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Does the Hunger Games piss you off.......

[Mar 23,2012 10:12am - KEVORD ""]
Cause you know it's just a pussy rip off of Battle Royale?
[Mar 23,2012 10:14am - Alx_Casket ""]
I had that exact same thought when I heard the series described on NPR this morning. Lame shit.
[Mar 23,2012 10:16am - hauptpflucker ""]
So far I'm annoyed. But I've only heard things about the book/movie. I really don't have any first hand experience.
[Mar 23,2012 10:18am - posbleak ""]
Yet another horde of adults obsessed with another children's book series

At least Oprah's Book Club got housewives reading War & Peace
[Mar 23,2012 10:24am - hauptpflucker ""]
I think adult obsession with children's books is proof of the dumbing down of society.
[Mar 23,2012 10:30am - ark  ""]
today it's harry potter, back in the day it was hardy boys, at least people still open books. never heard of this but battle royale ripoff = LAME even though that ripped off lord of the flies and the most dangerous game.
[Mar 23,2012 10:33am - Yeti ""]
i keep hearing about this Hunger Games, but i am out of the loop. is it a remake of Battle Royale? or just the same idea?
[Mar 23,2012 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
kids killing each other? how can this be bad?
[Mar 23,2012 10:34am - RustyPS ""]
I have not read either book or seen either movie (but I am seeing The Hunger Games tonight)
[Mar 23,2012 10:35am - Mark_R ""]
Vibe I got from hearing people talk about it was a Battle Royal concept inside of a The Running Man setting. I probably won't see the movie.
[Mar 23,2012 4:42pm - Alx_Casket ""]
The Hunger Games made an appearance in this article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/22/t...p-reading_n_1373680.html?1332530926

#1 book to blame for nowadays dumb kids!
[Mar 23,2012 4:47pm - Burnsy ""]
I saw that 21 jump street movie last night. When I came out of the theater with my date, we were overwhelmed by a bunch of teenie-boppers waiting in line to catch the midnight opening. Didn't see many adults. Movie looks lame. Why get pissed though?
[Mar 23,2012 4:51pm - KEVORD ""]

Burnsy said:I saw that 21 jump street movie last night. When I came out of the theater with my date, we were overwhelmed by a bunch of teenie-boppers waiting in line to catch the midnight opening. Didn't see many adults. Movie looks lame. Why get pissed though?
Because my wife loves these stupid books and would never watch Battle Royale. I get pissed when people steal other peoples cool shit and mainstream it for a dumb audience.
[Mar 23,2012 5:05pm - Burnsy ""]
[Mar 23,2012 5:05pm - DukeManjunk ""]
yes, when i am hungry and whatever woman i have in my life at the time is too busy playing games to make me a sammich i get filled with murderous rage.
[Mar 24,2012 1:44am - demondave ""]

the_reverend said:kids killing each other? how can this be bad?

It happens on Monday nights from 9pm to 12am.. But your dedication speaks volumes louder than the limitless violence the whole nation gets to watch.

[Mar 24,2012 8:26am - fix'd  ""]

DukeManjunk said:yes, when i am hungry and whatever ugly hag i have in my life at the time is too busy playing games to make me a sammich i walk alone to the 24 hour convenience store at 3AM in a shitty neighborhood to buy jack links and act surprised that i got robbed.
[Mar 24,2012 8:45am - demondave ""]

UPDATE: The last thing you see in the movie is Donald Sutherland's Ass.

[Mar 24,2012 10:25am - RustyPS ""]

demondave said:

UPDATE: The last thing you see in the movie is Donald Sutherland's Ass.

This is true

Solid movie, the lead chick acted very well, but all in all, the movie was good, not great.
[Mar 24,2012 10:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
only JLA is real.
[Mar 24,2012 10:37am - RustyPS ""]
Donald Sutherland's Ass (or DSA) was not bare like JLA, so I concur.
[Mar 24,2012 12:34pm - yummy ""]
Saw this last night. I thought it was pretty good although I knew nothing of it except my girlfriend is partway through the second book.
[Mar 24,2012 9:50pm - xanonymousx ""]
i figured out how it was going end 20 minutes in.
reminded me a lot of the running man without arnold.

also didnt how come there was so many kids there. for a topic that isn't kid friendly.
would have been better if it was rated r
[Mar 24,2012 10:19pm - KEVORD ""]
If it was rated R it would be Battle Royale. I saw it today. Would give it a C+. OK but not worth the hype.
[Mar 27,2012 5:40am - RustyPS ""]
[Mar 27,2012 5:58am - KEVORD ""]


Superior to The Hunger games.
[Mar 27,2012 8:44am - Alx_Casket ""]
Hell yeah!
[Mar 27,2012 9:05am - arilliusbm ""]
Stupid nonsensical bullshit. Fuck all you who saw this bull shite.
[Mar 27,2012 11:32am - goatcatalyst ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:only JLA is real.

Only JFA is real. Faggots who couldn't land a kickflip in '89 have no idea and probably read Transworld instead of Thrasher.
[Mar 27,2012 12:03pm - yummy ""]
I could ollie over a recycling bin but could never land a kickflip:(
[Mar 28,2012 8:49am - xmikex ""]
[Mar 28,2012 8:53am - largefreakatzero ""]

goatcatalyst said:
FuckIsMySignature said:only JLA is real.

Only JFA is real. Faggots who couldn't land a kickflip in '89 have no idea and probably read Transworld instead of Thrasher.

Hahaha. Jodie Foster's Army -- I haven't heard that name in years.

Thrasher was a great rag, I subscribed for years (and was landing kickflips in '89). Transworld was definitely for fags.
[Mar 28,2012 9:08am - the_reverend ""]

xmikex said:[img]

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