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jarrod is threatening me

[Jun 4,2004 11:07am - baneofexistence ""]
From: jarrod@jarrodsplace.com Add to Address Book
To: "J of BANE OF EXISTENCE" <dismalbio@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: new BANE OF EXISTENCE shows
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 10:55:05 -0400

I would appreciate you guys not talking shit about my venue any longer.
have not responded to your rude remarks because at first I thought it
funny. Now, it is just plain rude. I have never talked shit about you
and I think it is time you stoped your slander. If I see one more
remark on the web you will have a war you cannot win. I have the best
attorney in the state of Mass and he will make it very hard for you to
business any where.

Jarrod Ilkowitz/ Jarrod's Live Rock Venue
[Jun 4,2004 11:11am - Abbath ""]
durpppppppp dur dur durpppppppppppppp
[Jun 4,2004 11:12am - blue ""]
[Jun 4,2004 11:14am - litacore ""]
have you stoped your slan-DER today?
[Jun 4,2004 11:21am - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
I have the best
attorney in the state of Mass...

Eli Goldsteinawitz
[Jun 4,2004 11:22am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, he heard about him on the springer show.
[Jun 4,2004 11:24am - handinjury ""]
well, nightmarecontinues has a show there on sunday the 6th, you could go and make peace with mr jarrod.:gun::nuke::bartmoon: Or instead go to the terratism show insted.:doublehorns:
[Jun 4,2004 11:28am - dreadkill ""]
i'd only be scared if he had dane m. schulman on the case. that guy is not to be fucked with.
[Jun 4,2004 11:30am - baneofexistence ""]
after what he pulled with me i'll never go there again and i will do what ever i can to close him down
[Jun 4,2004 11:31am - MyDeadDoll ""]
umm... he can only sure for slander if he can prove he's lost shows because of any remarks made... i watch too much court TV... oh, and i think he would have to prove that the loss of business was directly linked to a comment you personally made. slander is a hard case to prove unless you're a politician.
[Jun 4,2004 11:35am - baneofexistence ""]
it's all cause of this
[Jun 4,2004 11:37am - Otto/Wormdr1v3 ""]
It's not hard for Eli Goldsteinawitz! :whipper:
[Jun 4,2004 11:38am - baneofexistence ""]
isn't slander when you are saying somthing that isn't true

[Jun 4,2004 11:38am - RustedAngel ""]
damn, jarrods has been decent for the shows i have been too there. I've never played there before and that could be a completely different story. Though it being underground is definetly an issue with people finding the place. They should have a sign outside next to the road.
[Jun 4,2004 11:57am - baneofexistence ""]
why bands still play there is beyond me
[Jun 4,2004 12:03pm - Thee Mighty One  ""]
Damn Nigga you pissed off the man! Good thing we get to open for who ever we want and pick the timeslots.
[Jun 4,2004 12:09pm - baneofexistence ""]
just cause he pee's standing up dosen't make him a man

see this
[Jun 4,2004 1:38pm - moran ""]
If it had a better staff, the place wouldn't be bad. Jarrod is cock, the sound guy sucks, and security is a bunch assholes.
[Jun 4,2004 2:00pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
baneofexistence said:From: jarrod@jarrodsplace.com

he will make it very hard for you to do business any where.

business? since when are we making money? I want some.
[Jun 4,2004 3:03pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
baneofexistence said:isn't slander when you are saying somthing that isn't true

yes, but there's more to it. if slander would be just lying, we're all in trouble. but, slander happens when the "lies" cause some kind of damage or loss. in this case, homeboy would have had to lose serious money or attendance at his establishment to say it was slander. furthermore, he'd have to PROVE your slanderous ways were the cause of the loss. so, it's complicated. 'cos i'm sure more than one person has talked shit and proof could be found about that.
[Jun 4,2004 3:04pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
PS - that will be $1000 for my legal advice. hahahha
[Jun 4,2004 3:06pm - baneofexistence ""]
can we work it out in trade :P
[Jun 4,2004 3:09pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Jarrod's lawyers sent me a fax today, threatening me not to do business with bane of existence anymore, or I won't be able to work with jarrod's place in the future.

