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[May 1,2012 12:06pm - trioxin_245 ""]
''the Dreaming Dark Dementia"


This is a track from an upcoming MLP we have coming out on Black Mass / Blood Harvest Records. We don't have a set date for the release yet, but it should be out by the middle of summer anyway.

Also look for a split LP with Innumerable Forms coming within the next month or two, as well as a vinyl re-issue of the first ep with bonus cover of Uriah Heep "Rainbow Demon"


[May 1,2012 12:15pm - nekronaut ""]
[May 1,2012 12:16pm - Alx_Glass_Casket‘s sold out Allston totem  ""]
[May 1,2012 12:24pm - Chernobyl ""]

Alx_Glass_Casket‘s%20sold%20out%20Allston%20totem said:SUCK FAT DICK YOU ALLSTON TOTEM FAGGOTS

[May 1,2012 12:31pm - trioxin_245 ""]
eh it's probably just worcester scene, I'm pretty sure raynard knows I don't live in allston by now
[May 1,2012 12:44pm - Alx_Glass_Casket‘s sold out Allston totem  ""]
[May 1,2012 12:47pm - ancient_master ""]
[May 1,2012 12:54pm - Czarnobog ""]
sounds great dude.
[May 1,2012 1:20pm - dickhead666 ""]
heavy and catchy... thumbs up. riff at 4:25 is the best part.
[May 1,2012 1:26pm - ABastard NLI  ""]
all riffs are copywrite: H. Cans McHamtits
[May 1,2012 1:27pm - trioxin_245 ""]

ABastard%20NLI said:all riffs are copywrite: H. Cans McHamtits

[May 2,2012 11:55am - trioxin_245 ""]
also, it occured to me that the sample was a bit too loud, so that's being fixed right now, and I put the lyrics up there for the hell of it.
[May 2,2012 12:24pm - FirstDaysofHumanity  ""]
This guy is a sniper asshole. Just last night I was crossing the bridge and BOOM got shot in the head. He was wearing a red camo suit and hiding in a corner. This is his band? So much for being nice. He was stealing bags and then knived some newfag in the back too. His band better be worth a listen.
[May 2,2012 12:29pm - trioxin_245 ""]
after you left I got bored and started building dispensers in front of my own spawn so noone can get out til they kicked me
[May 2,2012 12:57pm - arillius_the_white ""]
haha theyre going to ban you
[May 2,2012 1:05pm - amorok666 ""]
Lol at the name "firstdaysofhumanity"
[May 2,2012 3:47pm - trioxin_245 ""]
bump for Uriah Heep cover uploaded
[May 2,2012 3:48pm - arillius_the_white ""]

trioxin_245 said:bump for getting banned
[May 2,2012 3:57pm - Chernobyl ""]
Blessed Offal camps infront of spawning locations
[May 2,2012 4:03pm - trioxin_245 ""]
that servers kinda lame anyway. it's good, but fuck playing the same map ALL the time.
[May 2,2012 4:04pm - arillius_the_white ""]
One of two servers left. lets do gas chamber next
[May 2,2012 4:10pm - arktouros ""]
nice work, vocals rule. also i lost my TFC floppy disk and my modem died so i can't play =[
[Jun 11,2012 1:16pm - trioxin_245 ""]
the MLP is being pressed, so probably a month or two. not sure what's up with the IF split, but I know it's been mastered and is ready to be pressed. shirts available July 26 at Ralphs.
[Jun 11,2012 1:28pm - Lvl 36 Wizard  ""]
[Jun 11,2012 1:47pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I don't need any more topaz, I got plenty from when you dropped all those gems on the ground last night AWWWWWWWW YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[Jun 12,2012 2:43am - slar you morbid?  ""]
ugggghhhhh what the hell is topaz? stop infecting my band with video games
[Jun 12,2012 2:50am - slar you morbid?  ""]

