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Now Find a show to go to!

Dec 13 (Tue) - Black Cobra, Zoroaster, The Body, Morne - Great Scott's (Allston, MA)


Great Scott's (Allston, MA) - [black_cobra][morne][randomshots][the_body][zoroaster]
[show listing]  _______________________________
[Nov 7,2011 6:36am - robing ""]
18plus Adv tix on sale now www.greatscottboston.com or no fee at Great Scott box office.
[Nov 8,2011 12:41pm - robing ""]
[Nov 9,2011 5:47pm - turdeater  ""]
daggg yoo
[Nov 10,2011 12:59pm - Fuck_Logged_In ""]
I'll be there
[Nov 10,2011 3:38pm - robing ""]
Theres a flyer ill upload it tomorrow
[Nov 30,2011 6:12pm - theclosingirony  ""]
[Nov 30,2011 6:28pm - nekronaut ""]
That's way cooler than the admat they sent out hahaha
[Nov 30,2011 11:40pm - Permafrost ""]
will probably just go for morne. although...getting back from rites the day before so it's hard to say.
[Dec 1,2011 12:21am - FunkIsMySignature ""]
Jus' can't wait to see
[Dec 1,2011 12:30am - nekronaut ""]

Black Cobra are fresh off the Kyuss Lives tour. Zoroaster gotz that new lineup to. Check it.
[Dec 1,2011 2:01am - The_reverend ""]
For my dads birthday?
[Dec 1,2011 10:07am - Geminiii ""]
Will be there
[Dec 1,2011 10:10am - Alx_Casket ""]
Will be at The Birthday Massacre with Wren.
[Dec 3,2011 8:55pm - nekronaut ""]
[Dec 4,2011 1:37pm - Robing ""]
[Dec 4,2011 1:49pm - goatcatalyst ""]
That's a terribly phat rock concert. Shame it's 2 hours away on a Tuesday.
[Dec 4,2011 2:45pm - Lamp ""]
The tour is in Brooklyn on the Sunday night before if that helps you out any.
[Dec 4,2011 5:46pm - goatcatalyst ""]
[Dec 5,2011 12:59pm - Robing ""]
Top soon.
[Dec 5,2011 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 5,2011 3:12pm - nekronaut ""]
[Dec 5,2011 4:29pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 5,2011 5:22pm - Robing ""]
[Dec 5,2011 11:01pm - tylor69  ""]

goatcatalyst said:That's a terribly phat rock concert. Shame it's 2 hours away on a Tuesday.

same lineup minus morne the next night in providence if youre closer
[Dec 5,2011 11:05pm - Lamp ""]
I'd go to AS220 if I wasn't working. I can't remember the last time I saw the Body and that tells me it's been too long. Supposedly they're moving out of Providence too, that's a bummer.
[Dec 5,2011 11:07pm - Uh ""]

tylor69 said:
goatcatalyst said:That's a terribly phat rock concert. Shame it's 2 hours away on a Tuesday.

same lineup minus morne the next night in providence if youre closer

Same lineup every couple years. I'd mostly go for Morne and The Body.
[Dec 6,2011 11:28am - Robing ""]
Get tickets today at Great Scott no fee.
[Dec 7,2011 7:06am - Robing ""]
Top Next Tuesday!
[Dec 8,2011 9:35am - Robing ""]
Get tickets this weekend you won't be disappointed trust me.
[Dec 8,2011 6:27pm - Robing ""]
[Dec 10,2011 7:03pm - Robing ""]
[Dec 11,2011 1:44pm - Lysander  ""]

nekronaut said:Huh?

Black Cobra are fresh off the Kyuss Lives tour. Zoroaster gotz that new lineup to. Check it.

Exactly. Perfect reasons to skip both of those bands.

[Dec 11,2011 7:00pm - Robing ""]
Morne 830pm. This Tuesday.
[Dec 12,2011 12:02am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 12,2011 10:14am - Lysander  ""]
Morne would be worth seeing, I just do not feel like paying thirteen dollars to see them play an short, opening set, and then sit through three exceptionally boring live bands.
[Dec 12,2011 2:28pm - The_Rooster ""]
Really wish I could go to this. Black Cobra's new record crushes.
[Dec 12,2011 6:47pm - Robing ""]
45 minutes of Morne.
[Dec 12,2011 7:32pm - Goatrider ""]

Robing said:45 minutes of Morne.

