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Drakkar records to release Mystic Forest's latest masterwork "InTheEnd"! Raypissed of InvertiCrux/VintageFlesh lyrics singer!

[Nov 20,2011 3:16pm - ben ""]
info coming soon!
[Nov 20,2011 3:19pm - ben ""]

Amazing December release. New deal signed with Drakkar Records. Mystic Forest "InTheEnd". also known for forming French Black Metal band EikenSkaden. with all lyrics and vocals performed by Raypissed of VintageFlesh/Inverticrux. over 5 years in the making! release date set for 05/12/11!!! sure to dampen your will to remain living...
[Nov 20,2011 3:26pm - Ancient_Master ""]
Drakkar Noir
[Nov 20,2011 4:04pm - Lamp ""]
In before next 300 posts
[Nov 20,2011 4:34pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Eikenskaden is awful.
[Nov 20,2011 6:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Nov 20,2011 10:27pm - ben ""]
[Nov 20,2011 10:49pm - delicious_peppered_salami ""]
[Nov 21,2011 12:09pm - ben ""]
mmmmm tasty!
[Nov 21,2011 12:16pm - Jerry LOLer  ""]
Don't know who Mystic Forest are, but glad I can immediately hate them because Invertipussy is involved with them. Another fine job of "promoting" shitbreath.
[Nov 21,2011 4:23pm - Sacreligion ""]

ben said:sure to dampen your will to remain living...

Best review of Inverticrux to date.
[Nov 21,2011 4:23pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
this isn't bad at all .
[Nov 21,2011 4:39pm - PandaFacedWarrior  ""]

Jerry%20LOLer said:Don't know who Mystic Forest are, but glad I can immediately hate them because Invertipussy is involved with them. Another fine job of "promoting" shitbreath.

Just cus Raynard Inverted yo' mama's p*ssy last night doesnt mean u need 2 get mad bro!
[Nov 21,2011 4:46pm - question  ""]
Raynard, how many split personalities do you have?
[Nov 21,2011 4:48pm - PandaFacedWarrior  ""]

question said:Raynard, how many split personalities do you have?

enough to f*ck yo' mama in each orifice while killing you:middlefinger: musical talent wise, faggit.
[Nov 21,2011 4:53pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 21,2011 5:22pm - Yeti ""]

PandaFacedWarrior said:
question said:Raynard, how many split personalities do you have?

enough to f*ck yo' mama in each orifice while killing you:middlefinger: musical talent wise, faggit.

this might be the most poorly executed insult in history. congratulations
[Nov 21,2011 9:05pm - ben ""]
glad i had nothing to do with it.
[Nov 22,2011 2:31pm - PandaFacedWarrior  ""]

Yeti said:
PandaFacedWarrior said:
question said:Raynard, how many split personalities do you have?

enough to f*ck yo' mama in each orifice while killing you:middlefinger: musical talent wise, faggit.

this might be the most poorly executed insult in history. congratulations

You must b under the impression that i give a shit about wut homosexuals on a messageboard think.
[Nov 22,2011 2:33pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Nov 22,2011 2:38pm - PandaFacedWarrior  ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:[img]

why yes, the same fags do keep responding to my posts.
[Nov 22,2011 3:08pm - Raynard's mom  ""]
You're STILL on the computer? Have you even done the dishes yet?
[Nov 22,2011 3:35pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Actually scratch some of the upthread criticism of Eikenskaden, up to 665.999 was ok although nothing terribly memorable. Post that I lost interest in all things Kozak until downloading The Skaden's latest LP and holy shit is it awful.
[Nov 22,2011 3:56pm - ben ""]
i thought that BlackMetal.com release was brilliant as many others did as well. it is sensational and thats not just me being partial as a new member.
i have been a listener going back to about "01". we just slowly gravitated towards each other as musicians. we are appreciators of each others musical approach and the rest will remain to be seen.
we have some promising guitar tryouts coming up for InvertiCrux so we may be back on the scene before your celebration of our demise is even over. to our haters- in your face fuckers! to our supporters-you like it ugly and we hear you!
[Nov 22,2011 4:03pm - huh  ""]
Would you say he is your Scott From Xasthur?
[Nov 22,2011 4:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

huh said:Would you say he is your Scott From Xasthur?

