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ATTN: Rusted Buttsnake

[Jun 16,2004 12:38am - hoser ""]
Any word on what's happening with BerlinFest??
[Jun 16,2004 2:04am - powerkok ""]
ya hoser...I talked to the guy in senseless today...I got the guy thats puttin it togethers email addy. im on it.
[Jun 16,2004 2:43am - hoser ""]
[Jun 16,2004 8:17am - RustedAngel ""]
yeah joel (troll), andy said he got back to him and said the lineup was full already ;(
[Jun 16,2004 8:39am - hoser ""]
oh that sux
[Jun 16,2004 12:03pm - RustedAngel ""]
i know it's gay...

jake i told you suzuki was playing an esp/ltd!
[Jun 16,2004 12:50pm - powerkok ""]
ya that totally jerks off dogs.
[Jun 16,2004 4:24pm - Hoser ""]
No shit man....wow...an LTD...
[Jun 16,2004 4:27pm - bludgawd ""]
I used to have an old beat up Ford LTD, that thing was great! BHAHAA!
[Jun 16,2004 4:37pm - retzam ""]
Man, ESPs aren't that bad.
[Jun 16,2004 4:54pm - RustedAngel ""]
no way, i love my LTD mh-300... thing plays nicer than my jackson USA rr1.
[Jun 16,2004 5:15pm - Hoser ""]

Tell the crowd here at RTTP who turned you onto those LTD mh-300's....I want my fucking credit!!!

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