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any one have a web link for THROUGH THE DISCIPLINE

[Jun 11,2004 9:46am - subjugate ""]
never heard em and i wanna check em out
[Jun 11,2004 9:48am - RustedAngel ""]
i have the guitar player on my list somewhere.
[Jun 11,2004 9:52am - subjugate ""]
where r they from
[Jun 11,2004 10:52am - the_reverend ""]
[Jun 11,2004 10:53am - the_reverend ""]
oh and http://www.throughthediscipline.com/
[Jun 11,2004 11:21am - subjugate ""]
cool thanx
[Jun 11,2004 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
they were pretty good at the metal fest.
I like the old-slayer influenced guitar riffs.

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