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Top 5 Heavy Bands that have Done No Wrong

[Jan 3,2012 10:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
You wanted a fucking music conversation so hear ya go.

My list of the Top 5 heavy bands that have put out nothing but top quality releases for the majority of their careers - with the exception of maybe one less-than-brilliant but still solid release.

1. Type O Negative
2. Emperor
3. Death
4. Godflesh
5. Alice In Chains

Runners Up:
Motorhead, Nevermore

Commence disagreement and fist shaking

[Jan 3,2012 11:03pm - ark  ""]
1. Metallica
2. Metallica
3. Metallica
4. Guns n' Roses
5. Metallica
[Jan 3,2012 11:03pm - demondave ""]

in B4 Bova flavored Raviolis

[Jan 3,2012 11:06pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
[Jan 3,2012 11:08pm - demondave ""]
yup. I got in right before.
[Jan 3,2012 11:22pm - Manowarrior  ""]
1. Type O Negative - Gay
2. Emperor - Hipster
3. Death - Dead
4. Godflesh - Gay
5. Alice In Chains - Gay And Dead

Oh wait, I forgot that faggot from Type O Negative is dead too. One less shitty band in the world.

[Jan 4,2012 12:14am - Mark r  ""]
Morbid Angel until 2010...I even liked Heretic quite a bit. Oh well.
[Jan 4,2012 12:18am - Mark r  ""]
I don't know who I would really pick. grave digger comes to mind. I don't hate 34.788% Complete, so My Dying Bride is also up there. I personally like every Pain of Salvation album, even the widely panned last four.
[Jan 4,2012 12:30am - goatcatalyst ""]

[Jan 4,2012 12:35am - goatcatalyst ""]
And also Thorns!!!
[Jan 4,2012 12:46am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Jan 4,2012 9:49am - MetalThursday ""]
[Jan 4,2012 9:53am - Fake Ark  ""]
Bolt Thrower
[Jan 4,2012 9:54am - posbleak ""]
[Jan 4,2012 9:58am - dreadkill ""]

Mark%20r said:I don't know who I would really pick. grave digger comes to mind. I don't hate 34.788% Complete, so My Dying Bride is also up there. I personally like every Pain of Salvation album, even the widely panned last four.

pain of salvation after remedy lane = pieces of shit
[Jan 4,2012 10:00am - burnsy ""]
Enslaved, duh.
[Jan 4,2012 10:24am - Alexecutioner ""]
1. Meshuggah
2. Skinless
3. Dying Fetus
4. Decapitated
5. Blood Red Throne

Specifically chose bands with more than 2 full length releases, otherwise i would have included

Defeated Sanity
The Faceless
[Jan 4,2012 10:30am - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 4,2012 10:32am - dreadkill ""]
[Jan 4,2012 10:32am - Alexecutioner ""]

arilliusbm said:lol

never heard of that band. NSBM i assume?
[Jan 4,2012 11:03am - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:

1. Type O Negative
2. Emperor
3. Death
4. Godflesh
5. Alice In Chains


Type O - No argument
Emperor - Got pretty boring in the 2000's
Death - Not a fan of anything after Human. It just kind of bores me, I always thought the shit was overrated.
Godflesh - One of my favorite bands, but after he fagged out on that tour I was gonna see them at because his girlfriend dumped him, I lost alot of faith.
Alice in Chains - Great band, but definitely not in my top 5 or even top 20.

I would say off the top of my head:
1. Type O Negative
2. Faith No More
3. Saint Vitus
4. Motorhead
5. Manowar

thats just off the top of my head though, with no thought put into it (in before "like all your other comments" or something)
[Jan 4,2012 11:05am - Mark_R ""]

dreadkill said:primordial

That's one I overlooked
[Jan 4,2012 11:16am - Fake Ark  ""]
meh, quick list.
Bolt Thrower
Type O Negative
[Jan 4,2012 11:22am - arilliusbm ""]
Horrible bands. Horrible lists.
[Jan 4,2012 11:22am - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
other bands that have done no wrong (totally off the top of my head):
Disgorge (mex.)
Acid Bath
[Jan 4,2012 11:25am - Alexecutioner ""]
Aril's List:

