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Trolling show promoters? Don't mind if I do.

[Jan 23,2012 11:18am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

Here is the pic I linked to in the original thread.

[Jan 23,2012 11:20am - burnsy ""]
lol @ better bussiness
[Jan 23,2012 11:21am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Carl Cheddarsmoove ftw
[Jan 23,2012 11:21am - arilliusbm ""]
LOL that guy
[Jan 23,2012 11:24am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I don't know.. it just seems kind of douchebaggish to spam a bunch of walls with a show offer and then get miffy and demand to speak in a private message.

Plus, this guy's wall is full of grammatically incorrect blurbs about his seemingly-lucrative band management career. Oh yeah, and excited posts about getting his court case dropped.
[Jan 23,2012 11:24am - josh_hates_you ""]
Spamming the wall of 30 random bands is definitely how you book the best shows.
[Jan 23,2012 11:25am - RichHorror ""]
So, when is this guy's local scene documentary coming out?
[Jan 23,2012 11:27am - Alx_Casket ""]
I would pay $100 to see Godsmack open for Hivesmasher.
[Jan 23,2012 11:27am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jan 23,2012 11:28am - the_reverend ""]

Alx_Casket said:I would pay $100 to see Godsmack open for Hivesmasher.
put someone in acoma with your hummer about itt.
[Jan 23,2012 11:31am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

[Jan 23,2012 11:32am - xmikex ""]
Somewhere there is a guy posting on spam on the "Give Zombies the Vote" wall wondering why there are so many stupid people out there that think you have to work to make money.
[Jan 23,2012 11:32am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
What a privileged it must be to create art for him. I should submit something. I HOPE I GET PICKED.
[Jan 23,2012 11:33am - xmikex ""]
Mike, make a fucking art submission for this guy or never post here again.
[Jan 23,2012 11:35am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha you do it.
[Jan 23,2012 11:36am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jan 23,2012 11:40am - josh_hates_you ""]
Serious metal promoter is serious. Seriously?

[Jan 23,2012 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
I wonder just how many dicks he is looking for this horse to have,
[Jan 23,2012 11:47am - the_reverend ""]
I'm just saying cause if it's 0-dicks, I'm out. and if it's over 5-dicks, then I'm also out. but if it is between 1 and 5 dicks, I could probably put something together.
[Jan 23,2012 11:51am - aaron_michael ""]
[Jan 23,2012 11:52am - xmikex ""]
I kind of don't think they are. But I also kind of think it would kill this guy to have to realize that.
[Jan 23,2012 11:55am - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jan 23,2012 11:56am - aaron_michael ""]
Clearly he's staying up to date by the old Hit Parader magazines left in the pediatrician's waiting room.
[Jan 23,2012 11:56am - yummy ""]
Would you call yourself a moderate rev?
[Jan 23,2012 11:58am - IMA DOG  ""]
[Jan 23,2012 12:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

RichHorror said:So, when is this guy's local scene documentary coming out?

[Jan 23,2012 1:06pm - randy_marsh ""]
Its funny how hard that guy tries to promote that show and seem prifessional due to the fact that show fucking sucks ass
[Jan 23,2012 2:59pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:[img]


[Jan 23,2012 3:14pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 23,2012 3:53pm - Kyle Haskell  ""]
Real mature, dickhead. Maybe I didn't respond because you were clearly trying to clearly troll me. I'm not stupid, I clearly know about RTTP, did you think I wouldn't find this? Clearly you're a moron.
[Jan 23,2012 3:54pm - Kyle Haskell  ""]
Also, troll me all you want, I have no ententions of arguing with you here. I don't book any bands here, why should I care what you think of me?
[Jan 23,2012 3:56pm - randy_marsh ""]
You book shit bands
[Jan 23,2012 3:56pm - eyeroller  ""]
[Jan 23,2012 3:58pm - xmikex ""]
Well then what are you ententions?

Clearly, what do you entend to do?
[Jan 23,2012 3:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Kyle%20Haskell said:Also, troll me all you want, I have no ententions of arguing with you here. I don't book any bands here, why should I care what you think of me?

Sounds like arguing to me. If you didnt care, you wouldnt have posted this. lulz.
[Jan 23,2012 4:00pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jan 23,2012 4:01pm - RichHorror ""]

Kyle%20Haskell said:Also, troll Aril all you want, Aril has no ententions of arguing with you here. Aril doesn't book any bands here, why should Aril care what you think of Aril?
[Jan 23,2012 4:01pm - Kyle Haskell  ""]
What are you fucking stupid? Anyone with an IQ above 10 would know what I meant to write, even if I wrote the wrong word.

And eyroller, I know who you are, and I don't care if you follow me here, I'm not paying you! You either draw enough people, or you don't. You knew the errangement.
[Jan 23,2012 4:01pm - burnsy ""]
[Jan 23,2012 4:02pm - randy_marsh ""]
Troll ^
[Jan 23,2012 4:04pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Is this thread half empty or half full?

