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Show on the Cape this weekend.... NEWS FLASH

[Jun 16,2004 4:09pm - bludgawd ""]

I originally booked Carleton Hall down here for the show. The entertainment license was approved and I put a deposit down on the venue. A few days after the license application hit the Selectmans office and was immediatly halted!!! BUT WAIT there's more, read on, this show IS NOT cancelled. After speaking numerous times with the town administrator he told me that a previous town administration had actually banned "rock" music from the venue in 1992. This to me was bullshit and I am not one to sit and let someone crap on my plans!

Last night, after I got out of work, I took upon myself to go to the Selectmans Meeting in Dennis and raise the issue. I, of course, was all suit and tie guy for the night to make sure they took me a bit more serious. And they actually did!!! After a barrage of questions from the board (and 45 minutes of open discussion) I was granted the license!!! It was also brought to my attention that there was an even better place the the hall I previously looked at, a place that has larger space and better parking. So I moved the venue to the new place (all info is listen in the events section of this site).

On top of going to the town meeting, paying a license fee, paying for the entertainment license and other stuff I was ordered to have one police detail overseeing the event. This whole thing is going to cost me a good amount of money BUT I still plan on doing this show! IT IS ON! I have one more detail to stamp out and I will have that info on here for you all later. All bands are still booked as long as you all plan on still coming.

The directions to this new place are actually almost exactly the same as Carleton Hall was. What is different as far as directions is rather than taking a left at the first set of lights go straight through them. Keep straight on Rte 134 (which is the road you are on once you come off the highway). After that set of lights you just went straight through you need to go about a mile to mile and a half. The senior center will be on your left at the next set of lights. We will be using the upstairs hall so make sure to enter that way.

Again if anyone has questions just e-mail me!
[Jun 16,2004 4:45pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
thats awesome that someone defended the right to play metal all the way to town hall.\m/
[Jun 16,2004 4:46pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Who is playing this show?
[Jun 16,2004 4:48pm - bludgawd ""]
it is Dead God, Coffin Birth, Pillory, Ascendancy, Senseless Mutilations, Leukorrhea and Goratory!
[Jun 16,2004 4:52pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

I will be there.
[Jun 16,2004 5:28pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Fucking a man, way to not let the man keep you down!

What's the street address and proper name of the new venue?
[Jun 16,2004 6:24pm - bludgawd ""]
the street address is

Dennis Senior Center
1045 Rte 134

I went to the town meeting not only for this show but to bring up the fact that the town I live in has nothing to do for kids. Yeah they have baseball fiels and soccer fields, etc, etc... But what about the other fuckin kids that have nothing to do? The one's that end up turning to drugs and other crap. I think I am going to start going to more meetings and am going to try to get funding to open an all ages place for kids to come after school and on weekends. I'm tossing some ideas around to local businesses. I had a meeting with one guy today and so far things look good. We'll see what happens though down here in the land of the conservative q-tip (aka blue hair).
[Jun 16,2004 6:33pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Start a program for kids and teens to walk the elderly. Give em leashes and rolled-up newspapers.
[Jun 16,2004 6:55pm - bludgawd ""]
we have so many old people here it would actually make sense to start a program for kids and teens to help euthanize the elderly. Besides Florida, the state of Massachusetts has one of the largest elderly populations.
[Jun 16,2004 7:59pm - Aegathis ""]
Sandwich is the worst when it comes to elderly. But it makes sense cause its so scenic and shit, a good place to retire to in my opinion.
[Jun 16,2004 10:16pm - Abbath ""]
i can't wait for this show!
[Jun 16,2004 11:22pm - goratory / wishes he was drunk  ""]
fuck man. AAAAAWWWWWWWW. A fucking cop thier. People can now get D.U.I. for drinking in the parking lot in their car. Thats a bummer being regulated at the show. Kinda takes the fun out of playing when you can't get smashed after. The town of AHsland made us do that also when we played a hall show with our old band, assholes.
[Jun 17,2004 12:42am - Soloman ""]
i'm drunk now beeotch. Bee in the otch for reall B. ahem. go to this show. yeah you. do it.
[Jun 17,2004 10:37am - cdan ""]
bludgawd said:the street address is

Dennis Senior Center
1045 Rte 134.

is the new venue a seniors home?! sick! playing for zombies with shit spilling out of their diapers, this is gonna be SO metal. can't wait! :tightiewhities:
[Jun 17,2004 10:44am - RustedAngel ""]
come on you guys can't play one show without getting wasted? I thought playing the show was the fun part, not drinking before/after.
[Jun 17,2004 11:46am - bludgawd ""]
RustedAngel said:come on you guys can't play one show without getting wasted? I thought playing the show was the fun part, not drinking before/after.

