to consider him a friend.
[May 27,2014 1:28pm - xmikex ""]
If you called Dice your friend with a straight face then this is your reward.
[May 27,2014 1:33pm - shapland  ""]
Not going to argue with you, but that's a lot easier to say about people you've never met, let alone grew up with.
[May 27,2014 5:13pm - Delay pedal  ""]
Hey Greg, It's been a long time since I've seen you but I still think you suck and you definitely deserve to be in as much shit as this racist piece of shit you sadistic fuck.
[May 27,2014 5:45pm - Greg Retard Sex Enthusiast Shapland  ""]
[May 27,2014 6:15pm - Sahwuh da weetahded guurwhll  ""]
[May 27,2014 7:37pm - shapland  ""]
Clearly Dylan Klebold, Jr. is still upset about something I said or did to him in high school. Like most kids we grew up with, I definitely used to bully the shit out of Sean, and for that, I do apologize.

Hope you're doing well, man. Seriously- I mean that. Lord knows we didn't make it easy for you.
[May 27,2014 9:04pm - slar you gonna go my way?  ""]
wasn't there a guy in this dudes band named "Stoger"?
thats really all i have to contribute
[May 27,2014 9:27pm - Delay pedal  ""]
You still 'practice' at the sound museum in Brighton? I'd like to hear this in person.
[May 27,2014 11:13pm - RTTP DEPT OF INTROSPECTIVE FAGGETS  ""]

No one cares. Please post torrid details of affairs with the mentally challenged or better yet, stop having sex with them in the first place.
[May 27,2014 11:51pm - Charles Flahive  ""]
[May 28,2014 6:22pm - Not from westwood  ""]
Hey, I grew up in walpole and was good friends with Marshall (anyone who knows him knows he sang vocals in a band with dice back in the day) and honestly those kids from westwood in that crowd were all spoiled, cowardly, racist and manipulative assholes. I was glad they were short lived in the hardcore scene needless to say it would be embarrassing to be seen at the four shows they went to.
[May 29,2014 10:32am - Hardcore?  ""]
Hardcore blows. If you're over 17 and you haven't realized that yet, you're a fucking loser.
[May 29,2014 10:59am - RTTP DEPT OF POINT MISSING  ""]

Hardcore? said:Hardcore blows. If you're over 17 and you haven't realized that yet, you're a fucking loser.

Shutup fagget
One...Two...Now Pee...
(cue the hardcore music)
I know you wanna lay me
but you're gonna have to pay me
wanna make a baby
using all my gravy
(awkard breakdown, Tommy finds his groove)
(cue bug eyes look from Tommy)
It's a work in progress guys, help fill out the lyrics for this soon to me massive hit.
[May 29,2014 3:41pm - xmikex ""]
So from these recent developments do we assume that this Shapland guy's excuse for befriending Dice is that he's sexually attracted to retards?
[May 29,2014 8:55pm - PaulBlahBlah  ""]
This moron is the muck of the gene pool. "all our malden friends"....Go fuck yourself. This fucking freak is the worst musican I have ever seen, and he definatly molests his 12 year old bassist. Put your shirt back on girls will never like you and I highly doubt you have ever been laid. Commit yourself to a mental institution or go far out into the mountains where you can never bother anyone anymore. Seriously how do you look in the mirror everyday?? How do you have friends????? "BREAKDOWNNN!!!!" Hang up your lame celtics attire and sell your crappy peavy speaker cab back to daddys junkie music you fucking idiot. Take those stupid neck beads and hang yourself. Fuck
[May 30,2014 4:24am - xgodzillax ""]

"More banter about me on the MMB message board! This time bringin up my band and the public access shows we were on lol! I love the attention, thanks for the publicity froot"
[May 30,2014 4:28am - xgodzillax ""]
also: http://www.bosstonesmusic.com/newbboard/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6826&start=15
[May 31,2014 12:43am - Fun Thread  ""]
[Jun 1,2014 2:18pm - Lamp ""]
How the fuck do I have 11 mutual friends with the guy who uploaded all these videos to Youtube on FB?
[Jun 3,2014 10:25pm - Observer  ""]
I notice this shapland fellow has sex with the mentally challenged, no wonder why he's tommy dice's best friend
[Jun 18,2014 3:55pm - wat  ""]
[Jun 18,2014 3:59pm - TimRiley ""]
best article ever.
[Jun 18,2014 4:27pm - RTTP REPOST POLICE  ""]


