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Great Bands with Shitty Names

[Apr 10,2012 4:31pm - Czarnobog ""]
other than occasionally promoting shows i don't really start many threads here. but i'm bored at work today and unintentionally been listening to a string of black thrash bands with goofy names. figured there's not enough music threads on here these days so why not...


Gräfenstein from Germany (best i can tell they're named after some village in Austria??)


Darkest Hate Warfront from Brazil (ok, if its south american and isn't a string of words with shoddy english translation its probably not worth listening to)


Satanic Slaughter from Sweden (fucking great band, holy shit what a terrible name)

feel free to add to the list...
[Apr 10,2012 4:33pm - Uhhhhhhh  ""]
Unholy Goatfucker was the fucking worst.
[Apr 10,2012 4:33pm - Czarnobog ""]
yeah, but the music wasn't good enough to redeem the band. WRONG THREAD.
[Apr 10,2012 4:44pm - RustyPS ""]
Weekend Nachos is an obvious one
[Apr 10,2012 4:45pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Satan's Almighty Penis is a favorite of mine
[Apr 10,2012 4:46pm - boblovesmusic ""]
though people may or may not find them to be a great band, that said I enjoy them.
[Apr 10,2012 4:49pm - Chernobyl  ""]
Forest Stream (debatable on material)
[Apr 10,2012 4:51pm - boblovesmusic ""]

RustyPS said:Weekend Nachos is an obvious one

Hummingbird Of Death too.
[Apr 10,2012 5:10pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Apr 10,2012 5:13pm - Lamp ""]

boblovesmusic said:
RustyPS said:Weekend Nachos is an obvious one

Hummingbird Of Death too.

HOD is actually a cool band name. Weekend Nachos is pretty dumb.

But the worst band name of all for an awesome band is Pizza Hi-Five always and forever.
[Apr 10,2012 5:29pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Critical Pickle.
[Apr 10,2012 6:27pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
not sure if i'd consider them a great band but the name does take the cake .

[Apr 10,2012 7:01pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
[Apr 10,2012 7:01pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
[Apr 10,2012 7:21pm - amorok666 ""]
[Apr 10,2012 7:24pm - Burnsy ""]
Your pain is endearing... Oh wait, great bands. Oops.
[Apr 10,2012 7:46pm - blue ""]
always thought that Defeated Sanity was not a good name at all. i never told the germans though, didnt want to break their gentle hearts.
[Apr 10,2012 7:52pm - lollolololololol  ""]

Burnsy said:Grave Side Service... Oh wait, great bands. Oops.
[Apr 10,2012 8:00pm - yummy ""]

Lamp said:
boblovesmusic said:
RustyPS said:Weekend Nachos is an obvious one

Hummingbird Of Death too.

HOD is actually a cool band name. Weekend Nachos is pretty dumb.

But the worst band name of all for an awesome band is Pizza Hi-Five always and forever.

Hey , you remember that time I was telling you how I thought Weekend Nachos was a bad name and you wanted me to explain. You got a little squirrely. Perhaps you were more into them then.
[Apr 10,2012 8:09pm - youddothesame87 ""]
Hummingbird of death is a fucking awesome name. weekend nachos, eh whatever, it is what it is, its not bad but not good. band names arent everything.
[Apr 10,2012 8:57pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:HATE FOREST

That band name rules you fool
[Apr 10,2012 11:34pm - snowden ""]


We'ill call ze bande "Anorexia Nervosa"!
[Apr 10,2012 11:39pm - snowden ""]


We all know heavy metal doesn't really cause teen suicide, but what this band presupposes is...what if it was just a matter of being blunt enough?

"Make a Change...Kill Yourself"
[Apr 10,2012 11:39pm - Lamp nli  ""]

yummy said:
Lamp said:
boblovesmusic said:
RustyPS said:Weekend Nachos is an obvious one

Hummingbird Of Death too.

