Isn't today the "adjusted rapture" day?[views:4932][posts:17]________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:29pm - Mark_R ""] When the world didn't end back in May didn't that guy say he prayed about it and decided the ACTUAL end-date was some time in late October? Was he basically just counting on everybody forgetting it about it by then? Because I sure did until I saw somebody else bring it up. |
________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:30pm - Mark_R ""] Maybe whatsisface will release a statement about how killing Gaddafi bought us another year or so. |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:31pm - Yeti ""] you are correct. i think all of the fish blood cancelled it out. |
________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:32pm - burnsy ""] I guess that's why the parking lot at the office is so empty. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] |
_____________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:44pm - Sacreligion ""] Fapture, maybe. |
________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:45pm - Mark_R ""] Ah, ok. It would be pretty funny if the members of Gwar were the ONLY people who get raptured. They'd be in the middle of their set tonight and all of a sudden *poof!* and their unsupported instruments clatter to the stage floor. |
________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 1:46pm - burnsy ""] Would their costumes be raptured with them though? That's the crucial question. |
________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 2:48pm - thesac ""] anyone remember the name of the person who prophesied passed 10,000 ad? WW7, humans become immortal, new god, etc. |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 2:51pm - arilliusbm ""] Dwyer. |
____________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 2:59pm - eyeroller ""] The May date was the rapture, to be followed by an October end of the world. His information has never changed. Why media outlets continue to get this wrong, I can't figure. |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 3:16pm - Yeti ""] tick...tock...tick...tock |
______________________________ [Oct 21,2011 4:32pm - Lamp ""] thesac said:new god Is it a giant robot? |
________________________________ [Oct 21,2011 4:39pm - thesac ""] only one way to find out *cranks freezer to 7* *waits* |
_____________________________________________ [Oct 25,2011 3:56pm - rapture is upon us ""] Hell is upon us |
___________________________________________ [Oct 25,2011 3:56pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] nope. |
_________________________________________________________ [Oct 25,2011 4:13pm - tits flavored ice cream sundae ""] oN thIS DaY of SouL caPTurIng tHe HumAN EssEnCe is enSNaRed LiKe a raT INTO A GOD DAMN AIDSPISS CUNTWEASEL FUCKTARDED FUCKING BOWL OF MACARONI AND GOD DAMN CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wE caNNot Deny That Our Social Structure Is Largely bASED oN a nUMBER OF horrifying fucking dEATH CAMPOS PUT INTO OUR FUCKING BALLS TO FUCKING FUCK A GOD DAMN FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anD as wE SeeK SalVia VaTioN in DeaTH Let iT Be KnOWn t haT wE diD all We Could To Value Our Own Lives But It Was All FOR FUCKING NAUGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
_______________________________ [Oct 25,2011 4:52pm - Pires ""] burnsy said:Would their costumes be raptured with them though? That's the crucial question. Cost...umes???? They don't wear costumes !! |