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[Jun 12,2004 12:38am - Ttd ""]
For fans of thrashy, heavy fuckin' metal, pick up a copy of THROUGH THE DISCIPLINE'S debut studio full-length CD, "ART OF SURVIVAL". Check out the webstore at www.jailhouserecords.com or www.throughthediscipline.com to order one.
THROUGH THE DISCIPLINE recently returned from their full US tour with KATAKLYSM, MISERY INDEX and CANNAE. All the bands were awesome and the crowd reactions were incredible.
Catch THROUGH THE DISCIPLINE on the road in July/August when they embark on another national tour with FULL BLOWN CHAOS and 100 DEMONS. TTD and FBC will be playing this year's HELLFEST in NJ. Visit www.hellfest.com for more details.

[Jun 12,2004 5:06am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

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