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[Oct 20,2011 8:46am - arilliusbm ""]
all over the place. No need to post link.
[Oct 20,2011 8:48am - arilliusbm ""]
itt: an arabic leader who had the balls to mention 9/11 being an inside job in front of the UN.

Dont tease the octopus, kids!
[Oct 20,2011 8:48am - AndrewBastard ""]
old news
[Oct 20,2011 8:49am - arilliusbm ""]
haha yea.
[Oct 20,2011 10:34am - Yeti ""]
so when do you think this actually happened? i'd say probably 6 months ago.
[Oct 20,2011 11:25am - xmikex ""]
Would anyone care to summarize the practical implications of this for someone who might have been too busy following the NFL draft when this whole Libya thing went down.
[Oct 20,2011 11:31am - Marty McFly  ""]
Yes. In 1985, a good friend of mine stole some stuff from Lybia and gave them used pinball machine parts in return. They then shot my friend. This was for that.
[Oct 20,2011 11:33am - RustyPS should be working  ""]

xmikex said:Would anyone care to summarize the practical implications of this for someone who might have been too busy following the NFL draft when this whole Libya thing went down.

[Oct 20,2011 11:36am - Marty McFly  ""]

Marty%20McFly said:Yes. In 1985, a good friend of mine stole some stuff from Lybia and gave them used pinball machine parts in return. They then shot my friend. This was for that.

[Oct 20,2011 11:36am - dreadkill ""]

Marty%20McFly said:Yes. In 1985, a good friend of mine stole some stuff from Lybia and gave them used pinball machine parts in return. They then shot my friend. This was for that.
[Oct 20,2011 12:14pm - Lamp ""]
[Oct 20,2011 12:20pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Good night, beautiful faggot prince.
[Oct 20,2011 1:06pm - Yeti ""]
Gadhafi's last words were "oh my god, they found me. i don't know how, but they found me."
[Oct 20,2011 1:38pm - dreadkill ""]
[Oct 20,2011 2:01pm - hauptpflucker ""]

dreadkill said:who?
[Oct 20,2011 9:59pm - Wolfy  ""]
Two points,

1) Four years ago I first entered the Central Australian bush. I journeyed first to Wolf Creek Crater, where I laid with ragged concentration on the salty playa on the crater floor and divined the location of the largest meteoric fragments. At a later date I inspected a termite mound from top to bottom, noting especially the delicate traces of raindrops on the organic mound. From there I journeyed to the ironstone gorges of the west, where I pried my way along vertical faces over sapphire pools, my legs scratched ragged by the sawgrass and silica-tipped grass. In the darkest moment of the night, I was approached unexpectedly by the Kimberley tribesmen, who had seen my fire and correctly suspected the presence of raisin wine in an aluminum bag.

2) Although it has been ages since my Queen has commanded me hence, fuck you Aril. No really, your intellect is like ashes and your soul is like old wine gone sour. I wouldn't compress your freeze-dried body into a soda-can sized pellet and inject it into a deep drill hole with a ten foot pole and strong incentive. Ape babies.

[Oct 21,2011 7:12am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Oct 21,2011 7:24am - RustyPS ""]

largefreakatzero said:^Amazing^


The best part IMO is Seal kissing Heidi Klum on the left LMAO
[Oct 21,2011 9:16am - reimroc ""]
[Oct 21,2011 9:51am - largefreakatzero ""]

RustyPS said:
largefreakatzero said:^Amazing^


The best part IMO is Seal kissing Heidi Klum on the left LMAO

Yes, that is fucking classic -- I'm betting that he did the whole seal kissing collage just so he could drop that one in.

2nd best is the rabid seal at the upper right corner looking to eat the kids.

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