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getting shithammered at 1:39 in the afternoon because your life is a toilet it-is-what-it-is thread

[Jan 5,2012 1:42pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Jan 5,2012 1:43pm - arilliusbm ""]
I thought you were a millionaire since your record deal WTF
[Jan 5,2012 1:43pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I envy you, my toilet life won't allow the 1:39 binge today...
[Jan 5,2012 1:44pm - hauptpflucker ""]

arilliusbm said:I thought you were a millionaire since your record deal WTF
he's having a cobain moment. do some heroin and blow your brains out or false.
[Jan 5,2012 1:45pm - josh_hates_you ""]
"getting shithammered at 1:39 in the afternoon because your life is a toilet it-is-what-it-is"

this was pretty much my whole 2011.
[Jan 5,2012 1:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

hauptpflucker said:
arilliusbm said:I thought you were a millionaire since your record deal WTF
he's having a cobain moment. do some heroin and blow your brains out or false.

only attempted suicide is KVLT.
[Jan 5,2012 1:48pm - Mark_R ""]
I bought the Ips album in mid-December. That might get you enough money for half a beer, depending.
[Jan 5,2012 1:51pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Well, heroin is an easy score here in Wallingford, but I don't associate in those circles. And if it's anything like Oxys or Dilaudid, I wouldn't like it because you can't poop and then when you try to poop, it's more painful than the supposed pain-negating narcotics you are on are able to de-pain and so I really look down my nose at people who are into pills and regard they who would trade their inalienable right to poop for a stupid high that won't help you none when it's pooping time so I looks at those pooptraders as subhumans.
[Jan 5,2012 1:54pm - hauptpflucker ""]

goatcatalyst said:Well, heroin is an easy score here in Wallingford, but I don't associate in those circles. And if it's anything like Oxys or Dilaudid, I wouldn't like it because you can't poop and then when you try to poop, it's more painful than the supposed pain-negating narcotics you are on are able to de-pain and so I really look down my nose at people who are into pills and regard they who would trade their inalienable right to poop for a stupid high that won't help you none when it's pooping time so I looks at those pooptraders as subhumans.
sound logic
[Jan 5,2012 1:55pm - goatcatalyst ""]
And suicide is fucking gay because when you're dead, you can't eat no lopster bisk or blackened U-10s or brie burger veggie burgers from Knuckleheads and then you're just a low-rent nigger Liberace
[Jan 5,2012 1:59pm - faketroll  ""]
go take a laxative and a I Piss U miss about it and shut up.
[Jan 5,2012 2:01pm - goatcatalyst ""]
And bless you, Mark R, but on the odd chance that the label has already recouped our paltry recording budget, I will put my 3rd of our $0.73 royalty from your purchase towards my next Old Chub 8% Scotch Ale.

BRB- going to find that heroin
[Jan 5,2012 2:15pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
This thread makes me want blackened chicken for lunch.
[Jan 5,2012 2:15pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Well, heroin is an easy score here in Wallingford, but I don't associate in those circles. And if it's anything like Oxys or Dilaudid, I wouldn't like it because you can't poop and then when you try to poop, it's more painful than the supposed pain-negating narcotics you are on are able to de-pain and so I really look down my nose at people who are into pills and regard they who would trade their inalienable right to poop for a stupid high that won't help you none when it's pooping time so I looks at those pooptraders as subhumans.

That was very profound
[Jan 5,2012 2:17pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Constipation is surely false. Only blasting the bowl at least 3x before lunch is real.
[Jan 5,2012 2:18pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
occult reefer + espresso = hippie speedball
chill poopin' all the way
[Jan 5,2012 2:19pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Note to self: start doing drugs, maybe then your BMs will be more pleasurable
[Jan 5,2012 2:20pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
The fuck is 'occult reefer'
[Jan 5,2012 2:29pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You wish you knew, buttdart ;)
[Jan 5,2012 2:30pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ITT: BM'ing like a rock star
[Jan 5,2012 2:30pm - bitch_please ""]
Go wine enema yourself or fgt.
[Jan 5,2012 3:19pm - KEVORD ""]
I wish I could get shithammered on a Thursday at 1:39. I have to wait for the weekend to drown my sorrows so I don't shoot myself or others.
[Jan 5,2012 3:22pm - Yeti ""]
this thread made me appreciate the fantastic dumps i've been taking lately. i've been eating a lot of asparagus so i think it's cleaning out the tubes.
[Jan 5,2012 3:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Ass Per Gas
[Jan 5,2012 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
i want to see a video of Ryan getting pummeled by a giant hammer made of shit.
[Jan 5,2012 3:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
Whitesnake back patch or whitesnake back patch.
[Jan 5,2012 3:48pm - goatcatalyst ""]
My scarf protects me from shithammers, Tony
[Jan 5,2012 3:52pm - XshithammerX  ""]
OP is paul
[Jan 5,2012 5:04pm - the mex nli  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Well, heroin is an easy score here in Wallingford, but I don't associate in those circles. And if it's anything like Oxys or Dilaudid, I wouldn't like it because you can't poop and then when you try to poop, it's more painful than the supposed pain-negating narcotics you are on are able to de-pain and so I really look down my nose at people who are into pills and regard they who would trade their inalienable right to poop for a stupid high that won't help you none when it's pooping time so I looks at those pooptraders as subhumans.

I concur, and am pleased that your fecal matter is traversing seamlessly through your bowels

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