1. Alcest
2. Alcest
3. Alcest
4. Alcest
5. Alcest
[Jan 4,2012 11:26am - Alx_Casket ""]
Type O
Forgotten Tomb

Your mom's a heavy band.
[Jan 4,2012 11:30am - arilliusbm ""]
Alcest isnt heavy. Neither is Type O.
"heavy" is subjective, just like "sludge"
Your all arrested.
[Jan 4,2012 11:31am - Alx_Casket ""]
It is subjective, which is why all our opinions are valid.
[Jan 4,2012 11:34am - dreadkill ""]

arilliusbm said:Horrible bands. Horrible lists.
you know you love primordial, aril aril nemtheanga o'doyle doyle von frankenstein
[Jan 4,2012 11:34am - arilliusbm ""]
Igor Stravinsky wrote heavy music.
[Jan 4,2012 11:34am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Jan 4,2012 11:36am - Alx_Casket ""]
Composer =/= band. Dumass
[Jan 4,2012 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
Orchestra = real band. Not faux poseur "heavy" music with electric amplification and distortion. BRING BACK HEAVY TO ITS ROOTS.

[Jan 4,2012 11:41am - arilliusbm ""]
Also, stop replying seriously to jest comments.
[Jan 4,2012 11:43am - arilliusbm ""]
I just wanted to make the point that "heavy" is a broad term. I could give a very broad answer, but every band has done wrong. Nobody is perfect.
[Jan 4,2012 11:47am - dreadkill ""]
the beatles
[Jan 4,2012 11:49am - DYA is NO U  ""]
I really want to be able to put Type O on a list like this, but I just can't deal with the lyrics on Dead Again. It's like the end of Newhart, where they wake up and it's all just a dream. Want to like that record so fucking bad, can't deal.
[Jan 4,2012 11:49am - Alx_Casket ""]
Stravinsky wasn't an orchestra either. Your definition of heavy is different than mine. Genre nomenclature is in itself subjective, which is why discussing it is so easy to start flamewars about. This is a "what do you think" thread, not a "post before aril waves his opinion shlong in your face as gospel."

And I will never stop making trollbreaking replies to your posts <3
Deal with it, you raunchy broad term.
[Jan 4,2012 11:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i purposefully left it open-ended for maxium discussion abilities.
[Jan 4,2012 11:58am - Fake Ark  ""]

DYA%20is%20NO%20U said: I just can't deal with the lyrics on Dead Again.

amen? i do like the record, but i feel that.
[Jan 4,2012 12:00pm - Fake Arkrillius  ""]

arilliusbm said:Also, stop replying seriously to jest comments.

arilliusbm said:I just wanted to make the point that "heavy" is a broad term.

[Jan 4,2012 12:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
Stravinsky wrote FOR an orchestra you dimwitted dingbat.
I never wave my gospel schlong in threads. I make asshole statements to broaden discussion. My opinion is no more valid than anyone elses'. Genre nomenclature ia subjective but also has substance when being used in the correct context.
[Jan 4,2012 12:06pm - Alx_Casket ""]
It's simply about following instructions, aril. The thread asks for heavy bands, not some composer who wrote heavy stuff. You could have also misinterpreted the thread and listed Symphony X as a heavy band just because of Michael Romeo.
[Jan 4,2012 12:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
I wouldn't be such a dick under this arilliusbm name if you guys weren't so easy to annoy on the internet.
Problem with arilliusbm? Take it up with Jim.
[Jan 4,2012 12:09pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Try harder, your trolling is under scrutiny. I do like how you always tell me to not take you so seriously, as if I'm ever actually butthurt about it, haha.
[Jan 4,2012 12:10pm - Garth Algar  ""]
I'm gonna have to go with Michael Bolton. Personally, I celebrate the man's entire catalog. Also Thin Lizzy even though the early shit is very heavy at all.
[Jan 4,2012 12:11pm - Garth Algar  ""]
isn't very heavy
[Jan 4,2012 12:13pm - burnsy ""]
Missy Elliot.
[Jan 4,2012 12:14pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
John Tesh

[Jan 4,2012 12:14pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Grand Belial's Key
Old Wainds
[Jan 4,2012 12:15pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

goatcatalyst said:Grand Belial's Key
Old Wainds

[Jan 4,2012 12:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
Someone explain to me how a band does no wrong?
[Jan 4,2012 12:18pm - Fake Arkrillius  ""]
by doing the exact opposite of what morbid angel did last year.
[Jan 4,2012 12:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 4,2012 12:20pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

arilliusbm said:Someone explain to me how a band does no wrong?

