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Girl Sneaks Into Russian Missile Factory - Takes Cool Photos

[Jan 6,2012 9:05am - xmikex ""]
The headline says most of it. She hopped a fence and snuck into a military factory without being stopped by any security guards and posted a bunch of pictures that look like something out of Doom.

[Jan 6,2012 9:07am - xmikex ""]
or at least a cross between Doom and the Vorkuta level of Black Ops.
[Jan 6,2012 9:10am - CurlyRed ""]
I was just reading this!

Yeah certain countries are wacky with this stuff. I take a lot of this type of photography, I always read up on the state laws and or country laws if I travel. When I went to Ireland, they don't give a crap they can just ask you to leave the property if you resist then they can arrest you.

[Jan 6,2012 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
this just in, Lana is disappeared. I guess she missed all the people getting killed by russian agents in other countries.
[Jan 6,2012 9:20am - Lamp ""]
Cool photos, bro
[Jan 6,2012 9:36am - demondave ""]

me new desktop background

[Jan 6,2012 9:38am - Samantha ""]
Amazing pics. There are more in her livejournal: http://lana-sator.livejournal.com/160176.html#cutid1

I can't believe people still use livejournal. The only time I look at that site anymore is for the Abandoned Places community, which has some equally cool photography.
[Jan 6,2012 9:42am - xmikex ""]
In Soviet Russia...
[Jan 6,2012 9:50am - AndrewBastard ""]

xmikex said:In Soviet Russia...



[Jan 6,2012 9:59am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this chicks gonna end up in the Gulag
[Jan 6,2012 10:04am - the_reverend ""]
They still use live journal. But this girl shall be using dead journal soon enough.
[Jan 6,2012 10:05am - CurlyRed ""]
I wouldn't screw with the Russian government
[Jan 6,2012 10:35am - Yeti ""]
it looks like a cross between the Predator ship in Predator 2 and a Giger painting.
[Jan 6,2012 10:35am - Yeti ""]
man do i love those Russians.
[Jan 6,2012 11:47am - xmikex ""]
In Soviet Russia journal lives you.
[Jan 6,2012 1:18pm - Yeti ""]
i come to give you gift for warming of house, instead find you grappling with local oaf!

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