Inherited credibility via association and namedrop: the "you can ask my mom" of black metal bragging rights.
[Nov 22,2011 4:24pm - ben ""]
maybe you should start paying better attention to what well respected musicians of Metal are seeing in bands like us instead of trying to shoot everything down that comes out of our region. yes, it turns out Scott is a new fan of our sound as well. being that i own all his works. this pleases me intensely. who dop you have backing your work? oh wait, your just another talentless jaded rttp loser. dont worry, you still have your fellow losers on here to back you up. up the rear.
hey here is another one of my fine illustrations to enjoy! [img]
[Nov 22,2011 4:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

benGFM said:Come take a look at my record collection and tell me girls can't hang. Have you got a first pressing of Necros Christos's Trivune Ipvrity Rites LP? How about Graveland's In the Glare of Burning Churches on blood-red wax (a limited edition of 666), a signed copy of Saint Vitus's Born Too Late, or Drudkh's first three albums on picture disc? No? Then suck my dick.


[Nov 22,2011 4:35pm - samefag patrol  ""]
41 year old attention whore seeking approval on the internet calling everyone losers and posers. samefag.
[Nov 22,2011 4:54pm - invertedducks  ""]
[Nov 22,2011 4:56pm - ben ""]
i dont want your worthless approval fag. i want to annoy you with the fact that this music is relevant and has purpose like so many other local bands you have tried to smear. get use to hearing about us and other such local schlock Horror Metal bands. often and in many more forums outside this one. by the way, i would argue that this site was originally crafted for bands and fans to post any news on what they are listening to or what music they are in the process of making. I ASK YOU THIS, when did it become a scenster metal wanna be hang out for internet bullies?
your favorite bands have to sell shirts after they rock the stage, how is it any different then pushing your own music online? are you going to do it for me? would i want you to? NO. so we do it ourselves and with pride.
we know what we do is looked upon with approval by our Metal Masters that look up at us from Hell's fiery gates.
[Nov 22,2011 5:00pm - ben ""]
by the way i was stoned when i wrote that.
oooh time to watch Walking Dead online!
[Nov 22,2011 5:02pm - Scott Conner  ""]
I would honestly never listen to Invertisux. Nerd was barking on me hard via email I replied that it was cool or something, to be honest, I didn't really listen to it. Figured it couldn't be that bad if he had heard Xasthur.
[Nov 22,2011 5:15pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Nov 22,2011 5:21pm - Yeti ""]
Inverticrux is the new Rebecca Black.
[Nov 22,2011 5:55pm - Living Meme  ""]
I wonder is Scott From Xasthur knows what you a laughing stock he is in these parts? Someone get him to post here.
[Nov 22,2011 6:11pm - ben ""]
if that is so, why do a find myself doing all the laughing around here? you wouldn't like this music we create no matter who was playing it. just stick to your hardcore threads and i wont have to shame you so much.
[Nov 22,2011 6:15pm - Living Meme  ""]
Butcher some Mercyful Fate and pass it off as original about it.
[Nov 22,2011 6:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
welcome to the machine.
[Nov 22,2011 6:50pm - arilliusbm ""]
I love Mystic Forest. Nice.
[Nov 22,2011 6:56pm - Stickin 2 my  ""]

[Nov 22,2011 6:58pm - Scott From Xasthur  ""]
I drive a Dodge Stratus!
[Nov 22,2011 7:22pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]

Scott%20From%20Xasthur said:I drive a Dodge Stratus!

This is not Scott .. no way !
[Nov 22,2011 7:45pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Do a side project with Andy from Black Pyramid about it
[Nov 23,2011 12:44am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
get Bova, Codso, and the Hell Within retard for RTTP supergroup
[Nov 23,2011 12:57am - Lamp nli  ""]
Gonna use my cred 2 make me dem Invertibux.
[Nov 23,2011 11:40am - PandaFacedWarrior  ""]
To all the RTTP regulars on here: Post a gangup reply every ten seconds between child porn surfing about it, faggots.
[Nov 23,2011 12:47pm - Yeti ""]
if it's not child porn or dicks and abortions, count me out.
[Nov 23,2011 12:47pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Don't judge me, F-word P-word N-word
[Jan 11,2012 3:53pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Jan 11,2012 4:51pm - bitch_please ""]
[Jan 11,2012 5:01pm - arilliusbm ""]
I only bumped because regardless of what you think about him, doing vocals in Mystic Forest ia pretty phat.
[Jan 11,2012 5:02pm - ben ""]
this release has been pushed back till March. sorry folks. they are giving it a much better packaging then originally planned. it will be worth the wait!
[Jan 11,2012 5:12pm - the fat cenobite  ""]
it all looks the same in the trash can
[Jan 11,2012 11:42pm - Garth Algar  ""]
Definite schlong metal masters. Support!
[Jan 11,2012 11:50pm - Garth Algar  ""]

Stickin%202%20my said:[img]


They drew first blood!
[Jan 12,2012 12:23am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 12,2012 2:01am - RichHorror ""]

[Jan 12,2012 2:38am - Alx_Casket ""]

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