*puts on his Serious Hat*
If I were to guess, that would mean that the person feels that every song that band has ever put out has been at least good, but I'm just guessing here.
[Jan 4,2012 12:21pm - burnsy ""]
Well I did say Enslaved but Grutle beat up a crippled guy that got tossed on the stage after Grutle warned the crowd the next person that hit the mic into his face was gonna get beat up. Is that wrong? I can't decide.
[Jan 4,2012 12:24pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Also, I'm gonna have to take Ross to task on that Samael claim
[Jan 4,2012 12:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm going to take the realistic road and say every heavy band has done a wrong. Except Nargaroth..he was doing black metal in 1949. Clearly, no wrong there.
[Jan 4,2012 12:27pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Samael has verily committed atrocities.
[Jan 4,2012 12:29pm - Fake Arkrillius  ""]
burnsy, that just means he's a man of his word.
ross, go to task on that.
[Jan 4,2012 12:35pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Just wanna give props to OP for making a positive discussion thread on rttp. Good man.

Unfortunately it's about music, somewhat disconcerting.
[Jan 4,2012 12:37pm - demondave ""]
[Jan 4,2012 12:41pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
i thought this was an arrow site?
[Jan 4,2012 12:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Rusty is correct... and should be working right now.
[Jan 4,2012 12:43pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Also, Jim:

"...with the exception of maybe one less-than-brilliant but still solid release."

[Jan 4,2012 12:45pm - ark  ""]
[Jan 4,2012 12:45pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
Honestly, I'm just stealing Ark's list and swapping out Type O for Anal Cunt.
[Jan 4,2012 12:46pm - DYA is NO U  ""]

ark said:Megadeth

Risky answer. :D
[Jan 4,2012 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
Well now, in that case...

[Jan 4,2012 12:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
And Revocation.
[Jan 4,2012 12:54pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]

demondave said:[img]

I was going to post the same thing last night but I was at band practice and was feeling lazy...

..oh and yeah, this whole list thing is dumb because it's not like anybody is going to agree with each other
[Jan 4,2012 12:57pm - burnsy ""]

nekronautloggedin said:
..oh and yeah, this whole list thing is a great idea because no one is going to agree with each other

[Jan 4,2012 12:57pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ya that was pretty much the plan.
[Jan 4,2012 12:58pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
[Jan 4,2012 12:59pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
Also, lol @ any list other than

1. Saint to Sinner
2. Saint to Sinner
3. Saint to Sinner
5. Saint to Sinner
[Jan 4,2012 12:59pm - Yeti ""]
Anaal Nathrakh
[Jan 4,2012 1:00pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can't make a real list because every bands' release after their first or second album sucks.
[Jan 4,2012 1:00pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
^ hahahaha end thread
[Jan 4,2012 1:01pm - Yeti ""]
and to DYA about Dead Again's lyrics, I too struggle with those, but the music is so goddamn good that I can overlook it. i love the melodies in "These Three Things" but my mouth won't even allow me to form the words.
[Jan 4,2012 1:02pm - Garth Algar  ""]
I second Darkthrone and all of Coc's shit is pretty goddamned good.
[Jan 4,2012 1:03pm - CurlyRed ""]
Some bands should have just quit while they were ahead it would have been easier to create a list.
[Jan 4,2012 1:06pm - arilliusbm ""]
On Peter Steele's 50th bday, I will gladly admit that about 50% of Type O songs bore me. SAME PERCENTAGE AS AGE LOL!
[Jan 4,2012 1:07pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
I could easily put Darkthrone on that list, I just don't feel like defending Plaguewielder, right now. lulz
[Jan 4,2012 1:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
Darkthrone has released two or three really bland releases. DWYER FACT.
Otherwise, solid band that never trumped Soulside.
[Jan 4,2012 1:10pm - Yeti ""]
everyone seems to hate the Ravishing Grimness/Plagueweilder/Hate Them/Sardonic Wrath era. i have yet to hear a Darkthrone album that doesn't rule. including Goatlord.
[Jan 4,2012 1:14pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

