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NH dark/party Metal act InvertiCrux seeks bassist/leads

[Jan 9,2012 1:26am - nekronautloggedin  ""]

NH dark/party Metal act InvertiCrux seeks bassist/leads (Nashua Nh.)

Date: 2011-12-27, 9:14PM EST
Reply to: comm-khkrp-2771686027@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

We are known as Inverticrux, and we cause a stir. we have under ten live shows under our belt and two members were regrettably forced to leave due to family matters. we are usually a 5 piece but can get away with 4 members. are line up is incomplete at this time. we may already have a guitarist but the schedule is not working out yet. we are more in need of a bassist. we just released first demo and it is being heavily promoted. our connections are many and we are serious about getting things done. we have free practice space in Nashua and it is spacious. many perks for being involved that most bands do not get to enjoy. more on that later. we are fun easy to work with guys and the ego is in check, so your should be as well. this is going somewhere. you should come along for the ride if you feel you are a serious musician that wants to put towards something worth while. this is a major opportunity to get noticed. you will want to call the Tattoomb tattoo parlor (horror/metal themed shop!)for more info. ask for Raynard. we accept all age groups age shouldn't matter to you, it doesn't bother us and it wont get in the way when the right minds come together for a worthy mutual cause such as this.

nobody wants me hangin' around unless it's from a tree in the middle of town...

Location: Nashua Nh.
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

[Jan 9,2012 1:51am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Jan 9,2012 2:02am - voice of reason  ""]

nekronautloggedin said:http://nh.craigslist.org/search/muc?query=inverticrux&srchType=A

NH dark/party Metal act InvertiCrux seeks bassist/leads (Nashua Nh.)

Date: 2011-12-27, 9:14PM EST
Reply to: comm-khkrp-2771686027@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]

we are fun easy to work with guys and the ego is in check.

[Jan 9,2012 3:55am - Randy_Marsh ""]
You wanna get real dark party come to mattapan, i dare u
[Jan 9,2012 8:11am - Hungtableed  ""]
"I'm callin' about tha leeedz"
[Jan 9,2012 8:16am - ben ""]
Thanks so much for the added support guys, i couldn't ask to be in a more supportive Metal community, you really know how to act like true Metal fans.
i feel guilty accepting such warm hearted support. hopefully we will become a full line up soon and we can get back out there to shit in your unworthy faces.
[Jan 9,2012 8:32am - Uhn  ""]

ben said:Thanks so much for the added support guys, i couldn't ask to be in a more supportive Metal community, you really know how to act like true Metal fans.
i feel guilty accepting such warm hearted support. hopefully we will become a full line up soon and we can get back out there to shit in your unworthy faces.

Someone owes nekronaut some tattooin'.
[Jan 9,2012 8:35am - HungtaBleed ""]
^^^ hahaha, TRUE!! This thread is definitely worth at least a $1 per view. Hell, I never heard of this awful band until people started raggin' on them here. I gave them a listen and came to the same conclusion, they suck dick and the guy who does the ink is seriously fucking mediocre, AT BEST!
[Jan 9,2012 8:43am - ben ""]

HungtaBleed said:^^^ hahaha, TRUE!! This thread is definitely worth at least a $1 per view. Hell, I never heard of this awful band until people started raggin' on them here. I gave them a listen and came to the same conclusion, they suck dick and the guy who does the ink is seriously fucking mediocre, AT BEST!

"Hardy har har maybe i can be cool too if i just shit talk this band along with all the other posers here" your Metal cred would have been more impressive had you joined the ranks of the silent and or supportive friends of Inverticrux.
sadly you proved your self another faceless hater nerd. poor attempt at getting noticed in your sea of troo mediocrity. try again.
[Jan 9,2012 8:48am - yummy ""]
many perks for being involved that most bands do not get to enjoy. more on that later.
When it comes to playing metal it's all about the perks.
If you guys enjoy what u do why does it matter what anyone says? I don't like it personally but who gives a shit what a bunch of strangers who don't "get it" think?
[Jan 9,2012 8:48am - ben ""]

Uhn said:
ben said:Thanks so much for the added support guys, i couldn't ask to be in a more supportive Metal community, you really know how to act like true Metal fans.
i feel guilty accepting such warm hearted support. hopefully we will become a full line up soon and we can get back out there to shit in your unworthy faces.

