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[Jun 13,2004 4:52am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Jun 13,2004 12:39pm - silky ""]
looks like breakfast to me.
[Jun 13,2004 12:40pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
looks like a masturbatory device...
[Jun 13,2004 12:42pm - thornnvine ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:looks like a masturbatory device...

the baby or the cheese?
[Jun 13,2004 5:03pm - Iren_the_Viking ""]
mmmm, both
[Jun 13,2004 10:15pm - silky ""]
I'm lactose intolerant, but I can digest babies like a mad man.
[Jun 13,2004 10:34pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
in order for me to eat a baby the skin must be boiled off
[Jun 13,2004 10:39pm - silky ""]
man, you lose so many nutrients that way. you've got to steam them.
[Jun 13,2004 10:42pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
the only way you can eat baby skin is if its first lathered with spices and exotic salts and then baked to a crisp, you then use the excess fat on rye bread with a bit of salt to make sandwiches which will last you the remainder of the week
[Jun 14,2004 12:29am - silky ""]
wow. you utillize every single part, just like the eskimoes.I respect that.
[Jun 14,2004 1:57am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Eyeballs are considered a delicacy, like candy, to eskimos.

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