arilliusbm said:I can't make a real list because every bands' release after their first or second album sucks.
[Jan 4,2012 1:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
Sardonic Wrath? Seriously dude? I generally agree with you on most things except Alcest, Type O, 1000 Days, and now Sardonic Wrath. I am disappoint.
[Jan 4,2012 1:15pm - burnsy ""]
I have never been into darkthrone. I must be a poseur.
[Jan 4,2012 1:15pm - arilliusbm ""]
10000 Gays*
[Jan 4,2012 1:16pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Only band I can come up with off the dome that fits the bill for me is Pig Destroyer, but people are going to bash Phantom Limb even though I love that record.
[Jan 4,2012 1:17pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

arilliusbm said:10000 Gays*


IMO everything after Aenima was just a carbon copy of Aenima...Tool got lazy if you ask me
[Jan 4,2012 1:18pm - Yeti ""]
Sardonic Wrath is excellent, in fact i think it's better than Hate Them, though Hate Them has the best opening track. The only album i consider less than awesome-as-usual is F.O.A.D., but it is completely overtaken by the awesomeness of The Cult is Alive, Dark Thrones and Black Flags, and Circle the Wagons.
[Jan 4,2012 1:18pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]

arilliusbm said:Darkthrone has released two or three really bland releases. DWYER FACT.
Otherwise, solid band that never trumped A Blaze in the Northern Sky.

Soulside = overrated
[Jan 4,2012 1:21pm - arilliusbm ""]
A Blaze in the Nord Skyrim is also great.

And Yeti, I can understand your reasoning and opinion.
I just got sick of their sound after a little while, and mostly only listen to their stuff from the stuff from the 90s.
It's amazing how many "eras" Dorkthrone has gone through.
[Jan 4,2012 1:25pm - CurlyRed ""]
I think Immortal has a good running of albums except I haven't listened to anything past sons of northern darkness lol

I know I know black metal is wikked ghey...
[Jan 4,2012 1:27pm - ark  ""]
Darkthrone is on my list too. how could i forget. i eat all of it up.
[Jan 4,2012 1:28pm - ark  ""]
And I'm with burnsy on Enslaved.
[Jan 4,2012 1:31pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lykathea Aflame.

Theres some of mine, but way more. I have complaints about each one, but it's all good.
[Jan 4,2012 1:33pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
new dark throne = unmitigated GARBAGE, and not just because of the whole ''old stuff is better'' argument.
[Jan 4,2012 1:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
Dawn should be mentioned.
[Jan 4,2012 1:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
and In the Shit.
[Jan 4,2012 1:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
Also, Primus.
[Jan 4,2012 1:35pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
[Jan 4,2012 1:36pm - burnsy ""]
Nightbringer. How could I forget?
[Jan 4,2012 1:39pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
and come to think of it, aril is right, Type O Negative has definitely done some wrong. Remember their cover of Highway Star? Fuckin' DOG SHIT
[Jan 4,2012 1:40pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
1- GWAR (gotta be the least likely band for this thread but it's ALL ABOUT ME right now)
2- Nunslaughter
3- Saint Vitus
4- Evoken
5- Cathedral

[Jan 4,2012 1:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
I wish I could have included Opeth on this list but i think the Heritage AND Watershed were crap.
[Jan 4,2012 1:43pm - ark  ""]

RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:Only band I can come up with off the dome that fits the bill for me is Pig Destroyer, but people are going to bash Phantom Limb even though I love that record.
i liked phantom limb, then again i'm not a big grind guy
[Jan 4,2012 1:44pm - CurlyRed ""]
I love Gwar.

