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cheap INTERNET ONLY service in Boston area

[Feb 27,2012 9:36am - AndrewBastard ""]
my roommate moved out and the internet went with him :(

I need it WIRED for my xbox 360/wireless or wired for my iMac.


[Feb 27,2012 9:43am - arktouros ""]
1) buy wireless router http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16833162035

2) http://www.gis.net/

check out these guys. independent ISP that probably is a verizon reseller. based in newton. i can't vouch for them but they seem legit, $25/mo for residential DSL. give em a call.
[Feb 27,2012 9:43am - Alx_Casket ""]
Get raped by comcast, because odds are that's the only service available in your area. Cheaper to have the most basic cable TV package with internet than internet alone, because they figure you might want to expand to a better TV package down the road.
[Feb 27,2012 9:44am - arktouros ""]
3) avoid getting raped by comcast!!
[Feb 27,2012 9:46am - AndrewBastard ""]
I dont have cable/TV even. I download everything I watch...
[Feb 27,2012 9:46am - the_reverend ""]
comcast for me for just cable TV and internet is $159/mo. Carina gets ever single channel and phone for only $179/mo

My plan is to get rid of cable. I just need to figure out way to still watch the science channel, nat geo, and the daily show.
[Feb 27,2012 9:46am - chrisREX  ""]
For some reason RCN covers all of Allston except my street. Bullshit.
[Feb 27,2012 9:47am - arktouros ""]
yeah, try RCN too... and fuck cable, just try to find a good independent ISP.
[Feb 27,2012 9:54am - the_reverend ""]
RCN used to be the fastest. Spaldino had it and I was jelly.
[Feb 27,2012 9:56am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 27,2012 10:01am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Feb 27,2012 10:31am - AndrewBastard ""]
the net zero is dial up...dont I need a home phone for that?
[Feb 27,2012 12:16pm - arktouros ""]
lol. don't get dialup or a home phone.
[Feb 27,2012 12:20pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I get 15Mbit with comcast, and pay 50something a month. Between me and my roommates, we have Hulu+, Netflix, and my media server. No need for cable TV, but I don't think DSL would be sufficient for the bandwidth we consume.
[Feb 27,2012 12:31pm - xmikex ""]
Just internet? With Comcast Triple Play you can get internet, cable with On Demand, and your home phone for one monthly price that goes up every single month with unnamed fees! Representatives from Comcast will be filling your mailbox with pamphlets, flyers, and letters about this exciting service every day for the rest of your life no matter what.
[Feb 27,2012 12:36pm - Cher  ""]
RCN nigga. 30 bux a month
[Feb 27,2012 12:49pm - AndrewBastard ""]
is that DSL, Mike?

Do I have to pay for a million other fees? Buy a modem, etc.?
[Feb 27,2012 12:52pm - Yeti ""]
telepathy or false.
[Feb 27,2012 1:03pm - chrisREX  ""]
RCN is cable
[Feb 27,2012 2:22pm - Cher  ""]
I have RCN and you dont neex cable, they give you a modem and have to install it, after that its 30 bux a month just for internet. It is not dsl.
[Feb 27,2012 2:45pm - swampthang  ""]
Unfortunately I work at Comcast.

Basic TV and "blast" internet is $45/mo. "Blast" internet is cheaper with basic TV than without for some reason.
[Feb 27,2012 3:48pm - AndrewBastard ""]
RCN was $45 /mo when I just got a quote on their webstie
[Mar 2,2012 7:56pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

AndrewBastard said:RCN was $45 /mo when I just got a quote on their webstie

webstie, is that your cute nickname for websites?

that's precious

out here I got Comcast internet only, 15MBPS down and 5 up, 30$ for 6 months, then 42$ for the next 6 months, then it's i think it's 55$

buy your own modem, renting theirs is a total rip off.
[Mar 2,2012 7:58pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]


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