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Harvard Commencement

[Jun 9,2004 11:18am - litacore ""]
I get to listen to marching band music all day:thescream:
[Jun 9,2004 11:42am - morkul ""]
Nothing wrong with that. There are some great drummer's out there playing, so pay attention and reel yourself in one.hahahahaha...
[Jun 9,2004 12:38pm - litacore ""]
actually we just found someone pretty promising, but I don't wanna jinx it. so DETAILS LATER, heh
[Jun 9,2004 1:03pm - morkul ""]
Good for you. I am glad to here you finally found someone. Oops, no jinxing, uh, looking at someone.
[Jun 9,2004 1:27pm - Cryptic Anthony  ""]
I was an usher at least year's commencement. The best part is the crew of old men in tails and silly hats and batons that walk around and yell at people.

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