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Marylin Manson 04/28/12 Casino Ballroom

[Feb 22,2012 12:14pm - Hoser ""]
Awesomeness. I shall attend. I saw the Antichrist Superstar tour back in like...97 in Michigan and it was FUUUUCKING awesome.
[Feb 22,2012 12:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 22,2012 12:15pm - arktouros ""]
antichrist superstar taught me right from wrong
[Feb 22,2012 12:17pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
in b4 1321654987987th rehashed marilyn manson discussion/argument
[Feb 22,2012 12:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
In b4 bashing. I saw MM in 97 or 98 or something, and he put on an incredible show.
[Feb 22,2012 12:21pm - Ancient_Master ""]
is vatty vicky pplaying?
[Feb 22,2012 12:21pm - KEVORD ""]
Casino Ballroom? WoW his career has really gone down hill. He really does put on a great live show.
[Feb 22,2012 12:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
And what Casino?
[Feb 22,2012 12:22pm - Hoser ""]
The guy puts on a killer fucking show....like it or not, it's always a good time. And go ahead and tell me you dont crank "sweet dreams" everytime it comes on.
[Feb 22,2012 12:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
Oh wait nevermind. Inquisition show is same night.
[Feb 22,2012 12:23pm - Burnsy ""]
[Feb 22,2012 12:23pm - KEVORD ""]
Hampton beach I assume?
[Feb 22,2012 12:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:In b4 bashing. I saw MM in 97 or 98 or something, and he put on an incredible show.

he was definitely awesome back in the day. last time i saw manson was on that slayer tour a couple years back and it was horrendous. might be a cool show though in smaller setting like this.
[Feb 22,2012 12:26pm - josh_hates_you ""]

arilliusbm said:Oh wait nevermind. Inquisition show is same night.

We're opening. You still have time to make it to Hampton. I would only go if they played Potrait of an American Family in it's entirety and nothing else.
[Feb 22,2012 12:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
cant quite picture Jim skipping the rest of the Inquisition show to rush up to NH for this lol.
[Feb 22,2012 12:32pm - Hoser ""]
Well....he'll get to hang out with me and throw banana peels onto the floor and watch the hilarity ensue. Plus, we'll get to invent new trolls to take over all New England websites with.
[Feb 22,2012 12:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Last time I saw Hoser was at the Palladium in about 6 or 7 years ago. He had his balls out.
[Feb 22,2012 12:37pm - quintessence ""]
I watched MM for about 10 seconds while close to black out drunk at gay Mayhem festival a few years back. heh.

Free tickets.
[Feb 22,2012 12:38pm - Pires ""]
This show is also happening at Lupos in providence.
[Feb 22,2012 12:40pm - Pires ""]
Even though he no longer plays arenas, ticket prices are $50. FUCK THAT.
[Feb 22,2012 12:40pm - Hoser ""]
It'll be fun. Manson puts on a great show. Hopefully he does all of the old shit prior to Coma White.
[Feb 22,2012 1:09pm - Unclepauly ""]
antichrist superstar is a great record... and this venue is 10 minutes down the road. Awesome!
[Feb 22,2012 1:35pm - the_reverend ""]
I saw the tour in 1997 and it was the best stage show I had/have ever seen. I saw him open for NIN in 1994 and it was m'eh at best. When I saw him a couple of years ago, all I could think was how fucking old he was.
[Feb 22,2012 1:46pm - Czarnobog ""]
i remember when marilyn manson started to break and anyone i knew who was heavy into industrial, goth or darkwave fucking loathed him. he was like the green day or nirvana of that scene, making dark music accessible for the mall kids. it was never my scene and i've only probably heard a couple of his songs ever but i've been called "marilyn manson" enough over the years to also loath him.
[Feb 22,2012 2:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
Radio Friendly darkwave industrial goth rock.
[Feb 22,2012 2:21pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
dis song is good

[Feb 22,2012 3:43pm - posbleak nli  ""]

josh_hates_you said:I would only go if they played Potrait of an American Family in it's entirety and nothing else.

Throw in Smells Like Children and I'd be there, too

Flashback to age 12 would be awesome
[Feb 22,2012 10:28pm - iteY  ""]
farts. Hoser and i agree on something.
[Feb 23,2012 12:12am - Murph ""]
I've heard bits and pieces of their set because they've been rehearsing across the hall from my band OWL in West Hollywood. Fact: dude is tall as shit. Fact: I'm not much of a fan, but some of their newer material sounds pissed off.
[Feb 23,2012 7:13am - Yeti ""]
one of the best shows i have ever seen. Portrait and Antichrist rule.
[Feb 23,2012 7:23am - arilliusbm ""]
The cake is a lie. But the sodomy, eh? Eh?
[Feb 23,2012 8:09am - Yeti ""]
let them eat sodomy!
[Feb 23,2012 10:04am - trioxin_245 ""]
He's got some good material, especially on 'portrait...' but I wouldn't pay to see it live in 2012.
[Feb 23,2012 10:16am - Samantha ""]

Czarnobog said:i remember when marilyn manson started to break and anyone i knew who was heavy into industrial, goth or darkwave fucking loathed him. he was like the green day or nirvana of that scene, making dark music accessible for the mall kids. it was never my scene and i've only probably heard a couple of his songs ever but i've been called "marilyn manson" enough over the years to also loath him.


I saw them back in 1996 or 1997 when they played in Burlington, VT. It was the first time in my life that I had ever seen mall goths. We didn't have a Hot Topics in Vermont back then, you know. 16 year old me was all dressed like Morticia Addams looking at these kids wearing skater jeans and dog collars wondering WTF happened. Their old drummer, Ginger looked at the kids and told me, "Yeah. Marilyn has a good sense of humor."

After that, a bunch of Manson-type goth kids started coming out of the woodwork, and it pissed me off that they didn't know who Bauhuas or The Sisters of Mercy were. I'm pretty sure most of those kids have turned into juggalos by now.
[Feb 23,2012 10:50am - trioxin 245nli  ""]

Samantha said:
Czarnobog said:i remember when marilyn manson started to break and anyone i knew who was heavy into industrial, goth or darkwave fucking loathed him. he was like the green day or nirvana of that scene, making dark music accessible for the mall kids. it was never my scene and i've only probably heard a couple of his songs ever but i've been called "marilyn manson" enough over the years to also loath him.

I'm pretty sure most of those kids have turned into juggalos by now.

sounds about right
[Feb 23,2012 10:54am - goatcatalyst ""]
ITT: falses

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