ABastard%20NLI said:all riffs are copywrite: H. Cans McHamtits

he doesn't have a formal copyright on the songs per se, but considering he went back in time to invent music, as well as his grandfather being the original head of the first U.S. patent office, I don't challenge any claims he makes on my songs, and I would suggest that everyone else would be wise to do the same.
[Jun 12,2012 3:08am - Garth Algar  ""]
The production is really awesome. I hope I can get a copy of this.
[Jun 12,2012 7:12am - Lvl 36 Wizard  ""]
lol @ infecting your band with video games when your rough draft cover is skyrim
[Jun 12,2012 8:29am - trioxin_245 ""]

Lvl%2036%20Wizard said:lol @ infecting your band with video games when every song is about Age of Wonders
[Jun 12,2012 8:43am - Lamp ""]
Exactly what is an "MLP"?
[Jun 12,2012 8:44am - trioxin_245 ""]
[Jun 12,2012 10:08am - Lamp ""]
So, a 10"?
[Jun 12,2012 10:11am - trioxin_245 ""]
no, it's a 12" EP
[Jun 12,2012 10:14am - Lvl 36 Wizard  ""]
Lined in Topaz?
[Jun 12,2012 10:49am - Lamp ""]

trioxin_245 said:no, it's a 12" EP

I've never heard anyone refer to it that way before is all.
[Jun 12,2012 11:28am - KEVORD ""]
Not to but in but I've heard of MLP. Ross isn't making it up.
[Jun 12,2012 11:37am - trioxin_245 ""]
yea it's a pretty common thing in underground euro-labels and distros. It's basically a way of releasing a vinyl ep without degrading the sound to fit it on a 7"
[Jun 12,2012 11:50am - Lamp nli  ""]

trioxin_245 said:yea it's a pretty common thing in underground euro-labels and distros.

[Jun 12,2012 11:55am - Lamp ""]
Ah, someone has taken to impersonating me today. fucking faggots
[Jun 12,2012 11:56am - Lamp ""]

trioxin_245 said:yea it's a pretty common thing in underground euro-labels and distros. It's basically a way of releasing a vinyl ep without degrading the sound to fit it on a 7"

Well, I mean I've just never heard anybody call it a mini LP... they just call it a 12".

My brain filters the information as such

LP = 12" that plays at 33
12" = 12" that plays at 45
EP = 7" that plays at 33
7" = 7" that plays at 45

oddball sizes are referred to by their sizes and nothing different to indicate different speeds
[Jun 12,2012 11:59am - a jealous girl with huge tits  ""]
we talking about Nachzehrer's cocks? <3
[Jun 12,2012 12:00pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I understand what you mean, but the label is calling it a MLP so that's what I am calling it. It's a one-sided 12", going to be three songs, about 21 minutes I believe.
[Jun 12,2012 12:07pm - KEVORD ""]
They call it a MLP on the add so no one buys it thinking it's a full length album just because it's on a 12".
[Jun 12,2012 12:17pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I uploaded another track from the MLP CHECK THAT SHIZ OUT
[Jun 12,2012 12:39pm - arktouros ""]
[Jun 12,2012 12:40pm - KEVORD ""]
Scion sampler or gtfo.
[Jun 12,2012 12:42pm - A resident of Whiterun posting in a Whiterun basement  ""]
[Jun 12,2012 12:50pm - trioxin_245 ""]
also I uploaded the REAL cover for the MLP, that thing was drawn by KINSLAYER
[Aug 3,2012 9:33am - trioxin_245 ""]
bump for waiting for high res pics from the rev so we can send it to press.
[Aug 3,2012 9:42am - Prince Meandor  ""]
[Sep 11,2012 12:59pm - trioxin245 ""]

Blessed Offal - Dreaming Dark Dementia MLP to be out in October 2012. Two new tracks + an Uriah Heep cover. One sided black vinyl limited to 300 copies, on Black Mass Records co-released with Blood Harvest Records from Sweden
[Sep 11,2012 1:07pm - Lvl 36 Wizard  ""]
artwork is too dark. Needs more topaz colors.
[Sep 11,2012 1:13pm - Lvl 36 Wizard  ""]
I just listened again and dont like Lord Diablo's music. This is too evil.

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