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Batman Arkam City

[Oct 20,2011 1:00pm - oscarct ""]
Awesome so far. anyone pick this up?
[Oct 20,2011 1:03pm - arktouros ""]
looks crazy good. too many games coming out now.
[Oct 20,2011 1:07pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]

arktouros said:looks crazy good. too many games coming out now.


I have yet to pick up Dead Island and am looking forward to Battlefield 3, MW3, and the redux of the original Halo, among others.

Hell, I bought NHL 12 a couple of weeks ago and haven't even played it yet.
[Oct 20,2011 1:11pm - arktouros ""]
i'm mostly polishing my knob for skyrim at this point.
[Dec 26,2011 11:58pm - arkmass  ""]
the fighting in this game is crazy. playing on PC and cranking directx settings.
[Dec 27,2011 9:59am - arilliusbm ""]
Will play real soon. Looks too modern for me. SEGA GENESIS BATMAN OR GTFO
[Dec 27,2011 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
I'm waiting for $12 used.
[Dec 27,2011 10:46am - Large Negro Kitty  ""]
Good game, worth the price. Rev, you'd love it. Fighting system is the same as your favorite Assassin's Creed games.

However, the main story arc is WAY TOO SHORT. Finished it in two days. But after you finish, there's still a ton of side missions and stuff you can do.

Also Mark Hamil is the greatest joker ever.
[Dec 27,2011 1:11pm - Your Average Console Gamer  ""]
[Jan 3,2012 9:25am - ark  ""]

Large%20Negro%20Kitty said:Good game, worth the price. Rev, you'd love it. Fighting system is the same as your favorite Assassin's Creed games.

However, the main story arc is WAY TOO SHORT. Finished it in two days. But after you finish, there's still a ton of side missions and stuff you can do.

Also Mark Hamil is the greatest joker ever.

agreed! as part of my last few days of vacation i played THE FUCK out of this game. the main story arc was classic batman, but it did end far sooner than i hoped. the "new game plus" option is great, almost the way the game was intended to be played, because the main story gives you no time to finish all the side missions and riddler challenges. i haven't touched the 200+ challenge missions. my favorite action game since god of war 2+3.
[Jan 3,2012 9:29am - ark  ""]

the_reverend said:I'm waiting for $12 used.
steam had it for $25, good enough for my cheap ass, because i couldn't get my pirated copy to work! totally worth it.

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