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Who cares about Houston there will be time to mourn for her but first watch this...

[Feb 12,2012 12:23am - gravesideservice666 ""]

[Feb 12,2012 12:25am - Lamp ""]
[Feb 12,2012 12:25am - Lamp ""]
classless act, fuck off, a lady just died you cunts.

Do you have no class?

[Feb 12,2012 12:30am - gravesideservice666 ""]
We have no class...Oh wait, sorry. We didnt mean to offend your love for such songs as I wanna dance with somebody and I will always love you. Whoops, sorry again. Didnt know her crack habit was something to mourn.
[Feb 12,2012 12:47am - Real Fake Aril  ""]
Those 5 people at the show seem wicked into your music.
[Feb 12,2012 12:50am - Lamp ""]
people who go out of their way to endless promote their band are pieces of shit

If your band was worth talking about, we'd already be talking about it

we know what's good

fuck you
[Feb 12,2012 12:54am - Lamp ""]
Also, fuck off and die
[Feb 12,2012 12:54am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Larry Lifeless called, he wants his pulpit back, thx.
[Feb 12,2012 1:45am - gravesideservice666 ""]
Not going to humor your white guilt hipster self.
[Feb 12,2012 7:00am - SkinSandwich ""]
Oh Hai!! You guys keepin' it real in this thread?
[Feb 12,2012 8:18am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 12,2012 2:52pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Good stuff.
[Feb 12,2012 3:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 12,2012 4:23pm - gravesideservice666 ""]
Alx the show coming up is going to be sick, get ready for some killer fun...
[Feb 12,2012 4:34pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Oh, I am fucking ready to bring Pawtucket to an even lower low!
[Feb 12,2012 8:06pm - yummy ""]
Is that possible? They're on the verge of bankruptcy.
[Feb 12,2012 8:08pm - CurlyRed ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:[img]

[Feb 12,2012 8:27pm - Burnsy ""]
Not a bad track.
[Feb 12,2012 8:41pm - gravesideservice666 ""]
Heres one from our good buddies in EERIE, I recorded half their set after ours so ill be posting some of their videos.

[Feb 12,2012 8:42pm - gravesideservice666 ""]
Burnsy, does your band want in on a future show in March?
[Feb 12,2012 8:54pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
Eerie was amazing . I've never seen anything even close to that .
[Feb 12,2012 10:43pm - Burnsy ""]
We're not active. Thanks for the offer though.
[Feb 12,2012 10:48pm - trioxin 245nli  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:[img]
I was about to say 'in b4 steve posts picture of eli whitney or some other like-named celebrity with RIP whitney houston caption' ha
[Feb 13,2012 10:36am - gravesideservice666 ""]


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