[Jan 4,2012 1:45pm - burnsy ""]
Might as well do a fucking list about it:

1. Enslaved
2. Nightbringer
3. Virus
4. A Forest of Stars
5. Coldworld
[Jan 4,2012 1:46pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

ark said:
RustyPS%20should%20be%20working said:Only band I can come up with off the dome that fits the bill for me is Pig Destroyer, but people are going to bash Phantom Limb even though I love that record.
i liked phantom limb, then again i'm not a big grind guy

I am, and I still liked it.
[Jan 4,2012 1:47pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Vintage Fresh / Inverticruz
[Jan 4,2012 1:49pm - DYA is NO U  ""]

nekronautloggedin said:1- GWAR (gotta be the least likely band for this thread but it's ALL ABOUT ME right now)

Dude. We Kill Everything.
[Jan 4,2012 1:49pm - DYA is NO U  ""]
I didn't hear Violence Has Arrived for years after it was out 'cause that record was so shit.
[Jan 4,2012 1:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
I think Type O slowly and deeply started to go downhill after October Rust. Then again, I'm not their biggest fan and love getting lectured by everyone at how awesome every album was.
[Jan 4,2012 1:51pm - MikeOv  ""]
[Jan 4,2012 1:51pm - ark  ""]
slowly, yes, deeply, not really.
[Jan 4,2012 1:54pm - CurlyRed ""]

It is dark electro type shit...but one of my favs
[Jan 4,2012 1:54pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
Yea, REALLY early Gwar is not my cup of tea at all.
[Jan 4,2012 1:55pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

MikeOv said:[img]

I HATE, not just not like but HATE, Catch 33...other than that though, Meshuggah are pretty great
[Jan 4,2012 2:00pm - Garth Algar  ""]
I would say everything Wino's done has pretty much ruled except that Shrinebuilder album disappointed me but was still ok
[Jan 4,2012 2:04pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Gonna be a great big buttdart and say Deathspell Omega. Love the early stuff right up to present, even if Fas was something of a stumble, it's still better than most other bands' best
[Jan 4,2012 2:06pm - amorok666 ""]
Goat semen
[Jan 4,2012 2:06pm - amorok666 ""]
Also katharsis and moonblood.
[Jan 4,2012 2:07pm - burnsy ""]

goatcatalyst said:Gonna be a great big buttdart and say Deathspell Omega. Love the early stuff right up to present, even if Fas was something of a stumble, it's still better than most other bands' best

Yeah I'd actually swap coldworld out of my list for deathspell. My favorite is chaining the catechon.
[Jan 4,2012 2:18pm - demondave ""]

This thread so makes me think of one time I was goofing around on a drive with a friend and we were coming up with different list scenarios. One that I remember was along these lines:

"If you could only listen to 10 bands for the next ___ years (i.e. five years) what would those 10 bands be?"

I remember picking 10 bands that had long discographies, but I would not get sick of, and would be a mix of different styles. I remember picking:

1. Iron Maiden
2. Judas Priest
3. Exodus
4. Overkill
5. Slayer
6. Gwar
7. Nunslaughter
8. Mayhem
9. Cannibal Corpse
10. Machetazo

There are better bands, but these are bands I can go back to again and again. Cannibal Corpse have a long discography for example, and they are like the fast food of death metal. Mayhem have a variety of different albums. I love early Maiden (up to Seventh son and selected stuff after). Gwar had a rough patch in the middle for like 3 albums, but they have hit it out of the park for five albums in a row. Machetazo is an odd risk, but I love them.
[Jan 4,2012 2:27pm - dreadkill ""]

ark said:And I'm with burnsy on Enslaved.
me too
[Jan 4,2012 2:47pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]

demondave said:

1. Iron Maiden - Virtual XI?
2. Judas Priest - Juggulator?
3. Exodus - Everything after Pleasures?
4. Overkill - Everything after Horroscope?
5. Slayer - ugh, Diabolus in Musica?
7. Nunslaughter - same album over and over
8. Mayhem - lol @ chimera
9. Cannibal Corpse - Everything afte The Bleeding is mediocre as hell
10. Machetazo - agreed.

[Jan 4,2012 2:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i believe the above list falls under a different category:

"If you could only listen to 10 bands for the next ___ years (i.e. five years) what would those 10 bands be?"
[Jan 4,2012 2:55pm - demondave ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i believe the above list falls under a different category:

"If you could only listen to 10 bands for the next ___ years (i.e. five years) what would those 10 bands be?"


but for these specifics:

3. Exodus - Everything after Pleasures?

Up to Fabulous and all the new stuff from Temp and after is great

4. Overkill - Everything after Horroscope?

Most things after. A little hit and miss but if you liked overkill at all check out the last one - Ironbound

