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Vigier 6 string guitar for sale

[Dec 16,2011 8:35am - Nick Scarfo  ""]
Still trying to sell this thing. If anyone is interested contact me at- nickscarfo83@gmail.com

[Dec 17,2011 9:30pm - Vinnie_Mac ""]

[Dec 18,2011 2:51pm - Captain Obvious  ""]
Know what makes people interested?



A little INFO on the guitar.

THEN they might contact you.

Posting a link to another forum where you posted nothing but a shaky phone video and no info is useless.

And you'd think after, what - 4 years of trying to sell it you might have figured this out.

Try ebay.

Try ss.org.

Try Jennycraig.

When it comes to gear, you're like rainman to Blue's Tom Cruise.

[Dec 18,2011 2:54pm - i_am_not_me ""]
There's a link to a Craigslist post on the other forum's post. I don't know why he wouldn't just post the Craigslist link on here.
[Dec 18,2011 2:56pm - Captain Obvious  ""]

i_am_not_me said:I don't know why he wouldn't just post the Craigslist link on here.

Because he's Nick Scarfo. That's how he rolls.
[Dec 19,2011 12:51pm - Nick Scarfo  ""]
haha yea so.....
[Dec 19,2011 12:55pm - Nick Scarfo  ""]
The guitar has been on ebay for a year and if you want some info on the guitar look it up on the vigier website its a handcrafted instrument and sorry im lazy and i dont want to retype everything twice on another forum. All of the info is in the video and the price is on the craigslist posting
[Dec 19,2011 12:58pm - Alx_Casket ""]
[Dec 19,2011 1:05pm - Captain Obvious  ""]

Nick%20Scarfo said:All of the info is in the video and the price is on the craigslist posting

And yet it still won't sell.

But you're right. You ARE lazy.
[Dec 19,2011 1:08pm - Nick Scarfo  ""]
obviously captain
[Dec 19,2011 1:18pm - Captain Obvious  ""]

Nick%20Scarfo said:obviously captain

Well duh, that's my name.

You'll find that if you spent 5 minutes to write up one good ad, take a few GOOD photos, list a price, and put it in the right places, you'll sell pretty quick. Hint: RTTP is NOT the "right places".

Most people want to look and think about something in that price range before they "contact you". They're not gonna contact you just to decide if your guitar is worth contacting you over. get it? PICS. DESCRIPTION. PRICE. It's not hard, man.

But you won't. Your lazy. Instead, I'll be back in a year to point out you're still trying to sell this guitar.

[Dec 19,2011 1:29pm - Nick Scarfo  ""]
ok see ya then!
[Dec 19,2011 1:55pm - narkybark ""]

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