Okay I'm going to this.
[Dec 12,2011 9:31pm - xfatfuckingdouchex  ""]
Too bad this show sold out.
[Dec 13,2011 6:34am - Robing ""]
[Dec 13,2011 7:54am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
I are going.
[Dec 13,2011 8:45am - the_reverend ""]
I too. though I don't see morne going on that early.
[Dec 13,2011 10:33am - dale  ""]
Black Cobra...good. Zoroaster...good. the Body...music good...vocals friggin awful. Morne...music good...but play WAY too long.
[Dec 13,2011 1:50pm - Robing ""]
Yo this is tonight!
[Dec 13,2011 3:23pm - OldFrenchWhore  ""]
Approximate order/play times?
[Dec 13,2011 5:22pm - chrisREX  ""]
I should be appearing if I can get out of work....
[Dec 13,2011 6:15pm - Robing ""]
Morne 830 Body 930 Zoroaster 1030 Black Cobra 1130
[Dec 13,2011 10:49pm - the_reverend ""]
Sound is just plain awesome tonight
[Dec 13,2011 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
Ok, where is zoroaster's real bassist. I was expecting that dark crystal creature looking guy. Wut?
[Dec 14,2011 12:00am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

the_reverend said:Ok, where is zoroaster's real bassist. I was expecting that dark crystal creature looking guy. Wut?

Best thing I've ever read from you.
[Dec 14,2011 2:12am - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 14,2011 7:44am - Robing ""]
Don't reply in my threads.
[Dec 14,2011 8:14am - the_reverend ""]
Anyone else think that the first black cobra song sounded surprisingly like ministry? Weird...
[Dec 14,2011 9:39am - chrisREX  ""]
Yah, they had a quasi industrial sound to them with the dude's mechanical drum style and the processed vocals.

Morne absolutely ruled. Since they are from Boston, I hope they start playing locally more.

Good show all around.
[Dec 14,2011 10:23am - Manowarrior  ""]

the_reverend said:Ok, where is zoroaster's real bassist. I was expecting that dark crystal creature looking guy. Wut?

Didn't this get mentioned earlier? That new guy is the reason they suck now.

That bassist is in a new band. It's much better than Zoroaster.
[Dec 14,2011 11:56am - the_reverend ""]
what is the new band called please?
[Dec 14,2011 12:01pm - Robing ""]
Mr Heroin
[Dec 14,2011 12:05pm - Geminiii ""]
Order of the owl is Brent's new band
[Dec 14,2011 12:07pm - chrisREX  ""]
I also concur about the sound quality being impressive last night
[Dec 14,2011 12:08pm - Geminiii ""]
Great show Robin and sucks I missed mourne. Wish EERIE could've been on this bill. Zoroaster floored me as always
[Dec 14,2011 12:09pm - Robing ""]
Thank you, more insane shows to come.
[Dec 14,2011 12:12pm - Robing ""]
Lock Up, Storm of Light, Ghoul, Tombs, Municipal Waste.
[Dec 14,2011 12:13pm - the_reverend ""]
Storm of Light!
[Dec 14,2011 12:14pm - Geminiii ""]
Yes Robin! Get EERIE on more of these great shows. Were louder than Zoroaster!
[Dec 14,2011 12:31pm - RichHorror ""]
Ghoul, nice.
[Dec 14,2011 12:48pm - nekronaut ""]
Fuck yeah, GHOUL!
[Dec 14,2011 2:33pm - hlrie ""]
Mike, you've got to be hurting pretty bad today. Thanks for punching me in my hoo-ha. Ouch.
[Dec 14,2011 2:36pm - Robing ""]
Mike don't powersmash my girlfriend.
[Dec 14,2011 3:17pm - Manowarrior  ""]

the_reverend said:what is the new band called please?

Order Of The Owl. More metal. Less shoegaze/hipster noise crap like the last two Zoroaster records.

Zoroaster sucks now, that band is done and that new bassist is about the lamest thing going.

[Dec 14,2011 4:38pm - chrisREX  ""]
I'm not the biggest Zoroaster fan, but I it's hard for me to imagine how a bassist can ruin a band, unless you are something like Fieldy from KoRn.
[Dec 14,2011 9:13pm - Manowarrior  ""]
He's annoying. His stage energy and gimmick come off as fake. He seems fake. Band ruined. Nuff said.

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