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Biohazard madball palladium feb 10 2012

[show listing]  ________________________________
[Dec 1,2011 5:23pm - oscarct ""]
I got nothing else to add other than the subject. sorry.
[Dec 1,2011 5:30pm - KEVORD ""]
Tales from the horrible side.
[Dec 1,2011 5:36pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

KEVORD said:Tales from the overrated side.
[Dec 1,2011 5:44pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i didnt even like biohazard when they were good.
[Dec 1,2011 6:08pm - Lamp ""]
yada yada
[Dec 1,2011 6:25pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
could be a good time...
[Dec 1,2011 6:54pm - nekronaut ""]

[Dec 1,2011 8:59pm - largefreakatzero ""]

AndrewBastard%20NLI said:could be a good time...

...save for the infinite amount of buttdarts this will attract.
[Dec 2,2011 3:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i didnt even like biohazard when they were good.

[Dec 2,2011 3:20pm - xmikex ""]
Madball has gone way further downhill than Biohazard
[Dec 2,2011 3:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
^ waaaaaaay back'd
[Feb 7,2012 4:43pm - Mark_R ""]
Looks like this got moved from downstairs to upstairs. Maybe ticket sales weren't quite what was expected...
[Feb 7,2012 5:49pm - Josh_Martin ""]

Mark_R said:Looks like this got moved from downstairs to upstairs. Maybe ticket sales weren't quite what was expected...


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