7. Nunslaughter - same album over and over.

YES. I KNOW. but it's like getting the same heroin over and over

9. Cannibal Corpse - Everything afte The Bleeding is mediocre as hell.

Yeah, that's what I mean about them being the fast food of heavy metal. Although I found KILL to be impressive.
[Jan 4,2012 2:55pm - arilliusbm ""]

Blessed%20Offal%20NLI said:
demondave said:
7. Nunslaughter - same album over and over

[Jan 4,2012 2:56pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
I didn't read the whole post. Also, I was never very impressed by Exodus or Overkill.
[Jan 4,2012 3:02pm - Spencer M. Clark  ""]
1.) Ensiferum
2.) Norther
3.) Opeth
4.) Children of Bodom
5.) Immortal
[Jan 4,2012 3:03pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
I'm assuming the last post was a joke.
[Jan 4,2012 3:03pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
Unless the poster read thread title as 'top 5 dog shit semi-black metal bands that have never done right'
[Jan 4,2012 3:09pm - KEVORD ""]
I'm suprised Robing hasn't mentioned Eyehategod.
[Jan 4,2012 3:11pm - KEVORD ""]
Also Immolation and Integrity (Integrity 2000 doesn't count).
[Jan 4,2012 3:15pm - ark  ""]
i would really like to say bathory, but i can't
[Jan 4,2012 3:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Octagon is awful.

Immolation is a great band..
[Jan 4,2012 3:19pm - Mark_R ""]

Blessed%20Offal%20NLI said:I'm assuming the last post was a joke.

It's one of those "it's funny because it's true" type things
[Jan 4,2012 3:20pm - Mark_R ""]
I will go ahead and admit to liking Norther, albeit I have not heard anything they did after 2004.
[Jan 4,2012 3:20pm - ark  ""]
Immolation is another one for the list
[Jan 4,2012 3:22pm - boblovesmusic ""]
while they haven't released much more then a couple demos and a split, I've seen Scaphism almost 40 times and they have yet to disappoint me!
[Jan 4,2012 3:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
I got so sick of those cheesy spinefarm finnish stratovarious inspired "black metal" bands... even ensiferum, although I do love their first album. Thats about as cheesy I can go.


[Jan 4,2012 3:23pm - Yeti ""]
basically it really only boils down to Godflesh. there isn't one single second under that moniker that i disapprove of, including Love, Hate (Slugbaiting)and Pure 2. i can't even say that about Type O, because some of the lyrics on Dead Again make me cringe.
[Jan 4,2012 3:24pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Every time I hear Bal Sagoth, I think
[Jan 4,2012 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
[Jan 4,2012 3:25pm - ark  ""]

demondave said:Although I found KILL to be impressive.

you and me both.
[Jan 4,2012 3:26pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]

DYA%20is%20NO%20U said:
nekronautloggedin said:1- GWAR (gotta be the least likely band for this thread but it's ALL ABOUT ME right now)

Dude. We Kill Everything.

I love We Kill Everything.. but then again, I'm an adult and I'm about to eat a grilled bologna and cheese sandwich
[Jan 4,2012 3:27pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]

arilliusbm said:
Blessed%20Offal%20NLI said:
demondave said:
7. Nunslaughter - same album over and over

Ummm Motorhead much?

[Jan 4,2012 3:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
I love We Kill Everything as well. Lol
[Jan 4,2012 3:28pm - josh_hates_you ""]
[Jan 4,2012 3:41pm - timma ""]
There is only one artist that belongs in this thread, and that artist's name is Hoku.

[Jan 4,2012 3:48pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
eh, motorhead had some different stuff along that way that was still good. Plus, LOL at comparing nunslaughter to motorhead.
[Jan 4,2012 3:49pm - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]

arilliusbm said:


Bal Sagoth KILLS
[Jan 4,2012 4:01pm - dreadkill ""]
some of motorhead's albums don't compare to their best work, but are still better than most other bands' best stuff.
[Jan 4,2012 4:05pm - Will Spanner  ""]
Solitude Aeturnus
Carpathian Forest
[Jan 4,2012 4:07pm - demondave ""]

nekronautloggedin said:
DYA%20is%20NO%20U said:
nekronautloggedin said:1- GWAR (gotta be the least likely band for this thread but it's ALL ABOUT ME right now)

Dude. We Kill Everything.

