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movie: Euro Trip

[Jun 6,2004 3:37pm - Abbath ""]
i'm glad i saved my money and made my friend rented it
shitty movie most of the time
best parts: naked eurpoean women and the little kid dressed up as hilter was just awesome
[Jun 6,2004 4:00pm - iFuck ""]
any movie w/ a fake hitler is pretty fuckin OK im ny book! and titties to boot?
[Jun 6,2004 7:30pm - intricateprocess ""]
i saw that movie in the theatre. i almost had to leave during that hitler part, its was so funny. that whole train part with that weird dude that says scusi is kind of funny too. plus i wanna bang that russian chick that that kid meets over the internet...........i wouldnt mind banging that chick from harriet the spy either
[Jun 6,2004 11:11pm - Abbath ""]
oh ya that french guy! his was fucking funny! his on SNL i forgot his name though...
[Jun 7,2004 10:43am - tbone_r ""]
there were a few laughable parts, but for the most part this movie sucked. they tried to have those running jokes that weren't funny and were poorly executed (ex. 'i didnt park my van here', the harriet the spy girl saying 'im a girl', and 'im never drinking again')
[Jun 7,2004 11:47am - nick ""]
the part where the main kid is dreaming about having sex with the german girl and they play a clip of a david hasselhoff video in the corner is hillarious. also the harriet the spy girl was originally in pete and pete. pointless info. tbone_r is just mad that they didnt visit isreal during the movie.

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