[Jun 18,2014 4:57pm - xmikex ""]

wat said:http://www.metalsucks.net/2014/06/18/tommy-dice-hardcores-easily-hardest-hardcore-band-time/

Hey MetalSucks,

You're welcome for coming up with this for your dumbass blog you fucking posers.
[Jun 18,2014 5:12pm - xstraightedgefaggetx  ""]

[Jun 18,2014 5:59pm - xmikex ""]
Posts nu-metal in an awesome thread
Calls someone else a fagget
[Jun 19,2014 5:20pm - xgodzillax ""]

xstraightedgefaggetx said:

is this the dreaded heliofight, fight club?
[Jun 19,2014 5:35pm - Fun fact  ""]
The poster paulblahblah made a comment about him never getting laid and for knowing dice for over twenty years I can say that yes tommy dice is still a virgin (unless he's paid for it recently) the last action I remember him getting was head from a pizza faced drunk chick with daddy issues at a xaverian dance.
[Jun 19,2014 9:42pm - public access  ""]
[Jun 20,2014 1:22am - Hoser ""]

xgodzillax said:
xstraightedgefaggetx said:

is this the dreaded heliofight, fight club?

These guys sound like a terrible Hatebreed...singer super sucks
[Jun 20,2014 8:25am - largefreakatzero ""]
You mean a more terrible Hatebreed?
[Jun 23,2014 12:57pm - TommyLice  ""]
Tommy Dice thinks the metalsucks post was favorably reviewing his music....

[Jun 23,2014 1:06pm - Jamie Jasta hitchhiking terribly  ""]

largefreakatzero said:You mean Hatebreed?
[Jun 24,2014 12:15am - Hoser ""]

largefreakatzero said:You mean a more terrible Hatebreed?

First Hatebreed EP was fucking awesome. DO NOT QUESTION ME. Text sent to you...read 'er and weep. October 1st d00d. Bellamy.
[Jun 24,2014 2:05am - BBoANP_nli  ""]

Hoser said:First Hatebreed EP was fucking awesome.

[Jun 24,2014 2:38pm - Hoser ""]
Fuck it...say what you will. I know that many of you are too cool for school anyhow. Your inflated self perceptions are well documented. Now, aside from all of your horseshit (with the exception of LF@Z, because I personally know that HB was never for him), I give you this.

Great album.

[Jun 24,2014 4:52pm - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
I miss when this band was just "generic Pantera ripoff #347 opening for SBC at Clinton Gym".
[Oct 14,2014 6:58am - xmikex ""]
If anyone is interested in Tommy Dice's home phone number he still lives with his parents so it's pretty easy to find. HERE, I'll make it even easier:
[Oct 14,2014 11:19pm - Tommy Dice  ""]
Hey Matt. Stop calling me u piece of shit. Tell your friends I'm not hosting a fuckin holocaust survivors group at my house. If they show up I'm gonna kick their ass. Fuck u.
[Oct 15,2014 7:14am - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
[Oct 15,2014 11:16pm - Tommy Dice  ""]
My fuckin Facebook is suspended now. Probably Matt and his faggot friends work. Grow the fuck up u peice of shits
[Oct 15,2014 11:20pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF BUT...  ""]
[Oct 16,2014 1:26am - qhwrfd89qio  ""]
[Oct 16,2014 1:53am - diced coffee  ""]
thank you, for every thing.
[Oct 16,2014 4:00pm - Knuckle Up  ""]
Yo. Dice is a bitchmade fool. This lightweight bitch got hammered off half a bottle of sambuca and threw up in our merch bin. His bitch ass friends had to buy all the shirts to keep him from getting his ass kicked. He was definitely about to cry when he got saved.

