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Man rear ends another driver with alcohol, butt plug in his system

[Mar 1,2012 8:44am - RustyPS ""]

[Mar 1,2012 10:35am - pat s.  ""]
i was surprised this wasn't Rich Horror...
[Mar 1,2012 10:37am - Kevin H Bran  ""]
You make it sound like I had a device filled with alcohol in my ass which made me drunk. This thread disappoint.
[Mar 1,2012 10:45am - Alx_Casket ""]
vodka enemas for all!
[Mar 1,2012 10:46am - RustyPS ""]

Kevin%20H%20Bran said:You make it sound like I had a device filled with alcohol in my ass which made me drunk. This thread disappoint.
The comma is there for a reason, you drunk fuck
[Mar 1,2012 11:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
"see video for further"

I bet that's a pretty fuckin lulz worthy watch.
[Mar 1,2012 11:14am - xmikex ""]
My girlfriend has a story about rear ending a guy on her way to school on her first day of her senior year of high school. The other guy's car was apparently so bad he couldn't drive it. She went to his driver side window to see if he was alright and there was an elderly man driving with a teenage boy in the passenger seat. She was crying and apologizing but the guy refused to even turn and acknowledge her. When the police finally came they determined the teenage boy to be some kind of male prostitute.
[Mar 1,2012 11:26am - yummy ""]
Clever twist on the ending there mike
[Mar 1,2012 11:35am - kadoogler  ""]
Just last weekend I rear-ended a stolen pick-up truck. guy fled the scene and came walking back. I was blatantly laughing at him as he got a neckbrace and a stretcher. I hope he got arrested in the hospital.
[Mar 1,2012 12:15pm - aegathis ""]
is there a but plug that isnt sexual?
[Mar 1,2012 12:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
maybe he just suffers from anal leakage..
[Mar 1,2012 12:42pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Is he being charged with wearing the flip-flops?
[Mar 1,2012 1:35pm - Kevin H Bran  ""]

RustyPS said:
Kevin%20H%20Bran said:You make it sound like I had a device filled with alcohol in my ass which made me drunk. This thread disappoint.
The comma is there for a reason, you drunk fuck

A comma? I'll give you a fucking coma you grammar weilding sob! Who the fuck do you think you're talking to like that? I'm KEVIN H MUTHAFUCKIN BRAN. Like the fucking cereal, or even the muffin. I got pulled over with lethal amounts of alcohol in my bloodstream and a butt plug in my fucking anus. Who the hell are YOU to correct MY interpretation of your silly use of the american language?
[Mar 1,2012 3:03pm - RustyPS ""]

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