[Jan 23,2012 4:05pm - eyeroller  ""]

Kyle%20Haskell said:And eyroller, I know who you are, and I don't care if you follow me here, I'm not paying you! You either draw enough people, or you don't. You knew the errangement.

Who am I?
[Jan 23,2012 4:05pm - Kyle Haskell  ""]

randy_marsh said:Troll ^

That's not a troll, it's a fucking ENT. Go back to South Park Randy.
[Jan 23,2012 4:06pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this is a limited addition troll thread now
[Jan 23,2012 4:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I don't know what you ententions are, but clearly you knew the errangement.
[Jan 23,2012 4:09pm - Kyle Haskell  ""]
Whatever, have fun guys. Meanwhile I've had my associate to some cyber tracking. You think you're all so smart, but hiding behind your usernames doesn't keep me from finding out who you are, and making sure I never work with any of you again.

Right MR Menstral Discopants? Or should I say MICHAEL, from MASSACHUSETS?

My associate can find you all.

[Jan 23,2012 4:10pm - randy_marsh ""]
Kyle is msd
[Jan 23,2012 4:10pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Kyle%20Haskell said:Whatever, have fun guys. Meanwhile I've had my associate to some cyber tracking.

[Jan 23,2012 4:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I'll save you the trouble. Dont work with my bands:

Hard No. 9

[Jan 23,2012 4:11pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

randy_marsh said:Aril is msd
[Jan 23,2012 4:11pm - randy_marsh ""]
[Jan 23,2012 4:13pm - arilliusbm ""]
Haven't trolled in days.
[Jan 23,2012 4:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
10,000 days?
[Jan 23,2012 4:13pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
In Project Mayhem we have no names. I understand. In b&ination, a troll of Project Mayhem has a name. His name is Aril Paulson.
[Jan 23,2012 4:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Because of this thread, I don't think I will be supporting any threads with aril again. Sorry guys
[Jan 23,2012 4:18pm - a jealous girl with huge tits  ""]
Hi guys :p

[Jan 23,2012 4:19pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
lol @ OP's facebook:

Kyle Haskell
Anyone interested in playing with PROSPECT HILL on Friday February 17th at Rockos Bar And Grill in Manchester NH! All Ages show with a bar! Email Dave@imthirstyentertainment.com or contact me here on facebook and i can hook you up! http://www.facebook.com/ProspectHillMusic

[Jan 23,2012 4:20pm - Alx_Casket ""]
IP added to ban_aril.log file
[Jan 23,2012 4:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
thirstytroll detected
[Jan 23,2012 4:23pm - xmikex ""]
Sounds like this guy has an errengement with the cyber pelice.
[Jan 23,2012 4:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 23,2012 4:38pm - timma ""]

Kyle%20Haskell said:Whatever, have fun guys. Meanwhile I've had my associate to some cyber tracking. You think you're all so smart, but hiding behind your usernames doesn't keep me from finding out who you are, and making sure I never work with any of you again.

Right MR Menstral Discopants? Or should I say MICHAEL, from MASSACHUSETS?

My associate can find you all.

[Jan 23,2012 8:35pm - The Horror of Rich Horror  ""]
Mr. Haskell there is this great band GRAVESIDESERVICE that's wants you to book them for shows.
[Jan 23,2012 8:45pm - demondave ""]

I can not stop giggling about the "ban aril" in the spew. My wife is looking at me like I am a moron, but I can't stop snickering.

[Jan 23,2012 10:25pm - xgodzillax ""]

Kyle%20Haskell said:Whatever, have fun guys. Meanwhile I've had my associate to some cyber tracking. You think you're all so smart, but hiding behind your usernames doesn't keep me from finding out who you are, and making sure I never work with any of you again.

Right MR Menstral Discopants? Or should I say MICHAEL, from MASSACHUSETS?

My associate can find you all.

you can find me here, mr haskell. I used to be a show booker like you, then I took an aril to the knee.
[Jan 23,2012 10:29pm - burnsy ""]

xgodzillax said: I used to be a show booker like you, then I took an aril to the knee.

I thought that was over. I fucking hate you.
[Jan 23,2012 10:32pm - xgodzillax ""]

burnsy said:I fucking hate you.

Join the club and get in line.
[Jan 23,2012 10:35pm - burnsy ""]
I'll sell out a show then hide behind security. Who's the tough guy now?
[Jan 23,2012 10:58pm - xgodzillax ""]

burnsy said:I'll sell out a show then hide behind security. Who's the tough guy now?

ITT: Burnsy hides behind his girlfriend after she pats me down, and walks in and out of the club with his eyes locked on the floor.
[Jan 24,2012 9:09am - xmikex ""]
Drew yallz this evil horse
[Jan 26,2012 11:51am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jan 26,2012 12:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
this is now a horse genitalia thread.

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