haha just kidding, how could Jarrod think his stupid lawyer could stop BOE from getting shows?
Mike Hsu> Jarrod
[Jun 4,2004 3:10pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
baneofexistence said:can we work it out in trade :P

depends on what you wanna trade... but i'm feeling more sexual innuendos coming on... ha!
[Jun 4,2004 3:13pm - baneofexistence ""]
what you have in mine

[Jun 4,2004 3:14pm - baneofexistence ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:Jarrod's lawyers sent me a fax today, threatening me not to do business with bane of existence anymore, or I won't be able to work with jarrod's place in the future.

haha just kidding, how could Jarrod think his stupid lawyer could stop BOE from getting shows?
Mike Hsu> Jarrod

i told him to meet me at the swingset at 3pm sharp but he didn't show up :(
[Jun 4,2004 3:14pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
sexual innuendos? heheheheh!

ya know, when i saw the name of this thread, i thought we were gonna be talking about subway, so i could go for a sammich right now.
[Jun 4,2004 3:16pm - baneofexistence ""]
which end O' would you like it in

howz about a cream filled hot dog
[Jun 4,2004 3:18pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
how about a twinkie instead. i likes me my twinkies.
[Jun 4,2004 3:22pm - baneofexistence ""]
you have no idea what i am picturing right now :P
[Jun 4,2004 3:49pm - Dissector ""]
This is funny.
[Jun 4,2004 4:23pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i don't think i wanna know what you are picturing.... you sick sick old man. hehehehhe
[Jun 4,2004 4:56pm - Robdeadskin ""]
handinjury said:well, nightmarecontinues has a show there on sunday the 6th, you could go and make peace with mr jarrod.:gun::nuke::bartmoon: Or instead go to the terratism show insted.:doublehorns:

We can't play there either(teratism) we are banned from the mighty rock venue. Now I dont want to talk shit and get banned...or my career is over hahaha!! fuck him! he is makin to many enemys these days...no band will want to play his fuckin club...the moron will end up goin out of buissness...but he can still sell his coke.
[Jun 4,2004 5:08pm - intricateprocess ""]
jarrods sucks so much asshole its not even funny. fuck that guy, i hope that place burns up
[Jun 4,2004 5:51pm - dread_104 ""]
how's about a nice little anonymous call to the authorities about this attleboro club that deals coke out of the place? think his lawyer can handle that?
[Jun 4,2004 5:53pm - dread_104 ""]
there's another club around the corner, i can't remember the name. my boss always gigged there instead of jarrod's( he hates him too). how about playing there. We could hold a Fuck Gayrod's fest
[Jun 4,2004 6:00pm - dread_104 ""]
one more thing... this slander business can be solved very easily. Jarrod's place the business doesn't suck. it's a pretty cool club. Jarrod on the other hand, he sucks.
[Jun 4,2004 6:00pm - baneofexistence ""]
Robdeadskin said:handinjury said:well, nightmarecontinues has a show there on sunday the 6th, you could go and make peace with mr jarrod.:gun::nuke::bartmoon: Or instead go to the terratism show insted.:doublehorns:

We can't play there either(teratism) we are banned from the mighty rock venue. Now I dont want to talk shit and get banned...or my career is over hahaha!! fuck him! he is makin to many enemys these days...no band will want to play his fuckin club...the moron will end up goin out of buissness...but he can still sell his coke.

how'd you guys get banned i thought you guys did well there when i saw you last year

he's a real tool i'll say that i told him i'd stop the bull shit if he apoligise on his message board for fucking us over on that meliah rage show

hey bands if you gotta play there please sport a nice b.o.e. shirt while you play there haha
[Jun 4,2004 6:01pm - dread_104 ""]
when can i get one?
[Jun 4,2004 6:03pm - baneofexistence ""]
MyDeadDoll said:i don't think i wanna know what you are picturing.... you sick sick old man. hehehehhe