I love We Kill Everything.. but then again, I'm an adult and I'm about to eat a grilled bologna and cheese sandwich

cut diagonally into triangles I hope
[Jan 4,2012 4:11pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
Is there any other way?
[Jan 4,2012 6:11pm - GUYnli  ""]
At the gates
[Jan 4,2012 8:56pm - bitch_please_nli  ""]
If we're allowed to throw out bands with one release i.e. Vinterland, I'm throwing Ved Buens Ende out there.
[Jan 4,2012 9:05pm - burnsy ""]

bitch_please_nli said: I'm throwing Ved Buens Ende

Good man... I think.
[Jan 4,2012 10:19pm - lucidcursenli  ""]
Ved beuns rules but only has 1 full length and a demo.windir impetigo gbk autopsy sodom
[Jan 4,2012 10:27pm - bitch_please ""]
Windir is a good choice.
[Jan 4,2012 10:27pm - burnsy ""]
Yeah I've been on a windir kick for a couple weeks. He did what ensiferum and finntroll wish they could've dreamed to have done.

I thought VBE had two: Written in Waters and Those Who Caress the Pale. No? Still more releases than vinterland haha.
[Jan 4,2012 10:49pm - nekronaut ""]

MikeOv said:[img][/QUOTE

LOL @ wearing a Billabong hoodie in a promo picture.

[Jan 4,2012 10:54pm - bitch_please ""]
Those Who Caress the Pale is a demo; I meant full-lengths but neglected to specify that in my original post... Vinterland has 2 demos if you wanna pick fly shit out of the pepper about it, thus more releases.
[Jan 4,2012 10:58pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 4,2012 11:18pm - burnsy ""]
I don't want to pick fly shit out of the pepper. Just saying there was a demo version and then an EP. Had no idea about vinterland's demo, only the full length.
[Jan 5,2012 12:59am - blasphemy  ""]
[Jan 5,2012 1:17am - Randy_Marsh ""]

nekronaut said:
MikeOv said:[img][/QUOTE

LOL @ wearing a Billabong hoodie in a promo picture.

LOL @ having the eyesight and knowledge to pick that out.

[Jan 5,2012 1:38am - arilliusbm ""]
lol @ arguing about vinterland specifics when their full legnth was nearly impossible to find until they repressed it.
[Jan 5,2012 2:24am - Blessed_Offal ""]

blasphemy said:1.BLASPHEMY

what, that band that sounds like black witchery? eh...
[Jan 5,2012 7:12am - ThirdKnuckle ""]
I se Motorhead on some lists... MARCH OR DIE SUCKS

[Jan 5,2012 10:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

burnsy said:I don't want to pick fly shit out of the pepper..

lol never heard this idiom before. awesome.
[Jan 5,2012 10:31am - burnsy ""]
Ha I was quoting bitch_please but yeah I hadn't heard it either.
[Jan 5,2012 10:38am - ark  ""]
[Jan 5,2012 11:07am - stench  ""]
discordance axis
[Jan 5,2012 11:14am - bitch_please ""]

arilliusbm said:lol @ arguing about vinterland specifics when their full legnth was nearly impossible to find until they repressed it.

At least someone picked up on the intentional douchebaggery.
[Jan 5,2012 11:17am - arilliusbm ""]
Intentional Douchebaggery is a must on RTTP or you're all Duck Duck Goosers
[Jan 5,2012 11:22am - bitch_please ""]
I even fucking hated that game when I was a child, I can't even believe it's come back from the grave to haunt me and piss me off still... unfuckingreal.
[Jan 5,2012 11:51am - dreadkill ""]

ThirdKnuckle said:I se Motorhead on some lists... MARCH OR DIE SUCKS

hellraiser is a hell of a tune
[Jan 5,2012 12:41pm - DYA is NO U  ""]

arilliusbm said:Intentional Douchebaggery is a must on RTTP or you're all Duck Duck Goosers

[Jan 5,2012 12:44pm - Mark_R ""]
Flashlight tag at night was the best. I also remember having huge, neighborhood-wide games of kick the can when I was like 8 years old. Then we all got nintendos for our birthdays and that was the end of that. :(
[Jan 5,2012 12:48pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Kids all playing fleshlight tag these days...

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