HOD is actually a cool band name. Weekend Nachos is pretty dumb.

But the worst band name of all for an awesome band is Pizza Hi-Five always and forever.

Hey , you remember that time I was telling you how I thought Weekend Nachos was a bad name and you wanted me to explain. You got a little squirrely. Perhaps you were more into them then.

Yeah haha, I remember. That was a long time ago!

In the last year my interest in WN has dwindled to basically none whatsoever. I took a look at the crowd they were drawing and realized what I had been holding onto about the band was that they wrote songs about gutting high school jokes. I'm 25 now. I don't even remember who most of the people are from those days. And the music is boring as fuck. They chose their side of the fence, I chose mine, and I don't listen to brocore or support it...
[Apr 11,2012 12:10am - Lamp ""]
I meant to say jocks, not jokes. Hurr, durr
[Apr 11,2012 1:18am - Permafrost ""]

slar%20you%20morbid? said:HATE FOREST

[Apr 11,2012 6:06am - amorok666 ""]
Ripping farts from the ass
[Apr 11,2012 6:19am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Hitlers Aborted Cock
[Apr 11,2012 8:44am - obstaclecorpse ""]
[Apr 11,2012 8:48am - Alx_Casket ""]

snowden said:
"Make a Change...Kill Yourself"

Great choice. I didn't listen to the band for a while because of the name, now I've learned my lesson.

also, from my suggestion before:

[Apr 11,2012 9:50am - Alx_Casket ""]
Tır (for aril)
[Apr 11,2012 11:20am - trioxin245nli  ""]
how is hummingbird of death a good name? what the hell is wrong with you people? it's fucking stupid.
[Apr 11,2012 11:21am - Lamp ""]
How is it a bad name?
[Apr 11,2012 11:21am - arillius_the_white ""]

Alx_Casket said:Tır (for aril)

Cool name, overrated hogwash.
[Apr 11,2012 11:27am - trioxin245nli  ""]

Lamp said:How is it a bad name?

HUMMINGBIRD OF DEATH? ugh nevermind.


[Apr 11,2012 11:28am - trioxin245nli  ""]
also, blessed offal is a pretty bad name, but whether or not the music redeems the name I don't know.
[Apr 11,2012 11:29am - Lamp ""]
When all is said and done though, I'd rather put up with even a name as retarded as Pizza Hi-Five or Hooker Spit Windex before I would put up with the type of super serious band name that's dominating the front page of this website right now. Fuckin' brocore bands.
[Apr 11,2012 11:49am - Czarnobog ""]


[Apr 11,2012 11:50am - Czarnobog ""]

trioxin245nli said:

[Apr 11,2012 11:59am - Alx_Casket ""]
King Diamond ("Abigail" brought that one to mind)
[Apr 11,2012 1:16pm - Unchain_the_wolves ""]
Destroyer 666
[Apr 11,2012 1:19pm - Burnsy ""]

Unchain_the_wolves said:Destroyer 666

Good eye, good eye.
[Apr 11,2012 1:28pm - Unchain_the_wolves ""]
Waco Jesus, Putrid Pile, Moonblood, Ripping Corpse, GoatPenis
[Apr 11,2012 1:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Nazi Dust
[Apr 11,2012 1:32pm - Lamp ""]

whiskey_weed_and_women said:Nazi Dust

[Apr 11,2012 1:33pm - ark  ""]
I really dig Waco Jesus and Abigail as band names.

Boston, Chicago, Asia, Kansas...
[Apr 11,2012 1:36pm - Lamp ""]
Ripping Corpse at least makes sense as a band name to me since they probably just took it from the Kreator song.

