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What are you doing on this snowy evening?

[Oct 29,2011 9:13pm - the_reverend ""]
Polishing off a scorpion bowl for two + tofu. Then off to get a pizza.
[Oct 29,2011 9:22pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Polishing off a bottle of Southern Comfort and watching tv probably. Just came home from band practice.
[Oct 29,2011 9:32pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
chillin', bro.
[Oct 29,2011 9:41pm - Pires ""]
Working, yo.
[Oct 29,2011 10:01pm - Rav  ""]
Ok, now I'm at bar number two. Not up to bar number three, going home to see puppy
[Oct 29,2011 10:35pm - boblovesmusic ""]
Chilling (sexting) with metalmessiah

Then Suspiria
[Oct 29,2011 10:39pm - KEVORD ""]
Drinkin Jack and cokes, watching horror movies, and getting spooky in Grim Frostbitten Worcester.
[Oct 29,2011 10:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
Playing Team Fortress Classic.
[Oct 29,2011 10:59pm - ark  ""]
shoveled, got the new generator all set up, then the power came back on. turned on my vaporizer and RDR.
[Oct 29,2011 11:25pm - the_reverend ""]
47 degrees... wood stove lit.
[Oct 30,2011 12:55am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Worked on the Technical Design Document for my game project. Then Baldur's Gate and PBS documentaries on ye olde Netflixatarium.
[Oct 30,2011 2:41am - Lamp nli  ""]
Went to a Halloween party/show in Westerly, then up to PVD, working for another hour.
[Oct 30,2011 3:20am - Alx_Casket ""]
Wearing too much mascara and being too drunk to wash it off.
[Oct 30,2011 6:29am - the_reverend ""]
I can believe I fell asleep before 1 and am up now.
[Oct 30,2011 8:45am - hauptpflucker ""]
Last night I would stand outside in the most earie/grim/foggy/snowy glow and listen to tree limbs snap/fall every 30 seconds or so. It was pretty epic. I would say we got about 8 inches of wicked heavy snow. 20 min north and in the hills there are reports of up to 2 feet of the stuff. WMass is simultaneously epic and shitty! CSB
[Oct 30,2011 9:09am - the_reverend ""]
Love it
[Oct 30,2011 10:34am - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
fell asleep re-watching Lost from S01E01...
[Oct 30,2011 11:50am - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to do that again.
[Oct 30,2011 12:19pm - Doomkid ""]
Marched across Cambridge through the driving snow with crude kanji on my ninja costume that said "winter warrior". Acquired huge bottle of Jameson for ridiculously cheap, got cold-weather drunk in a Halloween party at a friend's apartment above a mortuary.
[Oct 30,2011 12:30pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Do an "I have to use the bathroom but someone's in there so I'll just go outside to pee but not really because I'm sneaking into the mortuary to do a necrophilia" about it

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