Someone owes nekronaut some tattooin'.

i think not. he attempted to hurt our rep and instead only managed to get us some connections. we are now looking at another label offer and an interview with a local college internetzine. sorry i would like to mention them but the haters must be kept in the dark. plus we have more musician try outs lining up. if neckrocock wants credit he needs to contact me first, and with good intentions. nice try though!
[Jan 9,2012 8:52am - ben ""]

yummy said:many perks for being involved that most bands do not get to enjoy. more on that later.
When it comes to playing metal it's all about the perks.
If you guys enjoy what u do why does it matter what anyone says? I don't like it personally but who gives a shit what a bunch of strangers who don't "get it" think?

you dont get it yummy. i cant help but to keep coming back to torment my haters. they love it and i love it. its better then video games. every one hated Venom when they got started, everyone hated Alice Cooper when he started. gotta be hated first to be loved when your in metal. this is my hate crowd, so stop trying to fuck it up!
[Jan 9,2012 8:54am - afro american  ""]
congratulations on the local college internetzine.
[Jan 9,2012 9:00am - yummy ""]
I just listened to a few of your songs and saw 2 videos so I guess if it wasn't for the haters ragging on you I would be unaware that you guys even exist.

Carry on.
[Jan 9,2012 9:15am - ben ""]

yummy said:I just listened to a few of your songs and saw 2 videos so I guess if it wasn't for the haters ragging on you I would be unaware that you guys even exist.

Carry on.

now your pickin' up what i'm puttin' down. them!
[Jan 9,2012 9:16am - ben ""]

afro%20american said:congratulations on the local college internetzine.
all press is good press. this will lead to more. its hardly our first interview. thanks negro!
[Jan 9,2012 9:32am - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 9,2012 10:07am - ben ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:[img]

look kids, a fictional black family! they are all together. no drugs , no beatings, no hooking? the imagination is an amazing thing.
[Jan 9,2012 10:08am - HungtaBleed ""]

ben said:
HungtaBleed said:^^^ hahaha, TRUE!! This thread is definitely worth at least a $1 per view. Hell, I never heard of this awful band until people started raggin' on them here. I gave them a listen and came to the same conclusion, they suck dick and the guy who does the ink is seriously fucking mediocre, AT BEST!

"Hardy har har maybe i can be cool too if i just shit talk this band along with all the other posers here" your Metal cred would have been more impressive had you joined the ranks of the silent and or supportive friends of Inverticrux.
sadly you proved your self another faceless hater nerd. poor attempt at getting noticed in your sea of troo mediocrity. try again.

Ben, you're a faggot.
[Jan 9,2012 10:08am - ben ""]
so is the jewish run media. they are the wizards of the p.c. family world.
[Jan 9,2012 10:13am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 9,2012 10:34am - gss loves the rev  ""]
Ben is actually a real nice person. It seems that because he is doing something other people/bands arent into he is getting looked down on. His music is awesome and the vintage flesh stuff ruled and now the inverticrux stuff is just as good. Some sick artwork and some sick lyrics with killer vocals. If he lived closer we would be doing more shows together.
[Jan 9,2012 10:35am - gss loves the rev  ""]

[Jan 9,2012 10:39am - ben ""]
you bet we would! but i would hate to be without my haters. having haters makes you Metal as fuck! being accepted is for pansies! keep pissing off the posers G.S.S.!!!
[Jan 9,2012 10:53am - Blessed_Offal ""]
lol @ desperately trying to get a fanbase by whoring out your tattoo shop for free "press'' then acting like you don't want to be accepted.
[Jan 9,2012 11:02am - gss loves the rev  ""]
If you take a look at Bens artwork it is total 80s metal worship. I think his artwork is awesome at least. Now or days you only see digital photoshop artwork on cds (which I am a victim of haha). His artwork is original and totally reminiscent of creepshow era.
[Jan 9,2012 11:58am - PATAC Records  ""]
I think Ben's artwork would be great for a Scarecrow Hill flyer, or perhaps HAUNTING THE RAMROD.
[Jan 9,2012 12:01pm - beeflover  ""]
I just masturbated after I saw the two dicks touching. I love pics of big cocks and hot men that look fem. Post more.
[Jan 9,2012 3:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

nekronautloggedin said:http://nh.craigslist.org/search/muc?query=inverticrux&srchType=A
the ego is in check, so your should be as well.


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