[Jun 4,2004 6:36pm - hoser ""]
Nice try Jarrod.....*cough* asshole yidsky. I wonder what grounds he thinks that he has to sue. I work for a lawyer and he laughed his ass off at this. He has no grounds. Relax.
[Jun 4,2004 8:27pm - ArrowHead ""]
Jack Atwood would be the best lawyer in MA, and he tries criminal cases. Jarrod couldn't afford him. Secondly, Nothing Bane has ever said constitutes slander. However, all these comments about him dealing Coke ARE slander, so be careful. If he's running google searches on his name and finds this, it wouldn't be too hard to make sure his place is clean and throw a lawsuit on the table.
[Jun 4,2004 8:35pm - jesus ""]
he deals coke
[Jun 4,2004 8:37pm - jesus ""]
sue me
[Jun 4,2004 8:51pm - Abbath ""]
"She can sue me.....SUE ME! SUE ME!"
[Jun 5,2004 11:33am - baneofexistence ""]
this just in

From: jarrod@jarrodsplace.com Add to Address Book
To: "J of BANE OF EXISTENCE" <dismalbio@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: new BANE OF EXISTENCE shows
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 03:10:43 -0400

not really.This shit goes on way before the Meliah Rage show. How about
day event that you and the bands you booked broke up my dressing room.
haven't said shit about you guys to anyone but, I have so many people
telling me to ban you from my site for your remarks and bands telling
that you guys hit me hard all the time on WAAF's page, which I don't
care to
see. You guys have got nothing but, respect at this club. You guys got
pissy about a time slot change. I offered you a choice and you never
defended it. If you had anything good to say about the venue you would
said it and you didn't so, as far as I and many are concerned your band
nothing but (trash). As far as All That Remains is concerned if they
anything bad to say then they should have said it to me. If they are
maybe they should have dealt with thier agent on it. I don't make up
tours. I just pay for them.


[Jun 5,2004 11:47am - Robdeadskin ""]
baneofexistence said:Robdeadskin said:handinjury said:well, nightmarecontinues has a show there on sunday the 6th, you could go and make peace with mr jarrod.:gun::nuke::bartmoon: Or instead go to the terratism show insted.:doublehorns:

We can't play there either(teratism) we are banned from the mighty rock venue. Now I dont want to talk shit and get banned...or my career is over hahaha!! fuck him! he is makin to many enemys these days...no band will want to play his fuckin club...the moron will end up goin out of buissness...but he can still sell his coke.

how'd you guys get banned i thought you guys did well there when i saw you last year

he's a real tool i'll say that i told him i'd stop the bull shit if he apoligise on his message board for fucking us over on that meliah rage show

hey bands if you gotta play there please sport a nice b.o.e. shirt while you play there haha

we got banned because we didnt sell or give back the tickets we didnt sell. When I went to get them he said he didnt have any...then when i went to give them back the bartender told me we didnt have to because it was a free show! Joel the sound guy said that we are a cool band and would talk to him for us...but not if he sees all the shit we posted..hahaha
[Jun 5,2004 12:14pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
baneofexistence said:you and the bands you booked broke up my dressing room.

haha that 5x5 foot room with the broken walls and graffiti? I've only been in that room once and even then don decker was busy trashing it.
[Jun 5,2004 2:12pm - baneofexistence ""]
yea but we're getting blamed for it now
[Jun 5,2004 2:34pm - dread_104 ""]
shut up (trash)!
[Jun 5,2004 3:27pm - baneofexistence ""]
[Jun 5,2004 3:50pm - intricateprocess ""]
ya, jarrods is so great. i think it was either last summer,or the summer before, my old band was supposed to play there with Virulence,A Cold reality and another few bands. we get to the place, and they are like "oh, theres no show". the guitarist of my old band(justin from acr) set up the show, and they didnt tell him anything till we got there. so we had to try to call all the bands before they started coming down to the shithole to stop cause its cancelled. none the less, we couldnt get in touch with most of em, and then virulence broke up a short time later and i never got to see them once last time. lame
[Jun 5,2004 6:20pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:baneofexistence said:you and the bands you booked broke up my dressing room.

haha that 5x5 foot room with the broken walls and graffiti? I've only been in that room once and even then don decker was busy trashing it.