Waco Jesus and Waco Fuck are both pretty stupid band names though.
[Apr 11,2012 1:42pm - Ancient_Master ""]
any band that uses a song title or album title of another iconic band as their name automatically loses my interest to investigate further
[Apr 11,2012 1:43pm - Czarnobog ""]

Unchain_the_wolves said:Destroyer 666

Destroyer 666 isn't a great name, but there's definitely worst '666' named bands out there that belong in this thread:

[Apr 11,2012 1:43pm - Unchain_the_wolves ""]
True, Pleasure to Kill and Kreator in general are so fucking influential. Makes sense I just think it sounds weird.
[Apr 11,2012 3:17pm - boblovesmusic ""]

Czarnobog said:
Unchain_the_wolves said:Destroyer 666

Destroyer 666 isn't a great name, but there's definitely worst '666' named bands out there that belong in this thread:

[Apr 11,2012 3:26pm - trioxin245nli  ""]

Alx_Casket said:King Diamond ("Abigail" brought that one to mind)

[Apr 11,2012 3:30pm - trioxin245nli  ""]

Unchain_the_wolves said:Waco Jesus, Putrid Pile, Moonblood, Ripping Corpse, GoatPenis

I always like the name Moonblood. For what it is, anyway.
[Apr 11,2012 3:50pm - arillius_the_white ""]
Moonblood sucks.
[Apr 11,2012 4:20pm - CurlyRed ""]
Alien Vampires...It is industrial music..

I like their music but the name is really stupid
[Apr 11,2012 4:52pm - dreadkill ""]
shitting dicknipples
[Apr 11,2012 4:55pm - Chernobyl  ""]
I meant to say Forest Silence before but Forest Stream is alright too but nothing great i'd say, I guess neither is Forest Silence...Both are okay..
[Apr 11,2012 5:26pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Forest metal. And wtf is so awesome about the name, rossy?
[Apr 11,2012 5:34pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

dreadkill said:shitting dicknipples

That is the best band name ever.
[Apr 11,2012 5:41pm - Chernobyl  ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:
dreadkill said:shitting dicknipples

That is the best band name ever.

ive heard wayyyy better.
[Apr 12,2012 3:23am - Ancient_Master ""]
my bloody valentine
[Apr 12,2012 6:41am - the_reverend ""]
Old mans child
[Apr 12,2012 7:56am - Yeti ""]
[Apr 12,2012 10:43am - yummy ""]
Schmegma Ridden Foreskins
[Apr 12,2012 10:53am - trioxin245nli  ""]
Vampiric Motives, but only until they changed it BACK to Catasexual Urge Motivation
[Apr 12,2012 12:03pm - nekronaut ""]

amorok666 said:Ripping farts from the ass

Mexican food is so good. I love to eat it just about every day. Until one day, I had to take a shit and it came out like water, it came out like BROWN WATER.
[Apr 12,2012 1:13pm - Ancient_Master ""]
sublime cadaveric decomposition
[Apr 12,2012 1:24pm - trioxin245nli  ""]

Ancient_Master said:sublime cadaveric decomposition


bloody panda
[Apr 12,2012 1:28pm - SkinSandwich ""]
Gruesome stuff relish?
[Apr 12,2012 6:47pm - amorok666 ""]
Birdflesh is a pretty dumb name.
[Apr 13,2012 9:30am - snowden ""]


Allways and forever.
[Apr 13,2012 9:38am - snowden ""]


Because, you know
[Apr 13,2012 9:44am - chrisREX ""]
Long time fan of the band, but Dark Tranquillity is such a dorky name.
[Apr 13,2012 9:46am - snowden ""]


[Apr 13,2012 9:47am - snowden ""]

chrisREX said:Long time fan of the band, but Dark Tranquillity is such a dorky name.

Haha, I love(d) them too and also considered posting them. Not a TERRIBLE band name though.
[Apr 13,2012 9:49am - snowden ""]
Also, let the record show that I just grabbed a SYL song at random because I hadn't listened to them in years.
[Apr 13,2012 9:51am - snowden ""]
Okay, better:

[Apr 13,2012 10:50am - goatcatalyst ""]
Montalban y las siestas

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