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Wally's Pub (Hampton, NH) - [eclipsion][ghoul][gwar][kylesa][legacy_of_disorder][randomshots]
[Apr 27,2012 9:41am - gwar  ""]
[Apr 27,2012 9:52am - The Rev Chord  ""]
I'll be there because I love Gwar like all of the tasteless hipster headbangers on this stupid site!
[Apr 27,2012 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
I plan on being there.
[Apr 27,2012 2:27pm - brodown ""]
Aaron and I as well
[Apr 27,2012 2:40pm - Robing ""]
[Apr 27,2012 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]
[Apr 27,2012 2:51pm - the_reverend ""]
Gwar, Kylesa, Ghoul, and Legacy of Disorder.

[Apr 27,2012 3:14pm - brodown ""]
should arrive around 6 or 7...this should be fun.
[Apr 27,2012 3:27pm - brodown ""]
Dammit, since Robin went it sold out.
[Apr 27,2012 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
it's not sold out
[Apr 27,2012 4:00pm - nekronaut ""]
[Apr 27,2012 7:19pm - the_reverend ""]
The first band is 1/2 over, eclipsion (spelling). The vocals are m'eh, but good otherwise. I guess this is the drummer's first show ever in his life. Looks like he could play a lot faster than this band requires.
[Apr 27,2012 8:06pm - the_reverend ""]
Legacy of whatever seems like the sort of music that is like shooting fish in a barrel for hampton beach. When the bands yell about hampton beach, Iwonder if they know how much of a shitty strip this place is.
[Apr 27,2012 9:41pm - phillipkdickmove  ""]
I don't like kylesa...or being sober.
[Apr 27,2012 10:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm really wondering why a girl and a guy went into the bathroom together during kylesa, but they are getting yelled at for doing it right now.
[Apr 27,2012 10:10pm - the_reverend ""]
Damn... someone came over the barricade for kylesa and their face got banged up.
[Apr 27,2012 10:19pm - phillipkdickmove  ""]
Sober=everyone thinks you suck all of the sudden? Or withdrawl psychosis?
[Apr 27,2012 10:25pm - phillipkdickmove  ""]
I can't hold a conversation or stay in one place for more than 30 seconds.
[Apr 27,2012 10:29pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
Switched to the home team nam
[Apr 27,2012 10:30pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
Jock hate fest '09
[Apr 27,2012 10:31pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
There's a lot of hair gel
[Apr 27,2012 10:33pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
Everyone is freaking out about war pigs being played through the house pa
[Apr 27,2012 10:34pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
Are ed hardy shirts the ones with the swirly shit on the shoulder?
[Apr 27,2012 10:37pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
Brockie recognized notshaver from behind LOL. But he was seriously pleased and I was happy FOR him bro.
[Apr 27,2012 10:39pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
Rev took pictures of me and some nh native teenage girl who may have wanted my nutz?
[Apr 27,2012 10:40pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
If you're falling off a cliff, eat some strawberries
[Apr 27,2012 11:31pm - the_reverend ""]
So much axe body spray
[Apr 27,2012 11:35pm - the_reverend ""]
I need some of that pizza from next door. But seriously folks, this venue rules and so does the turn out.
[Apr 27,2012 11:45pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
Everything after "ham on the bone" is good
[Apr 28,2012 12:39am - the_reverend ""]
back, workin on pictures.
[Apr 28,2012 1:12am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading.
[Apr 28,2012 2:21am - nekronautloggedin  ""]
Great night.
[Apr 28,2012 2:46am - OldFrenchWhore  ""]
Missed Kylesa, thoroughly enjoyed GWAR = GREAT NIGHT
[Apr 28,2012 9:42am - the_reverend ""]
Why is cristys uncooked pizza so good?
[Apr 28,2012 10:04am - aaron_michael ""]
What a great night!
[Apr 28,2012 10:30am - the_reverend ""]
From what you remember?
[Apr 28,2012 10:30am - the_reverend ""]
Or from what you see in pictures?
[Apr 28,2012 11:04am - aaron_michael ""]
You said it, not me.
[Apr 28,2012 12:59pm - the_reverend ""]
do you remember that bedazzled girl you were with dumping a beer on that girl and then that girl fighting her?
[Apr 28,2012 1:34pm - Robing ""]
GHOUL fucking won.

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