I was at that show, you guys didn't book it. It was the benefit for retarded cannibal children or something wasn't it?
Probably a bunch of retards saw something shiny and rampaged through that room.
[Jun 5,2004 6:40pm - baneofexistence ""]
basicly this who grudge he's had with my band was cause of somthing somone else did and he is blamming us

does this regester to any of you how fucking retarded this guy is and why you should not do any business with him or his club

seriously it could happen to you too
[Jun 5,2004 7:22pm - baneofexistence ""]
baneofexistence said:
You guys got all pissy about a time slot change. I offered you a choice and you never defended it.

does this look like a choice to you

was he asking me if it was ok or was he telling me

reply from jarrod to me

Tue, 30 Dec 2003 12:00:47 -0500

"You guys are scheduled and are listed on the site. The new date is Jan 31st. I have moved you to the opening slot at 9:00pm only because bandX sold 90 tickets and I thought that it was necessary to move them up a slot to make sure that all their ticket holders would make it to see them. "JArrod

[Jun 5,2004 9:23pm - eddie ""]
fuck him, it's not the only venue in MASS
[Jun 5,2004 9:28pm - Dissector ""]
He fucked us over too.
[Jun 6,2004 12:07am - baneofexistence ""]
Dissector said:He fucked us over too.

hows that? the dri show thing
[Jun 6,2004 12:27am - Dissector ""]
Yeah. He said he'd save us that spot then he'd make up his mind if we would play it or not after our show there. Then he books the whole DRI show and cancels our other show we had there.
[Jun 6,2004 12:43am - dread_104 ""]
Jarrod Ilkowitz is a homosexual
[Jun 6,2004 12:45am - Terence ""]
Jarrod, and his establishment are both gay.
Coke anyone?
[Jun 6,2004 1:28am - MyDeadDoll ""]
make it a diet vanilla coke! yum! hahahaha
[Jun 6,2004 1:50am - dread_104 ""]
the bubbles hurt my nose...
[Jun 6,2004 1:51am - MyDeadDoll ""]
the bubbles make me burp. i like them.
[Jun 6,2004 1:55pm - Robdeadskin ""]
The only bubbles I care about are the ones gurrgling out of his slit throat!
[Jun 6,2004 2:36pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
yeah, but do they taste like vanilla coke?
[Jun 22,2004 3:28pm - anonymous  ""]
jarrods place is booking a r and b dance party.

[Jun 22,2004 3:32pm - succubus ""]
MyDeadDoll said:make it a diet vanilla coke! yum! hahahaha

hahaha i had one today

funny we both like this

i rarely drink soda..but today i wanted one!
[Jun 22,2004 3:39pm - deathcow ""]
Wow. Jarrod is stupid even by club owner standards. Which is akin to being the burn victim with the worst skin.
[Jun 22,2004 4:34pm - bludgawd ""]
bahaha this is all about the Cure Autism Benefit we did there right? Why is he bitching at you about it Jim? Someone else was the one that booked and set it up, you guys were just playing it. And Decker did do a number to that room, I saw it and it was pretty shitty!
[Jun 22,2004 4:58pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
bludgawd said:bahaha this is all about the Cure Autism Benefit we did there right? Why is he bitching at you about it Jim? Someone else was the one that booked and set it up, you guys were just playing it. And Decker did do a number to that room, I saw it and it was pretty shitty!

he think i/boe booked it and cause of the room that don trashed he banned us he's even threated to sue me for saying his club is gay on message boards calling it "slander"

i had no idea don trashed that room a few days after that show jarrod started sending me e mails saying we trashed it and shit and that i /boe was responsable for the damages cause we set it up

i dunno his club suck he sucks the end
[Jun 22,2004 5:11pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
on one of these he accused me of doing it he also implies that i am posting as one of the members of ATR little does he know it was a member of ATR really posting
bottom line jarrod is a tool and his club should be avoided like an AIDS RIDDEN CRACK WHORE



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