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Tom Waits-Bad as Me

[Nov 5,2011 12:21am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
Fucking A! Tom Waits finally is back to writing songs. This album is on par with Bone Machine. Find "hell broke luce" for proof, also "last leaf", a duet of sorts with Keith Richards.

Buy it, download it, whatever, it's great

[Nov 5,2011 12:25am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

[Nov 5,2011 1:53am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
I dunno why so many folks wanna tongue this guy's balls, I have no patience for his writing but I think most (not all) folks are on his dick for cool points or something. Bad As Me sounds like music Tori Amos (who can also chew it) threw out, with a guy pretending to be Wild Man Fischer over it. Pass. I tried, really.
[Nov 5,2011 9:09am - IllinoisEneMABradneSs ""]
yea, well that's just like, your opinion Big bag of assorted nigger parts
[Nov 5,2011 1:36pm - KILLER KADOOGAMANTIUM  ""]
I'm half n half with Tom Waits. Dude wrote a mean piano ballad before he heard Beefheart and started trying to become him.

AND I just hate the fact that a thousand new hipster bands will be formed with every new Waits record, 'cause COLLEGE KIDS IS DEEP.
[Nov 5,2011 1:37pm - KILLER KADOOGAMANTIUM  ""]
but then once in a while he kicks me in the ass and makes me sound stupid for making fun of him.
[Nov 5,2011 2:06pm - IllinoisEneMABradneSs ""]
I hear ya Doogie. But he was signed by Zappa's manager after all. And who better to ape than Beefheart?
[Nov 5,2011 2:07pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]


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