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Attacking strangers for no reason APPREESH

[Mar 4,2012 2:23pm - trioxin_245 ""]
Sometimes you gotta just attack random douche bags because they are random douche bags. Stop pretending to be angry so you have an excuse to make loud music and do some fucking damage fags. Fuck people.
[Mar 4,2012 2:24pm - trioxin_245 ""]
oh and bonus points if they have dreads
[Mar 4,2012 2:30pm - NuclearWinter ""]

trioxin_245 said:oh and bonus points if they have stretched ear lobes
[Mar 4,2012 2:33pm - trioxin_245 ""]
double bonus points if they mentioned the democracy center at any point in the conversation that lead you to violence them
[Mar 4,2012 2:44pm - Responsible Angry Man  ""]
We can be angrier than you, but not be classless like you. Not my fault if you want to go to county and get raped by a giant nigger some day. Go right ahead and leave your life behind. Or, you can remain angry and use it productively.
[Mar 4,2012 3:08pm - trioxin_245 ""]
triple bonus points if he was wearing a crass shirt
[Mar 4,2012 3:10pm - DukeManjunk ""]
what if i beat one of these crass shirt wearing dreadlocked hippie-wannabe's to death with a bar of soap stuffed into a sock?
[Mar 4,2012 3:18pm - NuclearWinter ""]

DukeManjunk said:what if i beat one of these crass shirt wearing dreadlocked hippie-wannabe's to death with his own utility belt?

I'd congratulate you.
[Mar 4,2012 3:24pm - trioxin_245 ""]

NuclearWinter said:
DukeManjunk said:what if i beat one of these crass shirt wearing dreadlocked hippie-wannabe's to death with his own utility belt?

I'd congratulate you.

[Mar 4,2012 3:56pm - DukeManjunk ""]


Yeah, I guess that's nice
But I want steak with my beans and rice
Stand on the side bitch when kids dance
With your potato sack patches and your cargo pants
Rocking hairy arm pits
Tipping back cans of soy
I can't even tell if you're a girl or a boy
Your only source of protein is a jar of Skippy
Call yourself Hardcore but you're just a fuckin' hippie
You smell like onions
Rock deodorant doesn't work
Think you'll save the world but you're just a fucking jerk"
[Mar 4,2012 4:50pm - the_reverend ""]
Needs more deleted videos of Bennett.
[Mar 4,2012 6:34pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]
in retrospect I didnt really need to make a thread about this. Oh well. Drugs are a hell of a drug.
[Mar 5,2012 1:13am - xgodzillax ""]

NuclearWinter said:
trioxin_245 said:oh and bonus points if they have stretched ear lobes

come at me you hearing impaired cock sucker
[Mar 5,2012 9:36am - posbleak ""]

DukeManjunk said:
Your only source of protein is a jar of Skippy

Missed opportunity for obvious semen joke
[Mar 5,2012 9:40am - trioxin 245nli  ""]

posbleak said:
DukeManjunk said:
Your only source of protein is a jar of Skippy

Missed opportunity for obvious semen joke

I saw the word protein and just assumed he was making a semen joke and I just missed it.
[Mar 5,2012 1:07pm - quintessence ""]
Ross are you beating up hippies again? lol
[Mar 5,2012 1:52pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I don't see the point, they're barely worth any experience points.
[Mar 5,2012 2:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Mar 5,2012 2:11pm - largefreakatzero ""]
So did this fag actually try to fight back, or was he all "Dude, dude, that's not cool, ow, ow, duuuude..."
[Mar 5,2012 5:29pm - NuclearWinter ""]

xgodzillax said:
NuclearWinter said:
trioxin_245 said:oh and bonus points if they have stretched ear lobes

come at me you hearing impaired cock sucker


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