[Oct 16,2014 5:42pm - Lawlz  ""]
Hey dice where's bay state hate (your crew that claimed was junior fsu) to back you up?
[Oct 16,2014 5:56pm - Chubby Fresh OLC  ""]
I hate knowing this fucking homo exists and want to kill myself for ever letting him take a photo with me. Giving him the excuse to pretend to be my friend was the worst mistake I've ever made. Fuck off Tommy Dice.
[Oct 16,2014 7:47pm - xmikex ""]
Three things to consider:
- There is nothing in this thread that Dice didn't actually do himself. He was really proud of all this bullshit before the entire internet started laughing at him.
- My old shitty band never did anything. Funny thing was, we still played with allll the bands Tom loved or what his autistic retard brain could grasp from a worn out copy of Victory Style III.
- I looked at his mom's Facebook page. She has adoring photos of all her kids except one. If I gave birth to a wilted pube of a son clinging to the edge of the toilet bowl of existence like Tommy Dice I'd be ashamed of it too.
[Oct 17,2014 9:08am - dice-k max bukake  ""]

xmikex said:Three things to consider:
- There is nothing in this thread that Dice didn't actually do himself. He was really proud of all this bullshit before the entire internet started laughing at him.
- My old shitty band never did anything. Funny thing was, we still played with allll the bands Tom loved or what his autistic retard brain could grasp from a worn out copy of Victory Style III.
- I looked at his mom's Facebook page. She has adoring photos of all her kids except one. If I gave birth to a wilted pube of a son clinging to the edge of the toilet bowl of existence like Tommy Dice I'd be ashamed of it too.

[Oct 17,2014 9:56am - Randy Marsh: Slurp Satan  ""]
Tommy dice: i placed a porno mag on your pillow. please jerk it to make sure they are ok.
[Oct 18,2014 12:57am - XMike‘s dadX  ""]
Michael, get off the computer, dinner's ready! And we have a Nambla meeting later
[Oct 18,2014 8:43am - Mr & Mrs Dicenso  ""]
Son, for Christmas this year can you please not get drunk and crash your car into our living room while we watch "It's a Wonderful Life." again.
[Oct 18,2014 1:27pm - sup guys?  ""]
[Oct 18,2014 6:28pm - so...  ""]
some poser and made some moronic videos and internet posts, it's funny because he's an idiot, but I dont understand how it can really be THAT funny STILL, there's a million idiots out there like this
[Oct 20,2014 7:24am - DYA is DUAL BISMUTH YAW GATE  ""]
But there's only one Italian Rain Man Tommy Dice.
[Mar 7,2016 3:06pm - T Dice  ""]
Greg Shapland please come back and play drums for the hardcores, I promise we'll just do songs about hating blacks like we use to in the good ol days.
[Mar 9,2016 4:50pm - BIG NOBODY  ""]
[Mar 10,2016 5:59pm - xmikex ""]

[Mar 10,2016 6:01pm - xmikex ""]

[Mar 10,2016 6:03pm - xmikex ""]
Jesus this is the best day ever

[Mar 10,2016 6:08pm - xmikex ""]
Tom. I take it all back. Thank you so much.

[Mar 10,2016 7:03pm - xgodzillax ""]

xmikex said:Tom. I take it all back. Thank you so much.


how is this pussy still alive?
[Mar 11,2016 12:09am - THE SHAMPOO PROPHECIES  ""]



[Mar 11,2016 12:25am - THE SHAMPOO PROPHECIES  ""]



[Mar 11,2016 12:29am - THE SHAMPOO PROPHECIES  ""]



[Mar 12,2016 7:28am - seth  ""]
You guys like my drumming?
[Mar 12,2016 9:44am - TOMMY DICE  ""]

[Mar 13,2016 11:51pm - Rich Bova's Dank Meme Stash  ""]
What's funnier? The fact that Seth hasn't said a word about this out of shame/stupidity? Or the fact that retard faggot Tommy Dice doesn't realize he has a hispanic guy in his band.
[Mar 20,2016 4:12pm - DRUMPF BUMPF  ""]
BUMP for Seth now trying to distance himself from he had no reservations being in a week ago
[Mar 21,2016 6:48pm - Pamela Dicenso  ""]
Hi Tom. Hi Seth. This isn't going anywhere.
[Jun 29,2016 11:09am - cumrag  ""]
[Jun 29,2016 5:36pm - 25 ta Dice  ""]
Keepin it real, no drummers
[Jul 26,2016 12:58am - aggot  ""]
[Mar 31,2017 7:26am - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 19,2017 1:51pm - spanks  ""]
[Jun 26,2018 3:05pm - Uh oh  ""]

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