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BOARCORPSE - Looking for a 2nd guitarist. (again.)

[Apr 16,2012 2:28pm - ouchdrummer ""]
BOARCORPSE from Boston seeks 2nd guitarist. We're seeking someone who is creative, and can come up with harmonies and counter-riffs, along with helping to write new material.

Without pigeonholing.... we're primarily groove-based tech, with strong emphasis on energy. We have very open minds when writing, so that basically anything goes as long as it's cool, creative, and memorable.

We do require a degree of proficiency, you'll have some sections to solo (shared responsibility). Age is not so much a factor since the rest of us have a wide range. Please have all the usual factors that being in a band entails, IE. be responsible, have transport, have pro equipment, have a job (for space rent, merch, etc..) yadda yadda. We have a space in south Boston, we have two practices scheduled a week. (Sunday afternoon/Wednesday night.. but if we found someone that fits, we'd all work together to make it work for them too.)

Check out our FB page and the demo tunes we have linked there. (our newest few haven't been recorded yet.) http://www.facebook.com/boarcorpse
We're writing material for our first full CD, and would love to have the creative input of a 2nd guitar player for it.

IF INTERESTED - contact us through FB, or post here. We'll send you the tabs for the 1st guitar parts for a tune, and we'll have you write 2nd guitar lines to it.. parts that can consist of harmonies, counterpoint-rhythms, leads, or just doubles of the 1st guitar part. We'll want you to write the 2nd guitar parts how YOU think they should sound with the existing tune. Our tunes are mostly all between 4-5 minutes, so writing a 2nd guitar part for half of one is sufficient before auditioning. This HAS to be done before auditions. We realize that this is a lot to ask, but it will show that you're willing to put the time in, that your chops are up to spec, and that you have the creativity that we're looking for.
(The only exception to this is if you'd like to come to a practice to check out the newer material that we're working on, that'd be fine. But we don't want to actually play with anyone before they have parts together.)
[Apr 16,2012 2:31pm - Rich Bova  ""]
Sign me upp.
[Apr 16,2012 2:33pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Apr 16,2012 2:34pm - deathchick ""]
Good luck guys!
[Apr 16,2012 2:41pm - Mark_R ""]

ouchdrummer said: We'll send you the tabs for the 1st guitar parts for a tune, and we'll have you write 2nd guitar lines to it.. parts that can consist of harmonies, counterpoint-rhythms, leads, or just doubles of the 1st guitar part. We'll want you to write the 2nd guitar parts how YOU think they should sound with the existing tune. Our tunes are mostly all between 4-5 minutes, so writing a 2nd guitar part for half of one is sufficient before auditioning. This HAS to be done before auditions. We realize that this is a lot to ask, but

To me, that doesn't seem like asking a lot. But anyway, Boarcorpse is cool and hopefully you'll find someone well qualified.
[Apr 16,2012 3:24pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I agree Mark.. But last time we were looking, there were a couple dozen people who were "very interested" in trying out, till we asked them to do this.. then, no response.
[Apr 16,2012 3:27pm - i_am_lazy  ""]
Seems to me like a good way to weed people out. And good luck with that, Boarcorpse with two guitars cannot be beaten. Except by Boarcorpse with two guitars and bacon.
[Apr 16,2012 3:30pm - immortal13 NLI  ""]
I would totally try out. I could easily play your songs on guitar. Too bad I'm too busy with life.
[Apr 16,2012 3:47pm - narkybark ""]
bacon makes everything better.
[Apr 16,2012 7:42pm - swampthang  ""]
I wish I could play a guitar
[Apr 16,2012 8:45pm - narkybark ""]
at this point, so do I
[Apr 16,2012 11:28pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I'd give it a shot.
[Apr 17,2012 10:38am - Yeti ""]
you should get a keytarist.
[Apr 17,2012 10:42am - arillius_the_white ""]

Yeti said:you should get a keytarist.

[Apr 17,2012 10:51am - narkybark ""]
I want Daryl Hall to join.
[Apr 17,2012 2:56pm - timma ""]
Potential members will also have to be prepared to deal with Composted screaming nonsense and playing covers of The Presidents of the United States of America at maximum volume.

You have been warned.
[Apr 17,2012 3:12pm - arktouros ""]
O splendourous praise and sacrificial poachings upon the altarrr that the lords of bacons find a rightly skilled permanent 2nd stringer and that they release their mightily coveted LP already for fuck's sake, amen
[Apr 17,2012 3:16pm - ouchdrummer ""]

arktouros said:O splendourous praise and sacrificial poachings upon the altarrr that the lords of bacons find a rightly skilled permanent 2nd stringer and that they release their mightily coveted LP already for fuck's sake, amen

This warmed my loins...
[Apr 17,2012 10:06pm - handinjury ""]
I wished I lived near boston.
[Apr 17,2012 10:14pm - narkybark ""]
well, where do you live?
[Apr 19,2012 3:48pm - narkybark ""]
(southern accent) WHERE WERE YA BORN? (/southern)
[Apr 19,2012 4:23pm - Captain Obvious  ""]
Is this like Cynic, where your second guitarists keep quitting because you and the drummer are way to gay with each other?
[Apr 19,2012 4:34pm - narkybark ""]
we're only half as gay as that. It's more like the Village People keeps losing the indian.
[Apr 19,2012 4:40pm - ouchdrummer ""]
While it tingles my boxers that someone's noticed how affectionate Boarcorpse are to each other, I would say my flaming-homosexuality played no part in our deciding to boot Jimmy from the band. Again though, I DO like that you've noticed.
[Apr 20,2012 1:11am - Arsenio Hall  ""]
I will join if you will lay down some of that dirty, stinky, cold hearted, I left the oven on and now my whole house is stinky stunky FUNK for me. Lay it down, chuck! Bring me into a commercial.

woof woof woof woof woof woof
[Apr 26,2012 3:28pm - ouchdrummer ""]
[Jun 21,2012 7:29am - ouchdrummer ""]
still looking... I miss having a 2nd guitarist in Boarcorpse SO much, that I'm willing to offer weekly foot rubs at practice to whoever successfully auditions and gets in. I give really good foot rubs too. factbizzle
[Jun 21,2012 11:25am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

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