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So, what have I missed in the last month or so

[Feb 16,2012 8:06pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Been slacking on the board drama upkeep
[Feb 16,2012 8:15pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 16,2012 8:26pm - RTTP Recap  ""]
Aril was banned, trolling got lamer than usual and Aril was unbanned. New poster Dukemanjunk showed up and posted faggot bullshit. Hoser came back and continued posting lame bullshit. Trolls busted Notshavers balls about his rumored Inquisition and when he finally anounced the show the elitists whined about how popular Inquisition is. Lock up played in Revere and were boring. Fuckismysignature continued to be butthurt. Aril and Alex Casket continued their love affair. Destory you a lot posted pictures from 4chan. Josh Martin started posting again. The End
[Feb 16,2012 8:27pm - RTTP Recap  ""]

RTTP%20Recap said:Aril was banned, trolling got lamer than usual and Aril was unbanned. New poster Dukemanjunk showed up and posted faggot bullshit. Hoser came back and continued posting lame bullshit. Trolls busted Notshavers balls about his rumored Inquisition show and when he finally anounced the show the elitists whined about how popular Inquisition is. Lock up played in Revere and were boring. Fuckismysignature continued to be butthurt. Aril and Alex Casket continued their love affair. Destory you a lot posted pictures from 4chan. Josh Martin started posting again. The End
[Feb 16,2012 8:58pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Feb 16,2012 9:37pm - the_reverend ""]
it's funny that people think aril was actually banned.
[Feb 16,2012 9:44pm - Eli_HHCB ""]
No one actually thinks that. We are working together as one. Working to live in a world where aril could actually be banned. I've been practicing a series of a mind control techniques. Melding.

Mind melding.
[Feb 16,2012 9:45pm - KEVORD ""]
Don't smarten marks up to the business.
[Feb 16,2012 9:51pm - DukeManjunk ""]

the_reverend said:it's funny that people think aril was actually banned.

i know, the rev would never ban me, fags.
[Feb 16,2012 9:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
This pseudonym is overused.
[Feb 16,2012 11:53pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Mosh Jartin
[Feb 17,2012 12:11am - Cher  ""]
You missed trolls
[Feb 17,2012 12:50am - Lamp ""]
I drank a lot of beer and had sex with everyone's mother on this board while she cooked me some Martha Stewart shit you fucking fuck fuckerino fuckers of fuck cunt
[Feb 17,2012 6:26am - aaron_michael ""]
Whitney Houston died.
[Feb 17,2012 7:46am - Yeti ""]
tanks might have been invented.
[Feb 17,2012 8:10am - AndrewBastard ""]

RTTP%20Recap said:
RTTP%20Recap said:Aril was banned, trolling got lamer than usual and Aril was unbanned. New poster Dukemanjunk showed up and posted faggot bullshit. Hoser came back and continued posting lame bullshit. Trolls busted Notshavers balls about his rumored Inquisition show and when he finally anounced the show the elitists whined about how popular Inquisition is. Lock up played in Revere and were boring. Fuckismysignature continued to be butthurt. Aril and Alex Casket continued their love affair. Destory you a lot posted pictures from 4chan. Josh Martin started posting again. The End


this is spot on
[Feb 17,2012 8:25am - arilliusbm ""]
I love how "trolling got lamer than usual and aril was unbanned" and I've barely trolled at all since the ban was lifted
[Feb 17,2012 8:27am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 17,2012 9:00am - goatcatalyst ""]
St. Arillius. Patron of trolls, minder of fucks.
[Feb 17,2012 10:23am - Alx_Casket ""]
pre-ban 90s aril was way better than the new iteration. RTTP staff retreat was a success. We all drank mead and wound up taking scandalous manowar album cover photos in our thongs. These were texted to notshaver and he replied with pictures of semi-nude OP, and lulz were had. Vatnett Viskar played every show that their rttp troll booked without them even knowing. All warning levels reset to 0% because no one gave a fuck. Seth Putnam, Scaphism, and Gravesideservice have joined forces to create true false zombie metal.
[Nov 23,2012 8:19am - illinoisenemaBradness ""]
I'll bump this. I check in for DYA's picture threads and that's about it.
Scott Wily. Fill me in, what's this guys problem?
[Nov 23,2012 8:25am - trioxin245 ""]
I wouldnt worry too much about that. The scott wily trolling as of late is some of the most boring / pointless trolling Ive ever seen. Youd be better off ignoring it.
[Nov 23,2012 11:41am - anonymous  ""]
Wily is a crazy junkie.. got fired from vital remains and won't shut up about it. I think he is stalking some girls and there are restraining orders. He books fake zircon shows and wants you to buy mp3s so he can have more heroin money. The guy is annoying as fuck. Ross is right. Best ignored.
[Nov 23,2012 1:54pm - xgoblincatcherx  ""]
I discovered that cyberbullying hurts.

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