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PANTERA Piss - bucket of rancid urine

[Apr 12,2012 2:35pm - Still pissed at the office  ""]
I keep stashed away to be poured on pantera fans and CDs and tapes and records and computers with pantera songs and anything pantera related.
[Apr 12,2012 2:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 12,2012 2:46pm - KEVORD ""]
OP is Peepee Less.
[Apr 12,2012 3:21pm - Yeti ""]

KEVORD said:OP is Dwyer.
[Apr 12,2012 3:23pm - KEVORD ""]
Dwyer would have said Panterrible.
[Apr 12,2012 3:32pm - arillius_the_white ""]
Panera - Vulgar Display of Flour is the heaviest album ever.

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