I love to drink myself, but I am really trying to get more shows down here so I had to go along with what the town wanted. THIS TIME!

[Jun 17,2004 12:14pm - cdan ""]
RustedAngel said:come on you guys can't play one show without getting wasted? I thought playing the show was the fun part, not drinking before/after.

yeah dooodz, you're supposed to get high off the musssick! :spineyes:
[Jun 17,2004 12:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
i get naturally high when my band plays, i don't even know what i'm doing and i'm suprised i can even play. i almost fall over too. hahaha.
[Jun 17,2004 9:45pm - Aegathis ""]
Hey Nate get back to me about that deposit thingie, give me a call.
[Jun 18,2004 1:03am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Rev, you coming down to this? Tom, Carina and you should come as Team Pit. Do it 'cause I said it.
[Jun 18,2004 2:54am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I will be there with the distro in full effect, I hope these rich Cape Cod kids buy a ton of CDs!

[Jun 18,2004 6:22am - succubus ""]
i think the rev and i are going but we are leaving early to do "lovey" stuff before the show
[Jun 18,2004 6:24am - succubus ""]
oh and realize how much we love you guys (if the will wasn't enough)..we're gonna miss shooting skinny puppy (a band we both love) to come
[Jun 18,2004 7:03am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
That's friggin' deep. We love you too.
[Jun 18,2004 8:25am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I didn't even know about this show until just now, why is nobody flyering for it!?

If I make it down, would I be able to set up my distro?
[Jun 18,2004 5:01pm - bludgawd ""]
yeah Joe you can bring it....

Aaron if you see this..... you and Carina should come down a bit early and see some Cape scenes. My house for one is a big site. It was built in 1830 and is part of the Historical Society. I could show you what a real Cape house looks like! (it's over 3000 sq ft.)
[Jun 18,2004 5:33pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Mapquest can't find the place!
[Jun 18,2004 7:14pm - bludgawd ""]
ok.... since mapquest can't find the place...

head towards Cape Cod

Take the Sagamore Bridge over the canal
This will take you over and put you directly on Rte 6/ Mid Cape Highway
Follow that till exit 9b
exit 9b automatically bears you to the right so do that
you will then hit a traffic light, go straight through it
a couple miles down the road you will come to another light, you are now at the Dennis Senior Center (you will see it on your left)
[Jun 18,2004 8:54pm - Abbath ""]
hey bludgawd, i live in eastham, so do i take exit 9a? or still 9b? my mom said 9a....
[Jun 18,2004 9:00pm - bludgawd ""]
coming from eastham you would take the first 9 exit
[Jun 18,2004 9:28pm - succubus ""]
Directions to theDennis Senior Center
The Dennis Senior Center is located 2 miles north of route 6 on route 134 ( route 6 exit 9B). Turn left at the Setucket Road traffic light and take an immediate left into the senior center.
[Jun 18,2004 9:33pm - bludgawd ""]
succubus said:Directions to theDennis Senior Center
The Dennis Senior Center is located 2 miles north of route 6 on route 134 ( route 6 exit 9B). Turn left at the Setucket Road traffic light and take an immediate left into the senior center.

yeah, that's what I said! hehe
[Jun 18,2004 9:38pm - bludgawd ""]
bands need to be there at 5:30 to check in... the first band Dead God starts at 6
[Jun 18,2004 10:59pm - Aegathis ""]
Yea man i cant seem to find directions online either, is it a relativly easy place to find after the high way?
Oh and for all you people coming from off cape keep in mind it takes about and hour maybe more just to get to the cape, plus another half hour or so to get to the Dennis area.Yes it will be quite a hike, its what us cape codders have to deal with too when we go to shows off cape. But I hope the show will make up for that drive. see ya all there.
[Jun 19,2004 2:20am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Hey, is Spinaker Records a far drive?
[Jun 19,2004 6:21am - bludgawd ""]
no it isn't John
[Jun 19,2004 12:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
If your not at this show, your a poser.
I need to buy that Mortem cd in Dwyer's bin.
[Jun 19,2004 2:58pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I only have 1 MORTEM CD left!

Great Peruvian Evil Death Metal.

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