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Guitar Body Work

[Nov 26,2011 9:59am - Hungtableed  ""]
I've got 2 pretty decent dings on my beloved Jackson soloist that would certainly need to gored out and filled. This happened one disgustingly drunk night in Vegas about a year ago and it just pains my soul to look at the damage any longer.


Does anyone know any places or people that specialize in this type of work and would anyone know roughly what this could cost me potentially? Thanks.

[Nov 26,2011 10:26am - my_dying_bride ""]
If you think you're going to hold on to it forever, just keep the ding for the memories... pro repairs could cost a ton compared to the value of the guitar... repairs that will make dents and dings of that size are worth it probably for $3000+ vintage and such. But if you really wanna get it fixed, try to track down a local guy who works for himself, chances are hes hurtin for work and wouldn't have that careless approach to make a buck.
[Nov 26,2011 10:54am - wutwut  ""]
My favorite part is the skin-flake chutney.
[Nov 26,2011 10:56am - ca_va_faire_une_maudite_poutin ""]
[Nov 26,2011 10:56am - niccolaiiiiiii  ""]
for the one under the bridge, you can fix that with nail polish. but if you want to recondition that whole thing, you are looking at repainting the whole body. which shouldnt run more then a couple hundred bucks to do all the prep work yourself and then have a local auto body guy respray it a cooler color.
[Nov 26,2011 11:01am - blue ""]
ATTN: badsneakers.

He's a great auto body painter that does refins on guitars.
[Nov 26,2011 11:05am - blue ""]
And what nicc said. I always keep a few different bottles of nail polish around that match my guitar's finishes for small touchups. And for painting my nails obv
[Nov 26,2011 11:38am - Hungtableed  ""]
Nice, one of my friends has done auto body for like 15 years, I never thought to ask him. I was considering having it finished a completely different color if I did get this touched up...most likely white. The actual body is splintered right where it's dinged and would prolly be pretty easy for someone that knows what they're doing to fill it and shape it.

...and I'm definitely going to have this one forever. It's an early 90s serial SL1, it's my first and only reaaaally nice guitar I've ever owned and the memory of the accident is a fucking terrible one haha
[Nov 26,2011 11:48am - Hungtableed  ""]
...the most I look at it and research it seems pretty fuckin easy to sand this crap down, remove any of the loose crap that's flaking away and fill it. I suppose I just wasn't sure if this is the type of job you'd want to consider doing yourself. I hoping to hear back from my friend's autobody shop to see if I can get it finished there also, maybe white?
[Nov 26,2011 11:49am - Hungtableed  ""]
...maybe a cummy pearl white because the bitch who wrecked it was a cum dumpster.
[Nov 26,2011 11:53am - niccolaiiiiiii  ""]
snow white with a black binding looks boss on those old sls.

and yes, sanding them down is very easy. as long as you keep the flat surfaces level. Auto poly based paint on guitars is the exact same shit they use on guitars and has the same painting process. suprized more people dont go to auto places for guitar touchup
[Nov 26,2011 12:06pm - blue ""]
Its because people are stupid and like to not know their shit.
[Nov 26,2011 12:32pm - OLD DAD  ""]
[Nov 26,2011 9:42pm - Hungtableed  ""]
yeah man, it's filthy. I was a traveling man for a long time so unfortunately it didn't get the play it deserved for a while.
[Nov 26,2011 10:50pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Do you think anyone will take you less seriously if your guitar is banged up a little?
Think of it like the "How did you get your scars?" thread.
[Dec 1,2011 11:01pm - hungtableed  ""]
I'm not looking for anyone to think shit about me. Ha I can't even remember the last person who has even seen this rig other than me. I've just never owned a nice guitar ever in my life and some skank cracked up the only one I got that stays in tune and sounds decent.

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