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Jun 10 (Sun) - JBvsDLP, Summoner, Motherboar +1 TBA - TT The Bear's (Cambridge, MA)

6/10 - Razormaze, Jack Burton Vs David Lo Pan, Summoner, Motherboar - TT's

[show listing]  _______________________________
[May 2,2012 9:18pm - mattvc ""]
Razormaze 10:45-11:15
Jack Burton Vs David Lo Pan 10:00-10:30
Summoner 9:15-9:45
Motherboar 8:30-9:00

Sunday, June 10th
$8.00 (Tickets Available Here)

[May 6,2012 12:56pm - mattvc ""]
Slight change in set times. Summoner now on first, Motherboar on second. I don't feel that warrants a new thread though, does it?
[May 12,2012 10:55am - mattvc ""]
Boar of the Infidel now on right before Jacksquisition.
[May 12,2012 5:49pm - PBR'S  ""]
This show does not suck but who is buying tickets ahead of time? Doesn't seem necessary.
[May 12,2012 6:31pm - mattvc ""]

PBR‘S said:This show does not suck but who is buying tickets ahead of time? Doesn't seem necessary.

Agreed, but the option is there if people want to. Buy a ticket with this paycheck and drink beer out of your next one? Or just show up and pay at the door. Either way it will be fun.
[May 23,2012 9:43am - mattvc ""]
[May 30,2012 8:47pm - MattBurton  ""]
You should come. Bring your whole "click".
[Jun 2,2012 7:41pm - mattvc ""]
Razormaze is sadly no longer playing. Replacement TBA. Epic show remains epic.
[Jun 7,2012 8:22am - mattvc ""]

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